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    • Carbomask
        Post count: 39

        Thanks to Robin, and Tradbow.Com for giving me the opportunity to participate and sponsor your website and magaizine!

        With 20 years of personal care and skin care product development, and also a bowhunter, I have a message for facepaintes now for 13 years..


        Tons of bowhunter facepainters will testify- Carbomask is no chincy costume makeup. Real Technology, performance qualified, field tested, Bowhunter Approved.

        Flat, odorless, will not stain your skin, comfortable to wear, will not clog pores, stays on, yet comes off!!

        Its not permanent, and it willnot change the color of your sweat, you PERSPIRE RIGHT THROUGH it, with out changing the color of your sweat.

        Sound too good to be true? check out my video that GREATREEARCHER (Chris Shelty) made for me!!


        100% conversion over to carbomask among facepainter bowhunters. *

        *non facepainter testimony does not count!


      • Patrick
          Post count: 1148

          Well, I’m not a “facepainter”, so I had to peak since I wasn’t suppose to :-).
          It really does look like good stuff. One problem i have with my ABS facemask is when I cover my nose, it fogs my glasses. I also have a Spandoflauge facemask that doesn’t do that, BUT the texture is annoying. Sooo…I’m going to give your stuff a try.

        • Carbomask
            Post count: 39

            one thing is for sure, we facepainters LOOOVe painting our face, but… the choices in costume makeup drives everyone to fabric… and that doesnt have to be. I dont mind if you peeked. You might like it simply on your hands instead of gloves, its an unbelievable experience. We Nailed It!! (Hi-Five-Me!)

          • Carbomask
              Post count: 39

              Check this out!!

              tradbow forums are very neeto matey.

              Any carbomask users in the room?

            • willhunthrd
                Post count: 6

                This is the only facepaint I use. I was really glad to discover it a few years ago. I hate the old greasy stuff that you find in most retail stores. You need soap and hot water to clean it off. With carbomask I usually dip my hanky in the nearest creek on the way out of the woods to wash my face. It’s that simple.

              • Dan Jackowiak
                  Post count: 106

                  I used to hate facepaint so I went to a head net or nothing at all, mostly nothing. This yr I found and used carbomask…. I’m sold. Goes on easy and once dry it stays on. The best part is, it comes right off with water not like the other stuff where you have to scrub either, it just wipes right off. Great stuff!

                • Voodoo
                    Post count: 50

                    I’ve tried facepaint quite a few times, used many different kinds, and although they worked ok, it was very hard to get off, Went to the big city(Ft.Wayne,in.) yesterday with my brother and tried to find carbomask but was unsuccessful, I can’t wait to give it a try…Steve

                  • Patrick
                      Post count: 1148

                      If water removes it, what about sweat or rain?

                    • Momo
                        Post count: 1

                        Voodoo wrote: I’ve tried facepaint quite a few times, used many different kinds, and although they worked ok, it was very hard to get off…

                        Diaper wipes, diaper wipes is the answer. Takes facepaint right off (not to mention it leaves your face as smooth as a baby’s bottom).

                      • Chris Shelton
                          Post count: 679

                          Patrick wrote: If water removes it, what about sweat or rain?

                          I personally tested it in some downporish conditions and it didnt come off untill I wanted it to. And sweat doesnt have any effect either, I was hiking up some steep mountains chasing deer and grouse, and I was sweating like a pig. Good to go, if you havent tried it you should, good stuff!

                        • Carbomask
                            Post count: 39

                            You guys are awesome! The product is not permament, and will succomb in the shower or pool. We tried to get it into the military, but, odorless and practical werent on their requirements list. Carbomask will not run or change the color of your sweat. (you sweat right through it).

                            This was a result of trying to literally engineer mud, and finding that coloration was possible kinda got me to thinking… 🙂 the neat part is how it stays on and comes off and is odorless and cleans your pores, I had to go to market.

