Home Forums Campfire Forum Ever find yourself not watching the bowhunting shows?

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    • Cottonwood
        Post count: 311

        Man I used to love watching the bowhunting shows on TV, but have found myself not liking them any longer. All we see is modern bowhunts and xbows being used. I think there is only one guy using traditional and that is Fred Echler, but he even resorts to using a modern compound every now and then. Most times, I’m finding something else to watch now.

        I got a slew of bowhunting DVD’s that I’m getting rid of, and replacing them with traditional bowhunting DVD’s.

      • David Petersen
          Post count: 2749

          The growing herd of “Outhouse Channel” hunting and fishing programs show outdoor sport at its worst to the nonhunting public. They feed and fire-up the antis, and lead young hunters down the wrong path. We should publicly disavow them at every opportunity. I for one, for years now, have boycotted all advertisers of these abominations. It’s not just the weapons they use but the way they go about hunting, where they hunt, and their macho attitudes toward the game. Good for you, Cottonwood. dave

        • MontanaFord
            Post count: 450

            I have one old video of Larry D. Jones killing a nice 6 point with a recurve. I don’t know how old it is, but it’s VHS, and I want to try and get it put on a DVD so when the tape goes, I still have the footage. He was hunting with Dwight Shue and I think his son, and I think they all killed bulls that hunt. But that was a long time ago, before all the fancy-dancy bows of today. Real hunting, scouting and good times.


          • SteveMcD
              Post count: 870

              As always, Dave is spot on. Gone are the days of American Sportsman and Fred Bear. The Eastman’s Journal use to be pretty good, but over the past couple of years they too have bowed to sponsors and the almighty dollar.

              Bowhuinting shows give the rest of us a black eye. They insult our intelligence (or those that watch them). Every second of their shows is really about endorsing their sponsors products, which in most cases are all gimmicks anyway.

              Most of these Bowhunting Pro’s couldn’t find their way out of my yard without a map, gps and a string from one end to the other. It’s shame that what the public sees as highly visible ambassadors of bowhunting are nothing more than big headed, Forrest Gumps that require several more years of speech therapy. Laughing, Dancing and high fiving every time an animal is shot (and many times questionable shots at that). Does not put bowhunting or hunting in general in a very good light.

              These shows are the closest thing to pornography without a channel blocker that there is! 🙄

            • George D. Stout
                Post count: 256

                I concur with Dave and Steve….these shows are an abomination and I don’t mind telling folks either. 🙁

              • trapperDave
                  Post count: 62

                  Horn Porn

                  I dont watch it either.

                • purehunter
                    Post count: 63

                    Yup, couldn’t agree more with all of you. I got back into hunting several years ago and took up a wood bow last year. I watched them all…until last year when I finally realized most are hunting private land OR have people scouting for them all year round. (Or both)

                    I CAN’T STAND the fake reenactments of the shot. Drove me to the point that I change the channel and now I don’t even bother. I will never be an elitist and force people to do it my way….but I do enjoy pure hunting. I owe that to the wood bow and arrow.

                    I know one thing, I enjoy archery more than my friends who shoot compounds. I’m like a kid out roving around shooting at clumps of dirt, brush, pine cones, etc. and they won’t even bring their bows. But, bless their hearts, they can’t stand watching the hunting shows either.

                    Like Dave mentioned above, I voice my disagreement with my pocketbook.

                  • Cottonwood
                      Post count: 311

                      I just threw away 21 DVD’s as I did not want to pass along this crap they call bowhunting, when most if not all of the footage is what I call staged.

                      Aaaah now to get some real traditional bowhunting DVD’s.

                    • Clay Hayes
                        Post count: 418

                        In my opinion, the outdoor channel and the popular “hook and bullet” magazines are one in the same. You’ll never see an article in Field & Stream that questions the ethics of using one of their sponsers products(ATVs come to mind). TBM is a wonderful exception. TJ and the crew have high standards for advertisers. Long may it be that way.

                        The traditional DVDs are more equivocal to books. These guys can say whatever you damn well please and don’t have to watch your tongue for fear of offending a sponsor. Small time producers of trad type films are making some very good stuff these days.

