Home Forums Bows and Equipment Broadhead of choice let's hear it

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    • USMC 82-86
        Post count: 54

        What is your broadhead of choice? All game broadheads let’s hear the choices. I like the woodsman, zwickey and looking at the simmons shark as well. 💡

      • WICanner
          Post count: 136

          I have been using the Woodsman, but recently purchased some Woodsman Elites, and have yet to install them on anything. Have some Zwickey’s on some older wood arrows, which I use for turkeys sometimes. Most heads are good if they are sharp.

        • T Downing
            Post count: 233

            I am currently using the Abowyer Brown Bear single bevel for elk and deer. I use several single blade broadheads for everything else which is usually turkey and small game. This broadhead collection consists of Magnus, Zwickey, and Stos. I have killed animals with all of them, that said, I believe that the Abowyers are head and shoulders superior than the others on truly big game, such as elk. I really like the Stos and how they fly… I love the history of the Zwickeys because I killed my first traditional elk with them and who can argue with Paul Schafer’s success with them? 😯

          • David Petersen
              Post count: 2749

              My preferences are close to T’s, above, with variations. As I’ve often said, and others have echoed from their own experience, I’ll say again (keeping in mind that I gauge everything toward efficiency on elk):

              Strongest/best head: ABS Ashby

              Best head for the money (thus all-around best head): Abowyer Brown Bear

              Best head for the least money: Tusker Concord

              Yet this year I’ll be shooting the new improved 200-grain Grizzly El Grande, which has the potential to replace all others in my personal line up.

              Again this is for elk. Almost any solid (that is, non-mechanical) head that’s sharp will get it done for deer, and in that category I really like the Eclipse 2-blades.

            • Dennis
                Post count: 52

                I vote for the Zwickeys, but I like the 4 blade deltas (eskimos a close second) because I believe the cut-cross incision is less likely to clog up on the exit hole leaving a better blood trail than a single blade cut. I bought some new magnus snuffers that I haven’t had an opertunity to try yet but I used to be a big fan of the old 200 grain Rothar Snuffers. In those days I was shooting a much heavier bow.

              • MontanaFord
                  Post count: 450

                  I’ve only hunted with the old Bear 2 blades and the Wensel Woodsman. Both have killed deer for me, I’ve never had the opportunity to shoot at an elk yet. Apparently they’re more ghost-like in the woods than a 500-800 pound animal should seem to be. LOL. The thing I didn’t like about the Wensels was that the tip would curl over if you hit something hard (rock, log, etc.). Then you have the problem of filing the tip back down to a point and making all three sides match so it’s balanced and what-not. That said, I’m hoping to move to a single-bevel 2 blade this year for hunting purposes, and my other heads will become small-game heads more so than regular hunting heads.


                • Buzzard
                    Post count: 66

                    I’m using MA-3’s for almost everything now. Simply put, the most accurate, shoots like a field point, broadhead I’ve every used or seen used.

                  • Jason Wesbrock
                      Post count: 762

                      I’ve been using 125-grain Ace Standards since 2004. They’ve worked flawlessly for me on everything from small game like bullfrogs, squirrels, rabbits, and grouse, to larger game like deer, hogs, whitetails, elk, and moose.

                    • Dan Jackowiak
                        Post count: 106

                        I really want to use the centaur heads this yr. They fly great and leave a huge hole in my target. All I have to do is figure out how to sharpen them to my standards?

                      • George D. Stout
                          Post count: 256

                          Been using old green Bear Razorheads since 1965 and see no reason to change at this point. I have also used a Ribtek or two and really liked them as well. The Bear may not be the popular item nowadays but it has a history of excellence; almost as old as the Zwickey. They are superb for sharpening in the field, and they fly perfectly. No new girlfriends for me 8^))))).

                        • DAbersold
                            Post count: 111

                            I’m with Mr. Stout. It’s fun to tinker with our gear, and I would be the last to badmouth anybody doing so, but the fact is, the Bear design has been proving and reproving itself year after year, more than adequate for any North American game, and beyond. The only difference, Mr Stout, is that I shoot the Stainless Steel 145gr with my aluminum and carbons.:lol:

                          • bruc
                              Post count: 476

                              My newest broadhead is the stainless steel Zephyr. They are fairly wide, vented and fly well. I just have not shot anything with them! I really like the bleeder blades:!: Another broadhead that I have that flies really well, is the 3-blade Snuffer. Thanks to LL I’ve figured out how to get it good and sharp! This 3-blade design has to be the strongest of them all! Correct me if I’m wrong.

