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    • jimullrich
        Post count: 1

        I am a newbie and have been making some progress with my recurve. It is a 50# Martin and I am shooting 50# spine cedar arrows, small leather rest that came with the bow, nocked one eighth inch above square, and a 7″ brace height. My accuracy is improving, but each release brings a loud noise that sounds like wood on wood. Any thoughts? Thanks for the help.

      • Mike Bolin
          Post count: 23

          If you are drawing 28″ or more I am taking an educated guess that your arrows are underspined. MOST recurves are cut past center which gives you a bit more flexability with your arrow spine. If you are drawing more than 28″ you are effectively increasing your draw weight by approx. 3# per inch. The length of the shaft makes a big difference as well. The longer the shaft, no matter what arrow material, the more flexible the shaft. Point weight also makes a difference. When you go with a heavier point, it increases the flex of the shaft when shot. Due to a shoulder problem, I have dropped in draw weight to 48# at my 28″ draw. I am shooting a carbon shaft with a deflection of .400 which would put it in the 70# range, but I am shooting right a 300 grains on the front end. I suggest picking up TJ’s book as he explains it much better than I can. Good luck! Mike

        • Frank V
            Post count: 14

            You might also try raising your brace height from 7″ to 7-3/4″ I’d try up to 9″ to see what happens. Sometimes bows are really noisy when the brace height is too low. Good luck! Frank

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