                        My family has a TV but it’s only hooked up to a DVD player – no outside programs, so I haven’t watched any of the outdoor programming in about 7 or 8 years. Most of it was crap then – mostly infomercials trying to pitch some gadget. I can’t imagine it having improved.

                      • Hiram
                          Post count: 484

                          Waste of time!

                        • bates777
                            Post count: 34

                            What Hiram said.:idea:

                          • Bloodless
                              Post count: 103

                              Absolutely! Yet not just a “waste of time.” It’s like slapping ourself, our self-dignity, in the face to watch this slime! I say boycott the sponsors AND tell them why. But then, seems that most of the products advertised on these ugly stupid tv shows wouldn’t sell to anyone but the poor innocent dumbheads who LIKE this idea of “hunting.” We need more hunters? Not these kinds, pleeze! Way too many out there already, messing everything up for everyon,e including especially their own gullible selfs. 👿

                            • Dpowers311
                                Post count: 43

                                I have watched them as often as I could since I started hunting until a few years back. It did not matter what was hunted and what was used. Then a few years ago I lost interest. I didn’t hunt much for the next couple of years. I have started hunting more than ever again and even watch a few shows if I happen to see one on.


                              • Voodoo
                                  Post count: 50

                                  I don’t watch them here at home because we can’t get cable and our woods doesn’t lend itself to a sattelite, but I have seen some at friend’s houses, a lot of them I find pretty disgusting with the behavior exibited by these “hunters”…. but I do frequent pawn shops and flea markets and as most sell used dvd’s for 3-5 bucks,so I try and buy every used hunting DVD that I can, I’ll watch all of them, some I still have but most are used as target practice with my longbow,and sadly these are almost 99.9% compound hunts, not that I have anything against compounds, I don’t, but I do have something against trashy behavior and in my own way I feel that by destroying these dvd’s it kinda helps from spreading the trash around…

                                • Cottonwood
                                    Post count: 311

                                    I had thought about using them for targets, but didn’t want the broken pieces of DVD’s hiding in the grass 😆

                                    So, I scratched them and chucked them for the plastic recycling center as I did not want to infect anyone else with bad karma.

                                  • tailfeather
                                      Post count: 417

                                      Can’t add much more other than an emphatic “Amen”.

                                      Like Camuto said, I don’t recognize much of my own hunting in that crap.

                                    • Chris Shelton
                                        Post count: 679

                                        mabye we need to make a show???? I was scanning through my DVR looking for something to watch, it used to be filled with everything from Fred Eichler to Chris Brackett. Those two are not as bad. But NOW there is nothing but “other” stuff:shock:, what the heck happened to me DVR . . . well I kinda stopped recording everything. I would still record Freds show BUT I dont have the “outhouse channel” as dave put it. And it hasnt popped up on the sportsmans channel yet.

                                        I was kinda serious in a way when I said we should make a show. I think alot of people are tired of seeing guys kill massive bucks with the latest and greatest crap. I would kill to see a show about a blue collar guy working for a living using whatever equipment he had!!! No fancy scent crap, just mabye baking soda washed camo. Hunting some “real” land with some “real” prey!

                                      • Hiram
                                          Post count: 484

                                          I have tried to talk some of the “well knowns” in the trad world to produce a Tradbow hunting show. I watch Eichler some, but the others do not interest me. Equipment is not the only thing that bothers me. A good compound archer can do it right, but SOME of them now employ methods and meaning that takes hunting in a totally different mindset than mine. Mine is based on blending into the woods and animals, not crashing in and taking over! Mine is based on respect for the woods and the sacrifice the animal made for me to have it’s gift, not the size of it’s horns, and the achievement of camera glory. I enter the woods as if it were a Tabernacle, quietly with respect, not as if it were an Arcade full of games to outscore everyone one else’s achievements. We need a hunting show without bravado and equipment braggerts gloating over an animal that they have killed.There are guys in our world that could rub off on the kids in a respectful way, showing restraint and respect to the woods, the animal, and the Bowhunting prospects that are watching the “Hatchet jobs” and “slobs” that inhabit SOME, of these productions!

                                        • bruc
                                            Post count: 476

                                            Hiram you sure have a good way of putting words together!