                            • Cottonwood
                                Post count: 311

                                Right now I’m pretty over run with 2 blade Zwickey Eskimo 125 gr with 25 gr and threaded adaptors. I had been wanting to try the 2 blade Eclispe 145 gr with the 25 gr adaptors, so we will see. I may just get the 75 gr threaded adaptors to kick up the weight 😛

                              • hoyt
                                  Post count: 4

                                  I’m just now getting back into recurves again..took about a 40 something year break with the wheels. Anyway I’m having a hard time deciding which way to go with broadheads, foc, efoc, etc. Back when I shot recurves you just put a broadhead on the end of the same arrow you shoot field rounds with and hunted with it.

                                  I just can’t make myself give up what little bit of speed I get out of my 45# Quinn Stallion for a whole lot of weight up front. Think I’m going with Grizzly 160 double bevel and Ace Standard 125gr and see which I like best…both with 25gr adapters.

                                • tailfeather
                                    Post count: 417

                                    Got the old green Razorheads on there now, but will be going with the Grizzly single bevels come fall.

                                  • 6arrows
                                      Post count: 17

                                      i have had good luck with steel force fat heads and montec b52 which they dont make any more also like the woodsman elite ang magnus stingers and buzz cut i shot allt these and had good luck with them i am currently shooting them of a hoyt dorado 28 IN deaw and sixty pound pull they also worked grat of of mty samick sht as well

                                    • turtlebunting
                                        Post count: 103

                                        i use zwickey, i have great luck with them, u can order broadheads from zwickey alot cheaper then 3 rivers archery.. and incudes shipping! u just have to call them

                                      • sapcut
                                          Post count: 159

                                          I like the Grizzly 200 and gonna try the Abowyer Large Bonehead.

                                        • Buckhorn73
                                            Post count: 77

                                            Woodsman Elite, Abowyer, Grizzlies and Zwickey in that order -depends on circumstances, whether using heavy or light bows, etc.

                                          • Fudd
                                              Post count: 6

                                              Zwickey and/or Magnus have both worked for me.

                                            • Cottonwood
                                                Post count: 311

                                                turtlebunting wrote: i use zwickey, i have great luck with them, u can order broadheads from zwickey alot cheaper then 3 rivers archery.. and incudes shipping! u just have to call them

                                                Have you a phone number or website for Zwickey?

                                              • SteveMcD
                                                  Post count: 870

                                                  I’ve had great results with the Magnus Vented 2 Blade. I tried Grizzly’s but sharpening them is a (questionable?) chore, and I could not get them to fly as good as my Magnus 2 Blades. Although, I think there is a lot to be said about Howard Hill’s analysis of the width to length ratio of a broadhead. I am going to try some STOS 2 Blades and see how well I can tune them. Probably will give them a shot this coming deer season.

                                                • David Petersen
                                                    Post count: 2749

                                                    Steve — I’ve had great results from the STOS 160s, and never a failure of any kind. They should slice through deer for you like a needle through warm butter. I’m with you on the “Hill” aka Ashby broadhead conformation formula — 3:1 and straight. Not convex. Not concave. And absolutely not serrated. Thanks for introducing the Compton’s kids to woodsmanship. dave

                                                  • Chris Shelton
                                                      Post count: 679

                                                      Well right now I am shooting Stingers, I like em. But they are just a little thin for my liking!? I might switch it up, I don’t know what will happened after it goes through a deer, only one way to find out! They are really sharp, its just when you miss with them, thankfully I have seperate ones for practice and groundhogs, so the others are for deer!

                                                    • james gilmer
                                                        Post count: 131

                                                        I have successfully used Steel Force’s 2 blade on moose caribou deer and turkeys for years that being said I am switching to VPA’s 200 grain on deer this year. I killed a doe last year with a VPA 150 and couldnt believe how good the blood trial was

                                                      • Ed Zachary
                                                          Post count: 58

                                                          Zwickey Deltas and now some 200 grain El Grande Grizzlies.

