Home Forums Bows and Equipment fur fletch

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    • mhay
        Post count: 264

        I have an old ”ARCHERS DIGEST” from the early ’80’s that has pictures in it showing arrows fletched with strips of fur which are wrapped around the shaft, not in line as feathers .

        Is this something that is still available ? Does anyone have experience with the fur ?

        It seems to me that with a good percentage of FOC the fur would be ample drag on the rear of the arrow , similar to the short feathers many are using and yet be more quiet than feathers .

        What do you know or think ?

      • mhay
          Post count: 264

          After making the above post I went to the 3 rivers catalog . OOOOPS! I don’t recall seeing the fur strips in the catalog .

          At any rate , I still think it may work , if the fur is from something other than a rabbit . A critter with a little longer hair and a mite stiffer too.


        • Doc Nock
            Post count: 1150

            And if they don’t work out, you can remove them from your arrows and tie them on a hook for a dynamite fly fishing Zonker!:roll:

          • Leo Carrisalez
              Post count: 78

              After reading this thread I cant help but open up my fly tying drawers and pull out some cross-cut rabbit strips. I’m gonna fletch an arrow or two with the fur. I might need help posting pics but Ill get it done. Im excited to seehear the outcome. Thanks for the Idea. These crosscut strips are already cut just right to fit a fletching clamp.

              Ill get back to you guys

            • mhay
                Post count: 264

                Great ! I am as anxious to find out as you .

                Doc will fry up some fish and we can picnic in different places together .

                Thanks , ST

              • Doc Nock
                  Post count: 1150

                  mhay wrote: Great !

                  Doc will fry up some fish and we can picnic in different places together .

                  Thanks , ST

                  “picnic in different places together???

                  Is that like “brothers of a different mother?”

                  I grill my fish over charcoal with wine, garlic and butter! Not fried? That work? :roll::D

                • mhay
                    Post count: 264

                    I grill my fish over charcoal with wine, garlic and butter! Not fried? That work?

                    sounds even better,,,,that’ll work,,,,I’ll get that girl in the kitchen to make some of her ‘TO KILL FOR’ coleslaw an’ I’ll go dig some new ‘taters an’FRY ’em up crisp n brown.

                  • Doc Nock
                      Post count: 1150

                      I’m not much up on all this technology at my age, but I can truthfully say this has to be the very first “e-meal” I’ve ever participated in! Done considerable email,never an e-meal! :lol::D:roll:

                    • mhay
                        Post count: 264

                        Technlogical Advancement For Old Men 101

                      • Doc Nock
                          Post count: 1150

                          mhay wrote: Technological Advancement For Old Men 101

                          YEah, maybe, but all the devil you did SO FAR with your ‘e-meal’ is to make me so hungry, I can barely wait for LUNCH!

                        • mhay
                            Post count: 264

                            On the topic of fur fletch , I was thinking about the squirrels tail . After it is skinned out and tail bone pulled it leaves a nice tube of hide with the hair on it . There’s more hair on the top side than the bottom so with two squirrel tails we simply , and carefully cut away the top side , in the length we want and attach the two sections to the shaft . May take three sections ,,,,I ain’t sure .

                            There is no fat on the tail skin and it should dry quickly allowing gluing or epoxy to a shaft .

                            Of course this is all speculation on my part .

                            Now if I can only dispatch some squirrels 😉

                            It’s after 12 pm Dock ,,,ya better go eat .

                          • Doc Nock
                              Post count: 1150

                              My arrows fly “squirrely” enough without fletching w/ squirrel tail…hey, Rooster Tails can’t be all wrong. Might work!

                              As for lunch… cooked off chicken halves and they’re on the grill. Making chicken noodle soup from the stock broth!

                              I’m gone!

                            • Leo Carrisalez
                                Post count: 78

                                well its done, they fly ok and no noise. I don’t think they would be wise to use if they get wet. Im still trying to learn how to resize these pics.

                              • Doc Nock
                                  Post count: 1150


                                  I use MS office Picture Manager and it’s not hard to resize by clicking on the Edit icon… resize is an option along with Crop…just remember to save 🙂 Don’t ask!

                                • mhay
                                    Post count: 264

                                    That’s good news SouthTexas. Did it effect your FOC one way or the other ?

                                  • Leo Carrisalez
                                      Post count: 78

                                      i really didnt pay attention to the FOC on my arrow. I got the idea from this arrow. It Flies like a flu flu minus the noise. It does look cool. Im gonna try again this evening to post. ill be better off emailing the pics. nothing fancy but fun to play around with different materials.

                                    • mhay
                                        Post count: 264

                                        Do you mean they slow down rapidly like flu flu ?

                                        Did you spiral wrap when attaching , or some other method ?

                                        I am anxious to get some fur and do this myself . First thing I’ll do is weigh on my powder scale to compare weight of a strip for spiral and also 3 strips to attach in the ‘3 FLETCH’ fashion , and check weight against the 5.5 inch shield cuts I presently have mounted .

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