                                          • Hiram
                                              Post count: 484

                                              BRUC wrote: Hiram you sure have a good way of putting words together!


                                              Thanks Bruc! Kindreds:)

                                            • Chris Shelton
                                                Post count: 679

                                                Whoa Hiram well said. I dont think the traditional archery greats will touch the TV industry with a stick. Think about Dave, Don and TJ . . . who knows maybe I am wrong and I dont want to put words in their mouths, but I dont think they would ever go for it.

                                                I think alot of other guys are afraid to go for it because they dont want to transform into one of the horn porn guys. IF we did have a show(besides fred), I dont think it would do all that well. I think the biggest demographic of viewers on the outdoor channel are there to watch some massive animals get harvested by the guy wearing the latest and greatest gear . . .

                                                Must be why alot of the good trad hunters of our day are producing DVD’s instead of shows???

                                              • William Warren
                                                  Post count: 1384

                                                  What Hiram said.

                                                  We can only hope that one day some of the xbow crowd will slow down enough to notice the emptiness in their ways and wish for something more from hunting. As all else in this universe they too will come full circle. After all many of us have laid down our wheel bows and returned to the stick and string because we knew it was better. Their problem is they don’t know it is better because they are caught in the web of commercialism and have never shot an arrow from a real bow. We don’t promote the way they do because we hate the promotion and can see what it does to them. Our way is a way of passing it down to those who want and deserve the knowledge we have. We are eager to share but not everyone wants it. Once lost, the way back to Tradition is often obscured. We don’t need to use their style of promotion but we should all help make the path to Tradition clearer to them. Like just showing up at the range and shooting well where compound users can see and being willing to talk about your rig to those interested. I beleive they will come to Traditional when they seek something more……when what they have no longer satisfies them.


                                                • Treetopflier
                                                    Post count: 146

                                                    Chris — are you aware of how much your ethics have matured in the time you’ve been on this site? Well I have been watching, and bravo. TTF

                                                  • Chris Shelton
                                                      Post count: 679

                                                      Treetopflier wrote: Chris — are you aware of how much your ethics have matured in the time you’ve been on this site? Well I have been watching, and bravo. TTF

                                                      I can’t say I was aware . . . but I’m glad. Thanks a ton for the compliment:D

                                                    • Cottonwood
                                                        Post count: 311

                                                        Well I finally found a modern day movie that I could settle down into… The Emerald Forest 1985 had a lot of longbow action during modern day times.

                                                        A father searches year after year for his lost son that was taken by one tribe. The boy is raised up in jungle life using a very traditional native longbow of the jungle.

                                                        Watched this one on Encore cable channel 529, for me this is one DVD that I want to own.

                                                      • Treetopflier
                                                          Post count: 146

                                                          Cottonwood — If you’re searching for watchable bowhunting dvd’s, you must check out Primal Dreams, which was co-produced and stars Mike Mitten, who posts here occassionally. Lots of respect for the game (in both senses of the word), good photography, many hunts all over N. America and no macho gore. Highly recommended.

                                                        • Cottonwood
                                                            Post count: 311

                                                            Yep, will be ordering that one for sure, as well as some others there on the side bar of the 3Rivers site.


                                                          • hoyt
                                                              Post count: 4

                                                              I wouldn’t even call these shows “hunting shows” more like deer farming. Some of the funniest ones I’ve seen is when they shoot a buck and then get all bent out of shape saying “I don’t know this deer!” We’ve never seen him before!

                                                              They have a portfolio on every deer on their properties and must have a trail cam on every other tree. They let them roam around unhunted for 3yrs and when the antlers get ripe “harvest” it. Then they talk about how smart and hard to kill the deer are they shoot. They are so hard to kill they got these little girls and their children killing trophy bucks on a regular base’s. Nothing against little girls and children..just don’t think they would have much luck on the public lands I hunt.

