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Hey folks,
Patrick and I had a blast this morning at the 21st Annual Stick Bow Shoot in central Michigan. If you are close enough to head over there tomorrow, I’d definitely recommend it.
The hospitality of the staff was fantastic and the target layout was great! Not an easy shot in the bunch, but yet all were hittable even for a crooked shooter like me. We achieved success this morning in that we left with all the arrows we started with.8)
Here are some pics…I’ll put them in a couple of posts so as not to overload your poor eyes:wink:
I am holding the camera a bit high to get the pic…from the shooters view the back of the deer is just above the weeds.
Whew, both arrows missed the trees!
Tough shot perched between two trees trying to kill the croc. -
That bear was quite a poke across the field!
Great practice for trekking with a back quiver. Moved that thing around all day…nicely realistic target course. And yes, Patrick is on the trail!
Figured ol’ Fred used his bow for a wading staff, so I could too. But I must be a lot heavier than he was cause I really didn’t need it. But it was a neat mojo moment though:)
Really cool, especially on a hot day, to have to wade across the river to retrieve your arrows from two different targets. -
Good thing we were too far away to notice the backstop was a big boulder! We would have hit that thing for sure…
Nice shot! When it was my turn the piggy went ‘weee, ‘weee, ‘weee, all the way home.
The actors. No real critters besides us were injured to make this production!
Study that shot…
Careful, don’t fall in8) -
Hey, those pics look very familiar.
Here’s a couple more:Here’s the same sign with some hatless stranger posing near it:
Here, I’m taking a pic of Bernie, taking a pic of his camera and his ingenious arrow tripod, which took the pic above of him a I:
These are awesome!
Please tell me you stayed for the meal…or A meal???
I really missed that shoot but it was my 10 year high school reunion this weekend. Ripforce and I are headed to the Michigan Longbow Association shoot this weekend. Are you guys going?
I hope it doesn’t rain – supposed to be 88 and thunderstorms on Saturday and I can only pray that changes.
Looks like you guys had a blast! Lookin for a club/group to start shooting with. Might look into getting up there next time. How far north in Mich is it?
BRUC wrote: I’m guessing the bear was 36 yds. If I guessed right and get a prize ,please let me know:lol:
Nice try, but you didn’t guess correctly. The prize would have been a brand new bow of your choice. BUT…if you guess wrong, MY prize is the same. I’ll let you know which bowyer to send the money to via PM. 😉
LL….Although we wanted to, we just didn’t have time to stay for the meal. They did graciously tease us with a nibble of the smoked turkey, and it was AWESOME! We’ll be going back next year…and will NOT be missing the meal next time!
Patrick I put the cheque in the mail for $1000.00 to Northern Mist Longbows. That amount should be adequate for the bow plus shipping:D The shot was between 30 and 36 yds. This answer is for the constellation prize. Whatever that is would be graciously accepted:wink:
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