                            Anyway, the news is about the new green and brown. I revamped the black for this fall, now the green and brown! coverage is smoother, richer and faster. still dries flat lickety split. let me know about your archery club and I can sponser your annual banquet! Just look me up!

                          • butts
                              Post count: 11

                              Never have seen the product on the shelves of hunting equipment stores, that I recall. I use the mirrored case of camo cream that was shown in the video. My anchor “points” are just one of the reasons I dislike masks. I would still need to carry the previous case unless I get a great “survival” signal mirror for application purposes. Do you purchase the product via the internet?8)

                            • waptichasr
                                Post count: 1

                                Looks like good stuff. I’m almost out of my old Bear camo cream.

                              • RRZESCH
                                  Post count: 29

                                  I tried some this week. This is amazing stuff. No more cork for me, this stuff is great! Give it a try.

                                • Carbomask
                                    Post count: 39

                                    Bear Creek Archery 3340 South Knox Court
                                    Englewood, CO 80110
                                    (303) 781-8733

                                    One of my longest and largest customers (since the late 90’s). They sell to high country archers, year in/year out, because these archers have come to realize you cant go day after day with grease paint; too much build up. Carbomask will detox, purify and invigorate the skin when removed- even with multiple uses. the basis for our “great for backcountry” claim..

                                    thanks for your reviews guys. Its my pleasure. Getting ready for the shows, so, have a great new years. please tell a friend where to find us. Thanks Tradbow too.

                                  • Daniel
                                      Post count: 247

                                      I’ve spoken to a few fellow hunters about your product, and I’m sure we will give it a try before the next fall season.


                                    • Bert
                                        Post count: 164

                                        Carbomask- Looks like a good product for us white people to not stand out in the woods like a – white person! And since it’s better than Oil-of-Olay to cleanse our pores, it fits right in with my weekly pedicures and daily orange-stick nail maintenance- any chance to put some DEET in it to keep the buggers from ruining my make-up?
                                        Check out the first forum- do you think you could infuse the anti-electromagnetic snakeoil so we could confuse our prey as to our electric signature?
                                        Looks like a perfect product for our vaunted Special Forces to use in the Sandbox and the Rockpile(Iraq and Afghanistan), unfortunately they have to go through the Procurement Procedure who are REMFS- Good luck in your endeavors- I’ll buy it!-Bert

                                      • Carbomask
                                          Post count: 39

                                          Halfa, yes, secretly, it doubles as a mud mask.. (keep from wives and girlfreinds, soon they will discover the invigorating, pore cleansing attributes.. then they will use all of your product.. then they’ll want to come hunting with you…)) Take appropriate measures. My wife doesnt count, she dont hunt, and I have unlimited facepaint..

                                          anti electromagnetic? reminds me of a request from a procurment guy for the army of maylaysia. He wanted me to validate that the facepaint was Infra-red invisible..(night vision?).. So we generated some interesting chromatograms using an FTIR analytical machine, and found it to be highly reflective in those wavelengths. Perhaps they thought it would play a role in the thermal detection of soldiers!! anyway, so, you may jest.. but, you’d be amazed…

                                          Final Disclaimers: Carbomask is not pretty. Carbomask will not cure uglyness, make you lose weight, or attract the opposite sex. NOT INTENDED FOR THEATRICAL USE, SWIMMING OR POSERS. Carbomask is the most ugly face preparation you can buy. Please dont hold that against us.

                                          If we put an insecticide in the product, we would have the EPA to deal with.. Notworth it for this seasonal niche market, and a struggling entrepreneur. ( But I have formulated for OFF! ScJohnson!!, I’ve actually a good stint of experience in this arena).

                                        • Carbomask
                                            Post count: 39

                                            CORRECTION: My wife informs me to be more accurate in saying “I don’t “take” her hunting cuz she has to watch the young’uns”. Please make a note of it. Cuz she does shoot a pretty mean bow.. for a girl.

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