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    • grumpy
        Post count: 962

        OK, don’t remember who, but someone asked to see pics of dirty old hats. Since I am not the only one here with dirty olf hats, I want to see everyone’s dirty old hats. Here goes with our dirty old hats.

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      • Greg Ragan
          Post count: 201

          I got one!

        • James Harvey
            Post count: 1130

            Here’s mine 😀

          • Ralph
              Post count: 2580

              I think what’s holding the hat up is older than the hat!:D

            • Bruce Smithhammer
                Post count: 2514
              • David Petersen
                  Post count: 2749

                  You can’t see it very well, but this is my very old and dirty Good Luck hat. While it might not seem always to work, I figure it would be even worse without the hat. Sort of like the infamous elephant repellant. 😛

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                • grumpy
                    Post count: 962

                    the only dirty old hat is on the Aussy, and he’s younger than my kids!! Put a hat on that young’n Jim, before he fries!!!

                  • Ralph
                      Post count: 2580

                      OK Grumpy, this one is gettin old and oily and sweaty and smellin like me and where I been. 🙂

                    • David Coulter
                        Post count: 2293

                        Some good lids there. Dave, it looks like that broom is the only thing holding up that shed. dwc

                      • William Warren
                          Post count: 1384

                          Here’s a few of mine. I’m bald so I got a lot of hats….

                          not terribly dirty but had plenty of sweat in them

                          Hand made welders caps I wore when I was welding pipeline. They got plenty dirty and sweaty but they were washable. No problem

                          My favorite felt hats. I doubt either of these could be found even on that E-*** site.

                          And last but not least, a favorite fishing hat. It protected my old noggin on many a trip in salt and fresh water.

                          Great thread Grumpy, thanks for starting it.

                        • David Petersen
                            Post count: 2749

                            Duncan, I see you have good taste in books as well as hats. But Wendell Berry should definitely be on top. 😆

                            I hope I never go bald like you. 😛

                          • James Harvey
                              Post count: 1130

                              grumpy wrote: Put a hat on that young’n Jim, before he fries!!!

                              He’s a jerk grumps, I put a bucket hat on him but he can bin it mid walk and I never know. So now I sunscreen him up and chase the shade 😉

                              My filthy old hat isn’t even that old, about 4 years, but it never gets washed so it’s embedded with filth from all over Australia, the US, Afghan and a few choice parts of the Arabian peninsula. It’s stiffening up like cardboard though, might have to retire her soon 😛

                            • William Warren
                                Post count: 1384

                                David Petersen wrote: Duncan, I see you have good taste in books as well as hats. But Wendell Berry should definitely be on top. 😆

                                I hope I never go bald like you. 😛

                                Aw shucks Dave, balding ain’t so bad. You just buzz whats left and go lo maintenance.

                                All good reads there along with my usual bird books and edible wild plant guides that I often am glued to.

                              • grumpy
                                  Post count: 962

                                  Forgot a couple, everybody wants to get into the act.

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                                • tailfeather
                                    Post count: 417

                                    Here’s Old Lucky. Note worn out turkey feather in the crown, and bill held on by safety pin. My tradition for years was to re-camo it prior to each turkey season with a sharpie. I love this hat.

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                                  • James Harvey
                                      Post count: 1130

                                      Haha tailfeather, I’ve seen some battered old hats but not one that maintains it’s integrity via safety pin and fights fading with a sharpie 😀

                                    • grumpy
                                        Post count: 962

                                        That hat is as old and ugly as I am!!!!

                                      • tailfeather
                                          Post count: 417

                                          I have trouble letting things go.

                                        • drew4fur
                                            Post count: 81

                                            I was advised that I needed to submit a picture of my dirty old hat, here is an image of my Akubra Territory hat; 100% rabbit felt when I bought it, in this image it’s about 60% rabbit felt, 10% dirt, 20% salt (from sweat), 5% flies and 5% lizard.

                                          • Ralph
                                              Post count: 2580

                                              Cool hat but that would set ol’Doc’s allergies off the deep end.:D:D

                                            • Ralph
                                                Post count: 2580

                                                Hope someone enjoys my hat that blew towards Oklahoma last year.

                                              • grumpy
                                                  Post count: 962

                                                  Audrey says my dirty old hat doesn’t smell (and shouldn’t scare the deer). Can youse guys (Y’all in Dixie) say the same?

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