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    • kellydockter
        Post count: 67

        lots of big yotes out in the snow – missed one today and could not get a second close but o what fun, flinging sharp sticks at fat dogs in the snow.

      • NY Yankee
          Post count: 10

          There are lots of fun tings to do in the winter. All you have to do is get out there. I am going to try my luck on the song dogs as well. I’ve always wanted to try my hand om the steel-head runs but never worked up the ambition.:oops:

        • Brad
            Post count: 35

            Never had much urge to kill predators, guess cause I am one. Had opportunities, but never thought seriously about dropping the string. I figure we’re all kind of in the same boat. Was hunting on the groung in my ghille the other day and had a gorgeous red fox walk within 10 feet of me before he figured out something was amiss. He just turned around and walked back the way he came, cool as a cucumber. That really brought a smile to my face…

          • kellydockter
              Post count: 67

              i once saw a fox too- it was one of the koolest things to watch. but here we have real problems with coyotes.they kill most all of the young and there is way to many.in the woods in the city even in the middle of down town.the population is out of control-they are very hard to hunt-one of the smartest most adaptive anamils of all.

            • Brad
                Post count: 35

                We’ve got tons of them also Kelly; more than we have probably ever had. Fact is though, we’ve also probably got more deer than we’ve ever had too. When you inflate the prey species the predators are going to [naturally] follow. I don’t deny they eat a lot of deer either, it just doesn’t seem (at least around here) that what they’re taking is really having any measurable effect on the herd.

              • William Warren
                  Post count: 1384

                  Over the years, when I had time to hunt I would rather shoot something to eat rather than shoot something I won’t eat so I guess I could say that animals like foxes, coyotes and crows are way down low on the priority list. If I had more time to hunt I might go after some coyotes. Never understood shooting crows though. Folks used to say they would pull up your corn but I’ve had way more problems with racoons and squirrels when it comes to corn.

                • M
                    Post count: 107

                    I love hunting coyotes! I just got another one on Sunday. I hope to get enough one day to make a nice big warm coyote blanket. They would kill me if they had the chance so I guess it is fair.

                  • kellydockter
                      Post count: 67

                      thanks everyone.duncan i don’t eat them but i hear it’s good if done right,but i don’t know.i made some hats and socks but a blanket is a great idea m.maybe i could try that next.alot of hunters rate a yote top list because how hard it is to get a bow shot on one,i like to use mouth calls to get them close. like a gray fox pup or rabbit.

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