                                                            • Ben Maher
                                                                Post count: 9

                                                                I find these show are generally repulsive. They are so far removed from what i consider what an outdoor experience should be that they are the antithesis of what hunting is for me.
                                                                My barometer for shows such as these is ” would i like to show this film to a non hunter to in some way describe what it is that i am so passionate about ? “. the answer sadly is nearly always a resounding NO!
                                                                Perhaps they should take a leaf out of Mike Mitten and the Wensels book with their “Primal Dreams ” dvd . That being perhaps the best description of hunting on the screen i have seen . A no aplolgies tribute to wild places , the creatures that inhabit them and the folk who sweat , freeze and endure adversity … all for the spirit of the chase , the warmth of the campfire after a hard days stalk and perhaps if luck and skill have banded together , a harvested animal .

                                                                perhaps the makers of these shows will one day see, when hunting is gone and the wild places locked up and exploited that a little reverance would have gone a long way …

                                                              • Idabow
                                                                  Post count: 65

                                                                  I too used to watch these shows and although there was something about them that bugged me, I would almost always watch again in hopes that the way I wanted it to run would come to be, but it never did. I would hope that there would be fewer or no plugs for products, more real-time footage of the hunt instead of many days, or worse yet, weeks of filming. I also hoped that there was not the constant pressure to use this or that product or “you won’t be a real hunter” bulls*%it. Ultimately, each show became one big INFOMERCIAL of yahoos who probably wouldn’t last a minute in the real outdoors. I was done, and soon all the guys at my firehouse decided against getting that channel too. Maybe when I win the Lottery:) I’ll front a show that only demonstrates how we traditionalists do it and not allow commercial interruptions.

                                                                • Chris Shelton
                                                                    Post count: 679

                                                                    I see alot of you guys dont like commercials, they dont bother me that much. It is the way the products are “pushed” throughout some of these shows. Like it seems there are “staple” camera shots that every one of these shows has to have. And they are normally done untastefully. Like one show I saw the guy shot a buck with his bow, like every other show, but then the next frame was the bow laying on top of the buck, with the LOGO in the viewers face. IDK, maybe its just me, but it is that kinda stuff that erks me. It wasnt the bow that shot the buck, it was the guy!?!?!?!

                                                                  • Patrick
                                                                      Post count: 1148

                                                                      I’ll never forget this one show I saw in disgust. It was so ridiculous on so many levels:
                                                                      This guy is rattlesnake “hunting”. Has a “guide” who has a long stick and upends rocks when he hears them under it. He then uses the stick to pick up the snake, the idiot/shooter gets into position, then the “guide” sits the snake back down in an open area, maybe 10 yards from the shooter. The shooter than proceeds to shoot at the snake. When he finally gets one, he starts yelling, all pumped up, like he just won the superbowl.

                                                                      How unbelievably pathetic it was. I was actually almost somewhat embarrassed for them. They were so clueless as to how stupid they looked.

                                                                    • Cottonwood
                                                                        Post count: 311

                                                                        I’m going to talk with a buddy of mine that does Reality Bowhunting TV to see if he/we can dedicate an entire filming of nothing but “The Traditional Bowhunter” I will be seeing Brodie Swisher again the week of July 5th-9th at the MT Youth Bowhunting Camp again.


                                                                        He also shoots traditional, but is not dedicated to it like we are. But sometimes things can change for the better 😆

                                                                      • james gilmer
                                                                          Post count: 131

                                                                          Its all about money. I dont watch. Heck i dont even have TV

                                                                        • Treetopflier
                                                                            Post count: 146

                                                                            jgilmer — NOW we’re talking. No TV at all! I’m guessing you don’t have kids. 😛 Think about all we give up for the Toob: reading, relaxed conversation, backyard archery practice, all sorts of hands-on hobbies. Marx said religion is the opiate of the masses. If that’s so, then TV is the heroin! I have a TV to watch my choice of dvd’s on–mostly music concerts and documentaries–but don’t have TV reception and haven’t for years (no kids). But I travel in my work and from boredom, rather than go down to the hotel bars, I often surf the channels. The “best” I can find are the stupid ghost-buster type “un-reality” shows. If I land on a, what Mr. Peterson calls Outhouse channel, I keep going so fast it’s only a blur. Clearly I need to start carrying books on my trips! 🙄

                                                                          • J-dog
                                                                              Post count: 47

                                                                              Yeah I find myself not wanting to watch “horn porn” anymore – the industry that those shows support is fine I have nothing against it – BUT do not try to tell me this is what hunting is. Maybe on a strictly managed private ranch but not out in the real world.
                                                                              I do like Fred Eichler’s show – he does well even though he may pick up a techno gadget every once in a while – that is it. Other than that the DVDs made by Bill Langer (hope that is right!) I only have seen one of them and if the others are similar then they are top notch. Nothing fancy – all traditional and made the best they can usually filming themselves and they shoot little ones as well as a couple decent ones.


