Home Forums Campfire Forum Colorado '13, from concrete jungle to aspen jungle!

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    • Alexandre Bugnon
        Post count: 681

        I took this nice picture of beautiful NYC this morning on my way to Atlanta for a concert tonight! I thought of the similarities between a city like NY and the aspen forests and saplings jungles of SW Colorado. Not many visually! I can’t wait to fly out of my concrete jungle to the aspen jungles Monday for a full 7 days at 11000ft chasing Elk! First, spending 2 days visiting Elkheart, then driving to the TDowning family wilderness camp!! I’m such a lucky SOB to have such great friends!! My gear is ready. Going in pretty light, with enough stuff to keep warm and dry!

        Elkheart in the jungle:

      • Troy Warner
          Post count: 239

          Wish I was going elk hunting this year but finances need to build up yet from last years hunt. 🙁

          Have a great hunt!!:D

          Ooh, and take a rain coat.

        • Dave Nash
            Post count: 113

            Have fun and be safe you lucky S.O.B.Tell Elkheart we miss his input and get back soon.

            God bless


          • paleoman
              Post count: 931

              You are infected with the bug alright! I’m pre- symptomatic myself. Best of luck and may time slow to a crawl for you our there.

            • Bruce Smithhammer
                Post count: 2514

                Sounds like you have an excellent tour planned, Alex. Say hi to that crazy old man in the ‘jungle’ from all of us! Good luck on the wapiti and keep us posted.

              • David Petersen
                  Post count: 2749

                  Alex–bring your best rain gear absolutely waterproof boots and use all your connections to get someone to turn the tap off. Dave and Bruce, thanks amigos. I’m still around but have had some issues to deal with, like stewing in my own juices thanks to torrential daily rains and some annoying personal issues keeping me from hunting. Forecast looks better next week. Good weather and good hunting and good health to you all. Dave (aka crazy old man)

                  attached file
                • Bruce Smithhammer
                    Post count: 2514

                    Good to hear from you, Dave! Hope the rains (and other issues) don’t get any worse down in your end of the state. Keep us updated – I always find it fascinating to hear what the elk are doing elsewhere and compare it with what I’m experiencing here.

                  • T Downing
                      Post count: 233

                      Alex…You made fun of me last time you were here because I was wearing “designer wear” KUIU. I can see you have become a believer in fine goods! Looking forward to seeing you in the next few days. We are going to have a fun! T

                    • Alexandre Bugnon
                        Post count: 681

                        T Downing wrote: Alex…You made fun of me last time you were here because I was wearing “designer wear” KUIU. I can see you have become a believer in fine goods! Looking forward to seeing you in the next few days. We are going to have a fun! T

                        Well, I too have become a fashion victim!!:D

                        Seriously, That merino is great!

                      • wahoo
                          Post count: 420

                          have a great trip and a great gig in hot lanta – DP looks like Budda sitting there. I wish someone would send rain our way. Hope all the best in Co looks and sounds bad

                        • David Coulter
                            Post count: 2293

                            I hope it dries out in CO soon. All the best to you all out that way. I hope your homes and families are safe. I wish you good hunting once all the rest is safe and sound. peace, dwc

                          • adirondackman
                              Post count: 69

                              Good Luck and I hope that you get better weather than I had this past week. I spent 3 days in a bathtub that was suppose to be a tent and slid all the way down the Mountain to the Truck. I’m still trying to dry out my gear. I look like a walking Prune!

                            • Ben M.
                                Post count: 460

                                I agree with Smitty and Wahoo: nice to hear from the Buddha. Been wondering about you, man.

                                As for the concrete jungle, well, the picture alone is overwhelming to me. Congrats to you for being able to navigate both.

                              • Mathew Carothers
                                  Post count: 21

                                  The faucet is dribbling and the drip will stop here by tomorrow. Good luck and remember to post pics!

                                • Alexandre Bugnon
                                    Post count: 681

                                    Yes! @ Denver airport waiting for connection to Durango, and the sky is blue!!

                                  • mhay
                                      Post count: 264

                                      Wishin’ you a safe hunt and may the time go by slowly.

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