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    • LimbLover
        Post count: 299

        Compton was a lot of fun yesterday! My Dad and I were absolutely drenched with sweat by the end of the day but it was a great time. Thank God my Dad brought mosquito repellent though – it was swampy back there.

        Forgot my glove and armguard in my other quiver but was in the market for a new one anyway. There were a lot of really great bowyers there and some of the smaller stores had amazing deals on used bows and equipment! I was particularly impressed with Owl Bows and Hill County bows. Awesome stuff. I wish I could have shot some but it was just too hot to stand around the range. I felt like my lams were going to melt.

        My Dad on the horse-shot.

        Me from an elevated 30 yard shot on a white wolf.

        Me on another antlered critter.

        The best part for me was meeting Robin and T.J. and buying my new Traditional Bowhunter shirt! It’s nice to meet people in person. I think we need to plan a get-together at this event next year.

        I’m just happy I was out before the storm hit and hope everyone is okay. Be careful if you are staying tonight, I heard we may get it again!

      • William Warren
          Post count: 1384

          Looks like loads of fun. Where was it?

        • LimbLover
            Post count: 299

            Duncan wrote: Looks like loads of fun. Where was it?

            Berrien Springs, MI

          • David Petersen
              Post count: 2749

              Thanks for the pics and report, Limb. I’ve really wanted to attend Compton’s, but because it’s a camping event and half of American away from me here in CO, I’ve never made it. Interesting to see that this huge MI event suffers from the same pains as our little state trad camp shoot — heat, unpredictable weather, and bugs. I’d still like to spend a day there! dave

            • Ripforce
                Post count: 225

                Funny that horse shot was one of the best I made all day although I had a hell of time getting on it!

              • LimbLover
                  Post count: 299

                  ripforce wrote: Funny that horse shot was one of the best I made all day although I had a hell of time getting on it!

                  After almost ripping something important in that process I decided to stay off of it as well.

                • Robin Conrads
                    Post count: 916

                    Today the weather was much nicer. Cooler with a breeze and no storm. The auction and campfire went well. 😀

                    The storm last night was wet and wild 😯 but we didn’t have hail or downed trees like some folks in the area. I’m glad to be “camping” in a hotel cuz by the end of the day I was fried. It was great to meet Limblover, his dad and his new trad covert. Today I visited with Patrick and family and heard from many folks who visit the site and get the newsletter. A big shout out to Steve (and Gail) McDonald as well. Steve was busy today with the older kids blood trailing seminar.

                    Great memories, even if the weather isn’t always perfect. Anyone with pictures of this or other shoots is welcome to post them in the Family and Shoots Gallery.

                  • Patrick
                      Post count: 1148

                      I helped close a sell a monitor cleaner by extolling the virtues of it’s durability, and STEVE gets the shout out?! See if I ever do that again! OK, OK…”sell” maybe a stretch, since you were giving them away free, nevertheless…it was nice to meet ya Steve!:lol::lol:

                      The skeeters weren’t bad at all yesterday. The “blue” course was pretty muddy and wet, but the animals didn’t move at all, so they were much easier to shoot. I still missed my fair shair though. My son shot amazingly well. I bought a string for my daughters recurve and she shot for the first time and really enjoyed it. What an amazing improvement from her first to her last shot! April shot 4 times, and lost 3 arrows! 😆

                      April and I chatted with this guy, in his tipi, about his tipi for quite a while. I was amazed at how comfortable it was inside it. With the sun beating on it, I figured it would’ve been unbearably hot. He sold April and now she wants to get a tipi…which is cool by me. Other than the set-up time! 😯

                      I really wanted to stay for the campfire, but there’s no way I could’ve made the 3.5 hour trip back home in one piece if we stayed that long. That was a long 3.5 hours!

                      Steve Turay told Tyler he’s now on his pro staff and gave him a Northern Mist Longbow shirt which was very cool, but we had a very difficult time getting his head to fit inside the truck on the way home.

                      One last observation: it’s tough to buy stuff when the wife is with ya. Merely an observation. 😉

                      Next weekend, Tyler and I are camping in Grayling for the 2010 Michigan Traditional Bowhunters Jamboree.:wink:

                    • Jason Wesbrock
                        Post count: 762

                        As always it was a great time, even though Robin told my wife she should buy me a neck cooler thing in leopard print. Dang thing worked great though. 😆

                      • LimbLover
                          Post count: 299

                          For some reason, I couldn’t find the blue course. 😯

                          That’s a bummer. I wish I would have because we did a whole lot of waiting in line and not enough shooting. That was the only downer of the whole event. Too many people shooting 2-3 arrows per target with people waiting in line.