                                                                            • Cottonwood
                                                                                Post count: 311

                                                                                I have found myself watching National Geo WILD though 8)

                                                                              • Chris Shelton
                                                                                  Post count: 679

                                                                                  Woa, no TV, that would kill me:roll: . After all I have to do something after the sun goes down. There is actually alot of good educational stuff on television, you just have to wade through the crap to find it. I actually find myself watching the history channel alot!?!? Stuff like American Pickers, which revolves around money kinda. But it is different, that channel isn’t constantly trying to sell you something, it is just depicting guys makin money . . .

                                                                                  You know its kinda funny, but sometimes I actually stop when I am flippin through the channels and happened to stop upon some “horn porn”. Mainly because I could go 20 years without killing anything with my recurve and I know I would be more successful than any of those guys. Kinda makes me feel alot better about the lifestyle I have chosen! Then after about two minuets of torture I continue flipping, lol

                                                                                  Just give me 5 years, I will give you guys something descent to watch!!!

                                                                                • Cottonwood
                                                                                    Post count: 311

                                                                                    Now we’re talking…..

                                                                                    Traditional Bowhunting on YouTube

                                                                                  • rayborbon
                                                                                      Post count: 298

                                                                                      I have never watched a bowhunting or other hunting show in it’s entirety. I admit to having seen Jim Shockey on tv while visiting for dinner at someone’s house in Northeast Montana a few years back. It was an interesting show. Otherwise I don’t care to watch anything but trick shot archery. I rarely read any archery materials which are not somewhat historic.. Other than this tradbow magazine… It’s not that I am against these things it’s that I don’t find them very valuable or interesting on a personal level. I do not fault anyone who enjoys entertainment of this nature though.

                                                                                    • Don Thomas
                                                                                        Post count: 334

                                                                                        As I think I said during my talk at the PBS Banquet in Nashville (although I may have forgotten): “If PETA gave Steven Spielberg five million dollars and asked him to make an anti-hunting video, he couldn’t do better than most of the hunting shows on television these days.” I stand by that statement. Don

                                                                                      • MontanaFord
                                                                                          Post count: 450

                                                                                          All too true, Don. Thanks for your input. It’s good to see you and your wisdom visit us from time to time. How’s the weather been over on the flat side of the state?


                                                                                        • Bert
                                                                                            Post count: 164

                                                                                            Very interesting topic as it gets to the essence of what we do and aspire to. If what we do is essentially sacred i.e. one man, one animal and the death involved then any video portrayal of that most intimate relationship is basically pornography. It does not matter whether the hunt is ‘ethical’ or not, nor who or what the shooter is or what equipment is used, it basically is a snuff show along the lines of Nazis filming the killing of Jews at Auswitz. I don’t aim to be holier than thou here. but I really don’t want to see you and your wife making love on YouTube, or anybody else as I am more of a participant than a spectator. There are some actions that should remain completely private. All pornography kills the spirit, demeans both participants in a universal drama that is unique to only themselves at that particular moment in time and cannot and should not be broadcast especially by TV, video, or film. All this does not mean that you shouldn’t write about your experiences or take your ‘hero’ shot. The worst ‘hunting’ video I saw was a ‘bubba’ nailing what looked to be a fawn, from a treestand with his compound bow with a corn feeding station below and then proudly displaying said dead animal with a Congressman like grin like he was a mighty hunter. We live in a 24/7/365 century of exposure and callousness unprecedented in all recorded history and I, for one, refuse and choose to take the other path- that of reverence, respect and essential privacy in killing fellow beings, animals, on this earth. There are some magnificant caves in France that attest to this- we should be wise enough to try to emulate them in our thoughts and actions.

