Home Forums Campfire Forum For those going to Africa

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    • Cottonwood
        Post count: 311

        I just got this off of Facebook, so if your going to Africa check this out.

        Warning! Bowhunters flying to Africa through the Netherlands need to change their travel plans immediately! Netherlands police at Schiphol Airport are actively searching bow cases for broadheads and threatening hunters with fines and jail time for entering the country with “contraband.” Dutch authorities are taking a hard-nosed approach to this, and are prepared to begin fining or even jailing hunters.

      • kellydockter
          Post count: 67

          were going to be walking sort of funny with our boots full of broad heads. 😀

        • Don Thomas
            Post count: 334

            I’m curious about the source of this information. Customs rarely checks bags in transit. Is this confirmed fact or rumor? Don

          • Ireland
              Post count: 108

              donthomas wrote: I’m curious about the source of this information. Customs rarely checks bags in transit. Is this confirmed fact or rumor? Don

              Not my post, but I will assist. I read about the above on the Alaskan Bowhunting web site. Contact ABS and possibly they will discuss details.


            • Don Thomas
                Post count: 334

                Here’s my point: In the Internet era, the distinction between fact and rumor has nearly disappeared. Just in the hunting field, we’ve all seen plenty of examples of this… the “New World Record” brown bear that was just another bear, the “New World Record Elk” that came from a game farm, etc etc… and we haven’t even got to politics yet. When an unusual “fact” appears on the Internet, the first response should be to check it out before passing it along. Don

              • Cottonwood
                  Post count: 311


                  Check it out for yourself then.

                • LimbLover
                    Post count: 299

                    The following is from the posting by Alaska Bowhunting:

                    Already three bowhunters that we know of have experienced this while transiting through the country.

                    Odd that they would post hearsay, but if I was planning a trip to Africa and heard that Hunters were having trouble with their gear, I would appreciate this information and look into it. That seems to be the intention of the posting.

                    Not to imply that you are slapping Cotton on the wrist Don, but he was simply spreading the message to check it out.

                    While the Net is plagued by misinformation, it is also the quickest and best way to spread the word so that others can investigate – and it is their responsibility to do so.

                  • Cottonwood
                      Post count: 311

                      Limblover thanks, and here is another link from:


                    • Ireland
                        Post count: 108

                        Cottonwood wrote: Limblover thanks, and here is another link from:


                        Thanks Cottonwood for your assistance in helping other hunters. I appreciate your time and efforts.


                      • Don Thomas
                          Post count: 334

                          With all due respect, the discussion has pretty much proven my point. The post was presented as fact, more or less because it appeared on the Internet. As it happens I know the folks at ABS and trust their judgement, but that just proves the point all over again. Nothing I see on the Internet is true unless I know who put it there or can backtrack it to a known source. That’s why I would begin a statement like the original post with “According to the ABS Website… ” I’ve just seen enough stupidity and outright falsehood masquerade as the truth in cyberspace. Smart people get fooled. Don

                        • LimbLover
                            Post count: 299

                            donthomas wrote: With all due respect, the discussion has pretty much proven my point. The post was presented as fact, more or less because it appeared on the Internet. As it happens I know the folks at ABS and trust their judgement, but that just proves the point all over again. Nothing I see on the Internet is true unless I know who put it there or can backtrack it to a known source. That’s why I would begin a statement like the original post with “According to the ABS Website… ” I’ve just seen enough stupidity and outright falsehood masquerade as the truth in cyberspace. Smart people get fooled. Don

                            Well put. The “According to…” is extremely important, especially if spread by a reputable source. Cotton’s statement:

                            I just got this off of Facebook, so if your going to Africa check this out.

                            Was an immediate red flag for me. 😀

                            I wasn’t sure if the post was edited after the fact though. I totally agree with you if that is the case. The OP would very much seem like a factual statement without that lead in.

                            We all need to be careful.

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