Home Forums Campfire Forum Bowlight for night hunting?

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    • Crystalshrimp
        Post count: 125

        Has anyone here had any experience with hunting with a bow mounted light? I was just about to purchase one online and figured it would be best to get some advice on it first. Any suggestions as to what brand and color of light? Ill be mainly hunting Hogs and varmits with this maybe a little Fishing? Thanks guys.

        Leo C.

      • Ben M.
          Post count: 460

          Sounds like a neat idea bro, but it wouldn’t be legal equipment here in KS.

        • RayB
            Post count: 45

            Crystalshrimp wrote: Has anyone here had any experience with hunting with a bow mounted light? I was just about to purchase one online and figured it would be best to get some advice on it first. Any suggestions as to what brand and color of light? Ill be mainly hunting Hogs and varmits with this maybe a little Fishing? Thanks guys.

            Leo C.


            Hogs in TX are not game animals and not protected so you can hunt them any time

          • Mark Turton
              Post count: 759

              Think I might just try a head lamp, I have a Petzl Tikka Plus, 3 AAA batteries last well but you could use rechargeables.

              Used it this last weekend in camp wish I had tried to shoot with it now.

              As for color if the hogs haven’t been lamped before they wont take much notice but they learn quick, red was always the old favorite but I think you can get just about any color today.


            • Don Thomas
                Post count: 334

                Let’s assume the issues of ethics and legality are worked out for a moment and focus on the technical problem. My experience is limited to Florida alligator hunting (where it is ONLY legal to hunt gators at night.) I found a headlamp impossible. As soon as I tucked my chin down into proper form to shoot, the beam came off the target. My only solution was to have my hunting partner hold the light for me. Whatever you decide to do, practice in the yard first to avoid an unpleasant surprise on game! Don

              • Crystalshrimp
                  Post count: 125

                  Ive run into the same problem with hunting with a headlamp. It is legal for hoghunting in Texas as well as for little critters and night fishing. Its looking like Im gonna have to take the leap and buy one. I dont think Ill be dissapointed.

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