                                                                                          • David Petersen
                                                                                              Post count: 2749

                                                                                              Well stated, Bert. While others may differ with your “extreme” position on the proper hunter-prey relationship and respect, nobody can doubt your sincerity and its value. I too have been called “extreme” for my “voodoo” views on hunting and strong affection for the game, and I wear the tag with pride, as the opposite is pathetic and disgusting. Welcome back. dp

                                                                                            • matt schuster
                                                                                                Post count: 1

                                                                                                The references to porn are all too appropriate and Don hit the nail on the head when he said we are our own worst enemy. Hunting used to be a way of life, but to a lot of non-hunters I fear that today it looks more like an act of war. In the old days shows, in their own way, showed a nice relationship between hunter and prey, but over time the only thing many hunters want to see is more and more explicit kill shots. Go to any hunting show and watch as guys stand mesmorized before a screen showing a redneck sticking a big knive in to boar hog. Even some of the great old magazines are not much better. This months Outdoor Life, which I picked up at a friend’s house, has an OL-sponsored contest where readers can win a trip to Chama Ranch – one of the pricier fenced elk operations in the country. How can Outdoor Life possibly justify that? My two cents. . .We should all buy Don’s book and give it to hunters who may be ready to read it. Unfortunatly, too many probably are not.

                                                                                              • Rogue
                                                                                                  Post count: 84

                                                                                                  It makes me happy to see so many with the same veiws as myself on this subject. I haven’t had tv reception for 6 or so years now and dont miss it a bit.

                                                                                                  I lost all interest in hunting shows on the first one that I watched. A beautiful whitetail buck was killed and the hunter(reference used loosely) comented on being glad to cull a management buck. What the hell is a management buck. No respect for the animal taken what so ever.

                                                                                                  I have many clients that are not hunters but respect my rights to do so because of the attitude I have for the prey that I persue, If I thought that those shows represented the majority of hunters I would hang my bow up next to my pride and take up full time photography.


                                                                                                • Charles Hoff
                                                                                                    Post count: 13

                                                                                                    Maybe instead of a “horn porn” show with Trad equipment, why not a self help, instructional,answer your questions show. Don’t have the kill or huint as the main course, but have intriging info to bring in new members. I’m self taught, and I’m always reading and trying to learn the sport. A show with the beliefs of trad hunters and why(without downing other methods) and the HOW”S would probably reach more people, and I could learn more!!!

                                                                                                  • adirondackman
                                                                                                      Post count: 69

                                                                                                      There are no Bowhunting shows only Bowhunting COMMERCIALS.

                                                                                                      Typical show goes like this.First they have to lather up in scent/no scent “Spray”. Then they head out to the “Bait Field” on thier “ATV”. Plop thier as$ down in a “Tree Lounge” and ready thier “Wheel Contraption” for the perfect shot that always comes. They have been “Scouting” the “Game” all year long with a baited “Trail Camera” and he is a “Brusier”. Before they can shoot they have to use thier “Electronic how far away is the game TOY”. Then they slap each other on the back and say what “Great Hunters” they are. They save the best part for last as they try to sell you all this junk! – scent,bait,ATV,stand,camera,range finder,wheel cotraption and tell how they never would have been succesfull without them. I’m getting sick just talking about it.

                                                                                                    • purehunter
                                                                                                        Post count: 63

                                                                                                        [quote=Adirondackman]There are no Bowhunting shows only Bowhunting COMMERCIALS.

                                                                                                        Yup, the shows are produced to SELL products, not the hunting process. That is their sole purpose, money talks. My observations of the stickbow world are limited to one years time. Last summer to now, so take that into consideration. Stickbow archers and the companies/persons who produce the products we buy are very different from those of the “commercial” world.

                                                                                                        We have chosen to use this type of weapon for a lot of reasons but as Bert put it, the animal and the hunt are sacred. It’s no surprise that we don’t approve of the current crop of hunting shows. Riding around on a Harley, trying to get the consumer to understand that you too can be just as cool if you buy the scent free boot, is not me. But it shows what type of crowd they are catering to.

                                                                                                        However, I don’t condem all videotaped hunts. Visual aids are a very powerful aid in teaching and entertainment. Tastefully done, and with the ideals of ethical hunting, a video taped hunt can be very educational and moving. As well as entertaining. I had quality ethics before I came into stickbow archery/hunting. I retain those ethics still.

