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    • David Coulter
        Post count: 2293

        First draw for antlerless deer tag today in Pennsylvania. 82 days until archery opens on October 3. Stumping every day, trying to shoot targets at dusk almost every day. Getting the itch already. dwc

      • Charles Ek
          Post count: 566

          I’m counting: 64 days. Thick leaf cover and sunglasses are enough to simulate twilight conditions here in the latter part of the day. And I mostly don’t even have to worry about the vampires … aka deer flies.

        • shreffler
            Post count: 69

            I bought my license Sunday with the intention of sending my tag in first thing Monday…of course I forgot :roll:…sent it off this afternoon, hopefully it’s not too late. They cut back antlerless tags quite a bit this year.

            I’m counting down every single day!! Can’t wait!

          • David Coulter
              Post count: 2293

              Usually the first round is pretty safe. I sent mine in last Friday. Courthouse isn’t open on the weekend so they get the application on Monday. About a third are sold here in 3D. Should be plenty for second round. That’s more tags than I’ve used in a while. Good luck! Dwc

            • ChumpMcgee
                Post count: 252

                I just went down to the public land I hunt on last weekend to check out some new spots to hang my tree stand. Typically I do not see very many bucks down there but last weekend that all changed. I was making tons on noise in the woods trying to create a new path, breaking branches moving logs etc. I walking out to a field and I see a buck looking right towards me so I freeze. He eventually gets bored of looking my way and goes back to feeding. This buck was nice size I could count 4 points on him and he was outside the ears. I saw two smaller 4 pointers that were with him and then behind those two boys was an even BIGGER buck. I watched these fellas for about 15 minutes when I heard a noise behind me and saw another big buck less than 15 yards behind me staring right at me! He snorted at me and jumped away, shortly after the other deer took off! It got my legs shakin and my heart pounding! September 17th cannot come soon enough!!!

              • grumpy
                  Post count: 962

                  Hoping you had a dry diaper…

                • John Dilts
                    Post count: 135

                    Thank you for posting this. At times it gets really hard to live in the FAR north. But when i read about you guys waiting for tags it make me all warm an fuzzy. I can’t remember the last time i had to wait for a tag.

                  • grumpy
                      Post count: 962

                      I assume all of you are practicing in your insulated underwear and woolies. The clothes you wear in a tree stand when it is 28* with a 15 mph wind…

                    • David Coulter
                        Post count: 2293

                        John, you seasons or just no tags? What is your town? I’d like to look it up. Best, dwc

                        Oops. I see it now. Thanks. Dwc

                      • David Becker
                          Post count: 112

                          42 days. Fortunately, I can buy an over the counter tag that’s an “any deer” tag in my unit.

                          My neighbor and I put my treestand up at the top of my property, right on the deer highway between my place and the private timberland to my north. We have a Rineheart fake deer that we hauled up there and I practiced shooting from the stand while my knees knocked together. I dislike heights.

                          Got my Grizzly broad heads in the mail yesterday and screwed them onto some arrows. I took careful aim, and the first shot glanced off my 18-1 and disappeared into the puckerbrush, and has yet to be found.

                          Boy does that make me feel like an idiot, especially since it was total pilot error. The other too shot fine.

                        • David Coulter
                            Post count: 2293

                            Wose, keep looking. It’s in there. Take a rake with you and watch out for the sharp end. I’m still looking for a stumper i lost three weeks ago. I might not find it, but I know it’s in there! Good luck. Dwc

                          • John Dilts
                              Post count: 135

                              dwcphoto wrote: John, you seasons or just no tags? What is your town? I’d like to look it up. Best, dwc

                              Oops. I see it now. Thanks. Dwc

                              We have seasons and tags for some but i have full hunting rights here so for most stuff the season starts when they arrive and stops when they leave. EX. Caribou. Muskox requires a tag but it’s one per house hold and the season is mid Aug. to mid may so there is lots of time.

                            • David Coulter
                                Post count: 2293

                                John, I looked your map up on google maps. Geez, talk about God’s Country! You and the other 808 inhabitant (latest census) are a hardy lot. All the best, david

                              • David Fudala
                                  Post count: 224

                                  Got about 48 days to go here in Wisconsin! Buck only for me again this year but that’s no matter, one deer would be quite enuf if the gods of the woods see it fit for me to be sucessful this year. If not, that’s just fine too! Trying a new area this year and noticed a few yellow leaves starting to pop into the sea of green already. Rasberries and blueberries are ripe and the hazelnuts are getting close. Can’t wait for that first chilly morning of September!!!!

                                • Lydell Newell
                                    Post count: 16

                                    i must be lucky here in Indiana i just have to buy a lic. can get up to 4 does 1 buck here I just like going out and seeing the deer maybe get 1 doe or buck does are better eating so thats what i ussally shoot with my Timberhawk bow

                                  • SteveMcD
                                      Post count: 870

                                      59 days here in New York. Looking forward to hunting the mountains again! Been practicing most days. I take my hunting bow out on August 15th and it is the only bow I shoot until deer season ends in December.

                                    • David Coulter
                                        Post count: 2293

                                        Nine weeks. Second round of Resident Antlerless Deer tag begins tomorrow. 5737 out of 25,000 left in 3D (PA). Keep practicing! dwc

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