Home Forums Campfire Forum Getting Ready for Deer Season

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    • SteveMcD
        Post count: 870

        Well… this was my first attempt at making my own arrows. I had so much fun doing so. I’ve been scratching my head what took me soon long. These are Surewood Doug Fir Shafts, spined at approx. 60#, 29 in. BOP, walnut stained and ploy coated, AMG 4 In. Camo White Feathers & 4 Fletch., Arizona Ruby Red Nocks and new Wensel Woodsman Elite Broadheads.

        attached file
      • SteveMcD
          Post count: 870

          WW ELITE BH’s

          attached file
        • MontanaFord
            Post count: 450


            Those arrows look snazzy…and the broadheads look pretty slick, too…good luck drawing blood with them this fall.


          • Steve Sr.
              Post count: 344

              Good Job! Just be careful. Making arrows is ADDICTING. 😆

              The man that said “you can never have too many arrows” must have been related to me down the line somewhere.

              Keep em sharp!! Season is about HERE!! Hoping, no wait, COUNTING on seeing some great kill photos and some super info on those trying out Dr. Ashby’s suggestions and any others as well.

              I have to shoot an entire HERD of deer to test everything I would like to. 😆


            • Danny Klee
                Post count: 90

                Yeah I can’t wait either. God willing, this will be my first traditional harvest ever. I have been practicing for the past 4 years getting ready for this year, and for the past year and a half I have been shooting almost every day constantly honing my skills from all sorts of angles. I am pumped!!! Hopefully you will my first harvest picture on this forum too. Wish my success!


              • SteveMcD
                  Post count: 870

                  Michael, Steve Sr., Dan.. Thanks! I wish you all a Safe & Successful Season,, as well!

                  Good Hunting!

                • SlowBowInMO
                    Post count: 13

                    Well done, we have similar tastes you could have easily made those for me. Love the Surewoods, the camo feathers and I’m pretty high on those new Elites too.

                  • Brad
                      Post count: 35

                      Great looking arrows, Steve!

                    • David Petersen
                        Post count: 2749

                        I really like the “camo white” feathers! Haven’t seen them at my local trad shop, and wish I’d used them on my arrows this year … seems a perfect combo of visibility that isn’t overly visible. Yeah, it’s addicting. Makes you want to go break and lose arrows so you can make more! dave

                      • SteveMcD
                          Post count: 870

                          Dave, if you go over to TradGang Classified Sponsors – Joe Skipp has them for sale. $30 per 100.

                        • northernarcher
                            Post count: 5

                            I really like the look of those new Woodsman ELITE broadheads. Be sure to let us know how they perform. I’m thinking of getting a few for next year.

                          • SteveMcD
                              Post count: 870

                              Well.. maybe beginners luck. But, I took some of the new arrows out to the range last night, here’s a group of 3 arrows at 20 yards. I was worried about spine and paradox, and hoping I got it right….

                            • PagosaBow
                                Post count: 61

                                Looks like you did it right! Good job!

                              • Wary Buck
                                  Post count: 15

                                  Instead of worrying about spine and paradox, it looks like you’d better worry more about destroying your own arrows with your accuracy! Good shooting. Time for you to shoot at different spots to save those arrows for the deer! And add my congrats on some nice looking arrows.

                                  I’ve got a Block or Black Hole target and live on a lake so I can shoot in my yard. Most of the time I’ll shoot across the lane that circles the lake since I’m on the exact outside of the lake and have very little traffic at all. When I’m pounding them into the center, no one ever drives by. 🙁 But it never fails though, when I shoot at the different little stars placed randomly on that target, and my arrows are all over the place, that some guy will come cruising around and I know he’s thinking I can barely hit anything. 🙄 😀

                                • PagosaBow
                                    Post count: 61

                                    Wary Buck wrote: When I’m pounding them into the center, no one ever drives by. 🙁 But it never fails though, when I shoot at the different little stars placed randomly on that target, and my arrows are all over the place, that some guy will come cruising around and I know he’s thinking I can barely hit anything. 🙄 😀

                                    I have had the same thing happen to me. I shoot in my backyard. Being that I live in a fairly busy intersection I get the occasional look from passers by. Recently I was shooting and I was hitting dead on. A guy stopped and watched for a few mins. I had noticed him watching before when I was tuning my new Gold Tips trying to get the best ones out of the dozen I had just bought. As I went to collect my arrows from my Delta Buck he called out how much I had improved. I felt a little redemption for how bad it looked before.

                                  • Daniel
                                      Post count: 247

                                      Great looking arrows and as for the broadheads, you seem to have a pretty nice combination !! Awesome shooting 🙂

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