                                                                                                        If the those hunting shows come up on tv while I am with other company or at someone else house, I use that opportunity to engage in the topic of ethical hunting, conservation, and self control. Hopefully, someone else will see though the “rockstar hero fame, go big or go home” mentallity these shows spew.



                                                                                                      • gidaddy911
                                                                                                          Post count: 45

                                                                                                          I have to admit, the shows are what got me interested in bows in the first place. I ran out and bought the first used lefty compound I could find. I practiced as much as I could until I could hit a tight shot group at 60 yards (or as tight as you could get at 60). I was dieing for hunting season.
                                                                                                          But something just didn’t feel right. Those shows didn’t express the same feelings I felt when my dad would take me to the woods when I was a kid. Or how I felt when I would spend endless hours in them by myself or with my best friend (my lab/husky mix). We didn’t have all that scent stuff or expensive camo or anything like that.
                                                                                                          When I found my father-in-laws old recurve in the shed, things changed. This, simple, light, classic stick felt right. It gives me that feeling I felt when I was a kid in the woods, like, I BELONG HERE!
                                                                                                          Now, that compound is for sale on craigslist. The proceeds will get me a nice lefty longbow, Then its off to the woods to hunt some stumps, and as my skills grow, maybe something bigger, and tastier!
                                                                                                          I am thankful for this site, and the people who use it. I have a lot to learn, and you guys are here for me and don’t even know it. Thanks.

                                                                                                        • paza
                                                                                                            Post count: 28

                                                                                                            i don’t hardly ever watch wax job shows anymore. And as far as i am concerned they are not even hunting. To me it’s a bunch of phonies paying to kill not hunt. And then there mostly lacking the skill to probably even use a real bow. I’d rather watch old fred bear, howard hill, bill nagle films. real hunters and real bows. ya, they hired outfitters to, but at least they used real bows to make the show more interesting. I would be willing to bet that a 90 year old woman could succesfuly kill a anything on these shows with a compound as long as her health was up to it.

                                                                                                          • lee c
                                                                                                              Post count: 25

                                                                                                              I hate to sound “elitist” really,however,I could not agree more with this sentiment. I see the SAME scene(s) being played out again and again. Two guys go into a hunting area,some whispered words,and “WHAMMO”…the biggest deer/elk..whatever goes down. Lots of whooping and grab assing..Again,that may be fine and dandy for some. I for one feel it’s trully disengenuious and does not portray hunters for what they are,or are doing. All I see is product promos. I relize you have to pay the bills and all,nothing against capitolism,or making a buck,but really,is this ALL we want the general public to see? I believe we ALL (hunters) need and HAVE to stick together to protect and preserve our God given right to hunt,in whatever legal and ethical manner we choose. But,these shows,in my opinion,for the MOST part…suck. Lee:oops:

                                                                                                            • Bloodless
                                                                                                                Post count: 103

                                                                                                                Lee C — I agree with you and all before. And in my opinion, when they accuse you or us of being “elitist,” they are admitting that they are slobs and think that is the proper way for hunters to be. If I must be called an elitist by slobs, in order to be the only sort of hunter I want to look at in the mirror each morning … bring it on! The basically iniveral agreement throughout this long thread that “hunting” as portrayed on almost all TV — what someone here calls “outhouse channels” — that this sort of thing sucks … well guys I feel I’ve found a home here. We are not a minority if only we speak out rather than remaining silent. You make me proud to be a traditional bowhunter. I thank you, Bloodless (not really)

                                                                                                              • Cottonwood
                                                                                                                  Post count: 311

                                                                                                                  Since I started this thread, I have not watched any of the junk that is put on TV for the wheelie’s, as its not my type of field hunting, its some bodies but just not mine.

                                                                                                                • Don Thomas
                                                                                                                    Post count: 334

                                                                                                                    Hey, Montana Ford–I’ve been away for the past week and apologize for not getting back to you. Wettest May-June in memory, and water all over the prairie. Factor that in to your antelope hunting plans, everyone. Looks like I’ll be doing a lot of duck hunting this year. Don

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