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    • Dwayne VanHoose
        Post count: 5

        Hi gang.

        I am new here but I have the opportunity to buy a C&N recurve and wondered if anyone has any experience with that family’s bows. I can’t find too much online about them but I did find a video with Craig and he is a 2nd generation bowyer. He looks to be in his 60’s in the video and said he’s been making bows all his life. My guess is he’s pretty good at it! lol


        Thanks for any feedback you have!

      • Raymond Coffman
          Post count: 1232

          Hi Dwayne

          I am not familiar with this makers bows, so can’t give you any valuable info. If he lives near you,  I would go visit. Find out if he goes to any of the shoots, where you could meet up and try a bow. You could ask if any of his clients live near you and would be willing to let you see or shoot their bow…

          Or just go for it and get one off his std models and try it — if you have the time, spare money and inclination….

          Scout aka Ray

        • Dwayne VanHoose
            Post count: 5

            Hey Ray, thanks for the response. He’s a bit too far for me to go but it was inexpensive enough that I’m just going to get it and hope it’s awesome! I’ll post here with results!




          • Raymond Coffman
              Post count: 1232


              Sounds good . I have done that myself. Please give us a review .

              Scout aka Ray

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