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    • James Harvey
        Post count: 1130

        Hey guys, a friend put me onto a neat app for your iphone/ipad/isoul or what have you. It’s called ‘ubersense’. You can record yourself (or someone else if you’re a coach) doing any activity, then playback in slow mo e.t.c. Once you have a few videos of yourself doing the same thing you can do video overlays and compare your form. It’s a pretty cool little video tool and at $0.00 the price is right.

        I just googled it and there is a version for android as well apparently.


      • coastalbendbows
          Post count: 120

          I have that app and a few others that I use for Olympic weightlifting. Never thought to use it for shooting. But that’s a good idea thanks for the insight.


        • Goraidh
            Post count: 101

            Sounds like it could be a great help with form, Jim. Thanks for sharing that.

          • James Harvey
              Post count: 1130

              Hah, and I never thought of using it for lifting! It will be making an appearance my next clean session 😉

            • Wexbow
                Post count: 403

                Couldn’t find it in Google Play???

              • James Harvey
                  Post count: 1130

                  Sorry mate, I just checked their website and they say its coming soon for droid 😕

                • Wexbow
                    Post count: 403

                    No worries, just thought I was doing something stupid as I’m pretty new to the whole smartphone thing. In fact, I only use one cos my old phone finally packed in and a friend gave me her old one. They are pretty nifty but I just don’t like being “over connected” if you know what I mean 😕

                  • Arne Moe
                      Post count: 147

                      You might want to check out “Coach’s Eye.” Available for all OS’s. Best $5 I ever spent for my coaching activities.


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