Home Forums Campfire Forum Confirmed Werewolf Kill

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    • SDMFer
        Post count: 54

        Saturday night I shot a cow with a 175 grain werewolf double bevel broadhead. I will and admit it, I rushed the shot and hit her a bit further back than I wanted. In my defense it was my first elk with a bow so I was a touch excited. Anyway, the culmination of a great backpack hunt into one of Wyomings great wilderness areas was a 18m broadside shot at a good mature cow. Broadhead cut liver resulting in a 100m deep red blood trail.

        Had a close encounter with a good bull but it wasn’t in the cards. He reversed his direction to run off a smaller bull before stepping into my shooting lane, and five minutes later when presented with a shot at a cow I didn’t hesitate even with a bruiser bull bugling close by.

        Pack out wasn’t to bad, couple miles, the beauty of hunting above 10,000 ft is that its almost a guarentee that the truck will be below you.

      • bruc
          Post count: 476

          Congratulations !!! Sounds like the shot worked out pretty well anyway !!

        • Raymond Coffman
            Post count: 1227

            SDMfer –
            Sounds like a Great hunt – congrats on your success ! High Country Backpack hunt, Doesn’t get much better than that.

          • David Petersen
              Post count: 2749

              SDMFer — Congratulations! First kills are special and never forgotten. Mine also was a cow, and also a less than perfect shot, but ended in recovery. That was when I learned that packing out an 80-pound green elk hide isn’t worth it. 😯 Dave

            • SDMFer
                Post count: 54
              • Bruce Smithhammer
                  Post count: 2514

                  Nice job!!

                • Steve Sr.
                    Post count: 344

                    Congrats! Happy for you that you had a great hunt.

                    Gotta admit….finding this thread right after I read a news report about someone running over an ELK here in IN……I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to open it. LOL

                    “Someone shot a WEREWOLF?” 😯


                    God Bless
                    Steve Sr.

                  • FUBAR
                      Post count: 252

                      Good job8)

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