                        • SteveMcD
                            Post count: 870

                            Thank you, Robin! For pointing out Patrick to me! 😀

                            Patrick, it was very nice to meet you and your lovely family. I am only sorry we did not get a chance to shoot together, Hope you all had a great time! 8)

                          • Patrick
                              Post count: 1148

                              LimbLover wrote: For some reason, I couldn’t find the blue course. 😯

                              The blue course was on the other side of the road from all the other courses. It was BY FAR the muddiest. Well…I didn’t shoot the orange one, so I don’t know that for certain. The orange and green courses were the tough ones for me to find. I should’ve broght a GPS 😆

                            • LimbLover
                                Post count: 299

                                Patrick wrote: [quote=LimbLover]For some reason, I couldn’t find the blue course. 😯

                                The blue course was on the other side of the road from all the other courses. It was BY FAR the muddiest. Well…I didn’t shoot the orange one, so I don’t know that for certain. The orange and green courses were the tough ones for me to find. I should’ve broght a GPS 😆

                                I really liked the orange course. Very cool. Laid out almost like miniature golf. The green course was always too jammed up due to the nature of the targets – the elevated stands and what not.

                                My newbie buddy was having a hard time on the red course. He broke 3 arrows on that one alone by hitting trees. Lost another in the mud behind that damn Baboon. 😆

                                Fortunately one of the vendors had an arrow bin full of hodge=podge fletched arrows and I found a few 2117s that got him through the day.

                              • Lee Vivian
                                  Post count: 22

                                  Due to a family graduation party, I could not get to attend. I was looking forward to being there for the first time as a camper and shooter, rather than a vendor.

                                  My wife and I already have made plans that next year we will be there…it is one shoot I want to make next year. It will be fun, because next year it will be the weekend of our 30th wedding anniversary(June 20). It will be a nice getaway for us.

                                  Keep the pictures and stories coming so I can see what i missed.

                                  Lee vivian

                                • Patrick
                                    Post count: 1148

                                    My daughter, Alexa, showing us boys how to shoot:

                                  • Ripforce
                                      Post count: 225

                                      Everyone likes that horse shot! May go to Grayling this week are you guys going to be there!

                                    • Robin Conrads
                                        Post count: 916

                                        T.J. and I got home late last night and it will be a few days before I get caught up on all the posts. THANK YOU, Dave for keeping two eyes on the forums while I was gone.

                                        Patrick, a big shout out and THANK YOU for helping me sell a free gift. I saw the picture of Alexa and I was looking for the “Like” button. 😀

                                        My favorite part of the Compton shoot is seeing all the kids/families with bows. Make plans now to attend next year, June 17-19. It’s always the third full weekend in June, and usually lands on Father’s Day Weekend.

                                      • SteveMcD
                                          Post count: 870

                                          Here are some more pic’s…

                                          Some fine gentlemen I had the pleasure to shoot with (that’s me on the left)…

                                          Spending time with the older kids….

                                          One more..

                                          Well I ain’t going to live it down.. that Horse!!! But.. the shot was a perfect 10! 😀

                                        • Nick D
                                            Post count: 25

                                            As a Compton Board member my big duty is too coordinate all the kids activities. I want to point out to all that frequesnt poster here, Steve McDonald and his wife, Gail, make the trip out from New York each year and Steve puts on our blood trailing seminar for the older kids during the Regular Kids Shoot on Saturday afternoon. He does a great job and we all thank him for teaching this important bowhunting skill to young hunters. THANKS STEVE!!!

                                          • Jason Wesbrock
                                              Post count: 762

                                              Nick and Steve,

                                              I’d like to personally thank both of you for the kids activities. My daughter loved the shoot, blood trailing, and treestand safety. Walking away with a free bow didn’t hurt either. Thanks again.

                                            • LimbLover
                                                Post count: 299

                                                I would have loved to have attended the blood trailing clinic. As a newer hunter that would have been great. I don’t care how old you are, you can always learn something new.

                                              • Bloodless
                                                  Post count: 103

                                                  SteveMc — don’t you have an online “instruction manual” for blood trailing? Is there a way we can access it from here. I’ll bet Robin would be happy to post it permanently on the site. Bloodless (not really)

                                                • LimbLover
                                                    Post count: 299

                                                    Bloodless wrote: SteveMc — don’t you have an online “instruction manual” for blood trailing? Is there a way we can access it from here. I’ll bet Robin would be happy to post it permanently on the site. Bloodless (not really)

                                                    I 2nd it.

                                                  • Robin Conrads
                                                      Post count: 916

                                                      Steve started a thread a long time ago and we made it into an article. I am posting the thread instead because of the comments and feedback it generated.


                                                    • SteveMcD
                                                        Post count: 870

                                                        Regrettably.. I didn’t make the Auction! I’m dying to know who won that Gorgeous Broadhead Display Case donated by Dave Jarvis. And how much it went for???

                                                      • Nick D
                                                          Post count: 25

                                                          It was good meeting you. I am glad your daughter had a good time at the shoot. As a retired school teacher what I, and all the volunteers, do is a true labor of love. For eight years I have seen the kid’s faces when they walk away with a prize donated by our members and the vendors and it is really cool.

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