                                                        • Patrick
                                                            Post count: 1148

                                                            Ed Zachary wrote: 200 grain El Grande Grizzlies.

                                                            That’ll be my next broadhead (left-wingers). The Abowyer Brown Bears are nice, the El Grandes are sooooo much cheaper…unbelievably so!

                                                          • Snuffer
                                                              Post count: 2

                                                              Snuffers, SS Snuffers and Stingers have killed all my deer.
                                                              Stingers are by far the easist to get sharp. I shoot 42lb. Kanati longbow and have shot thru every deer so far.

                                                            • excelpoint
                                                                Post count: 6

                                                                For me it’s Black Stumps or Outback Supreme and Fe’s single bevel.

                                                              • rayborbon
                                                                  Post count: 298

                                                                  I’m sort of partial to magnus stingers at the moment. However I have an open mind and am thinking about a change to Stos or Abowyer heads in the future.

                                                                • tom-wisconsin
                                                                    Post count: 240

                                                                    Saw new ad about the Grizzlies stating they are now sharper. I am not sure which bh I am using this year yet. But I am going with ultra=efoc.

                                                                  • Mark Turton
                                                                      Post count: 759

                                                                      After investing my hard earnt in Silver Flames 150 grn. I was kinda hopping that someone might say how good they are, gettin kind of concerned now.


                                                                    • Idabow
                                                                        Post count: 65

                                                                        Eclipse 2-blade has worked well for me, plus, it’s made locally here in Boise!

                                                                      • LimbLover
                                                                          Post count: 299

                                                                          I’m going with a Snuffer unless I really like these Tusker Deltas or Concordes I am about to order.

                                                                        • sapcut
                                                                            Post count: 159

                                                                            The new Grizzlys are not real sharp out of the box but they are light years ahead in the ease of sharpening compared to the previous Grizzlys.
                                                                            It takes me less than 10 minutes to get one Grizzly 200 sticky shavin sharp.

                                                                          • mswickard
                                                                              Post count: 34

                                                                              20 year old Elburg 160 Grain Grizzly’s on 125 grain steel adapters, 100 grain brass insert attached to a CX Terminator Select shaft. 28% EFoC, 678 grain arrow.

                                                                            • 2Feathers
                                                                                Post count: 8

                                                                                My go to heads are 160gr snuffers or ace super express 200gr, I do have a wide assortment of other heads set up and ready to hunt, grizzlys elgrande,brown bears, ww 150s orignal, the eletes break off to easy! I only hunt deer and black bear!

                                                                              • Fletcher
                                                                                  Post count: 177

                                                                                  Ace Express 165’s have graced my arrows for several years and still like them a lot. I’m wanting to go up some in point weight so will likely be mounting some 190-200 gr heads on my fir this season including VPA’s, Ace SE’s and Griz ElGrande’s. It’s gonna be a fun year!


                                                                                • Charles Ek
                                                                                    Post count: 566

                                                                                    Cottonwood wrote:
                                                                                    Have you a phone number or website for Zwickey?

                                                                                    Here’s the contact info for Zwickey. Note that they’re actually in North St. Paul, MN, not St. Paul as Google indicates. (No, I’m not a St. Paul native. But I am married to one who fetched some broadheads for me once.) As far as I know they do not have a web site.

                                                                                  • tomwatson
                                                                                      Post count: 1

                                                                                      Howard Hill, they fly just like field points. I was amazed when I first shot them. They hit right where I was looking.


                                                                                    • Dennis
                                                                                        Post count: 52

                                                                                        Anybody know where I can get a bucket full of the old green Bear Razorheads?

                                                                                      • David Petersen
                                                                                          Post count: 2749

                                                                                          Dennis — nope, sorry. Back in the Neandertal days when I shot Bear heads (and even then I always removed the “bleeder blades” because mostly it was I who did the bleeding, as they always came off in the animals right under the hide and I found them the hard way when field dressing) — they were bare-naked steel with no green paint. You could always paint them yourself. 😀 The few I still have are in my “turkey point” bucket. For deer and such they’re still first-rate killing machines. And still best without the insert blades. dp

                                                                                        • bruc
                                                                                            Post count: 476

                                                                                            Wrote something senseless during Happy Hour! Sorry.:wink:

                                                                                          • Mark Turton
                                                                                              Post count: 759

                                                                                              Bruce, darn I missed it, bottling philosophy mans greatest achievement, possibly.


                                                                                            • blade
                                                                                                Post count: 25

                                                                                                Magnus two blades are my choice.I have tried alot of broadheads over the last 25 years and i always go back to the magnus.

                                                                                              • LimbLover
                                                                                                  Post count: 299

                                                                                                  I’m going to hunt with a Zwickey No Mercy or a Tusker. I’m not ready to go 3-blade yet.

                                                                                                  I’ve decided. I’m getting them hair popping now.

                                                                                                • Brock63
                                                                                                    Post count: 15

                                                                                                    I started with Zwickey Eskimos but a few that came apart at ferrule put me on the Ribteks…been shooting Ribteks 160gr since mid-90s….contemplating buying some more from Australia to hold on to maybe 50 of them. When I want a 3 blade I return to the Rothaar Snuffer also a 160gr.

                                                                                                    If I had to pick a replacement for either it would be the Grizzly 160 for the Ribtek….and dont think I would replace the Snuffer…just too damn good of a head in my opinion.

                                                                                                  • Cleancut
                                                                                                      Post count: 2

                                                                                                      I have just got done tuning zwickey 2 blade Eskimos for my recurve. This is going to be the first year I’ve hunted with a Traditional bow, so I haven’t taken any game with them ,but they fly true and have the same point of impact as my field points and that along with the fact that they have a good track record gives me a lot of confidence in them.

                                                                                                    • Greg Ragan
                                                                                                        Post count: 201

                                                                                                        I have confidense in the Eclipse 4 blade since switching to them. One tough head, fly great, easy to sharpen, pulls from targets easy, and has the versitility of a 4 or 2 blade.

                                                                                                      • steve anderson
                                                                                                          Post count: 10

                                                                                                          I really like the eclispe but have heard good things about the muzzy phantom but I shoot glue on broadheads and I believe they are screw in only

                                                                                                        • bushmaster
                                                                                                            Post count: 18

                                                                                                            I’ve been using 125 grain Ace Standards the last couple seasons, but I’m going to try some Magnus Snuffers this season for a change of pace. I just finished a fresh batch of arrows today. September can’t get here quick enough!

                                                                                                          • bruc
                                                                                                              Post count: 476

                                                                                                              They look really good ! What kind of shaft:?:

                                                                                                            • bushmaster
                                                                                                                Post count: 18

                                                                                                                BRUC wrote: They look really good ! What kind of shaft:?:

                                                                                                                Douglas Fir. Thanks

                                                                                                              • tom-wisconsin
                                                                                                                  Post count: 240

                                                                                                                  Going to order Abowyer Brown Bears this year.

                                                                                                                • ToddRvs
                                                                                                                    Post count: 64

                                                                                                                    USMC 82-86 wrote: What is your broadhead of choice? All game broadheads let’s hear the choices. I like the woodsman, zwickey and looking at the simmons shark as well. 💡

                                                                                                                    I use my own hand chipped broadheads I make out of Obsidian or Flint and they work quite well I have shot through a number of deer with my home made recurve bow at a draw weight of 41 pounds at 28 inches. I have also used my grand dad’s Bear Super Razor fixed head he used in the sixties to hunt deer. They still work and hold a very good edge.

                                                                                                                  • ToddRvs
                                                                                                                      Post count: 64

                                                                                                                      George D. Stout wrote: Been using old green Bear Razorheads since 1965 and see no reason to change at this point. I have also used a Ribtek or two and really liked them as well. The Bear may not be the popular item nowadays but it has a history of excellence; almost as old as the Zwickey. They are superb for sharpening in the field, and they fly perfectly. No new girlfriends for me 8^))))).

                                                                                                                      I concir, I have used this same head and it shoots well and kills deer quick. It makes a very large hole.

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