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    • RAGMAN
        Post count: 37

        HAS ANYONE HUNTED BLACKBEAR? I am thinking about a hunt.

      • eric
          Post count: 17

          Where are you going to go? Silver Fox Outfitters in Alberta,Canada is a good place to go. Check out their website at http://www.silverfoxoutfitters.com I have gone moose,whitetail,elk, and mule deer hunting with them and it is a blast8). They have a really good success rate and the guides are great. I will probably be going moose hunting hunting there again this fall.

        • Grizz
            Post count: 7

            I love hunting bears with my recurve!!I have killed a couple now and find it truly addictive.The meat from bears is very good and i barbeque it all summer long.Our bears eat crops and natural mast so this makes the meat very good,my none bear hunting freinds say it tastes like sweet beef.

          • RAGMAN
              Post count: 37

              Grizz tell me about the method of taking bear that you have used. I will try this fall for the first time.

            • RAGMAN
                Post count: 37

                Grizz tell about your method of taking bear. I will try this fall for the first time.

              • Grizz
                  Post count: 7

                  Sorry it took so long to reply!I live up here in Canada and can only hunt bears over bait.The only other method is taking one during general open season for deer,then you can take them stalking or baiting,needless to say that season is alot harder.I use corn,apples and scents.Baiting is fun but alot of hunters don’t like it or are not able to use baits.I’ve killed 5 now,2 with recurve over bait,2 with rifle over bait,1 spot and stalk with rifle during general deer season,that guy came at me after the first bullet!!!

                • RAGMAN
                    Post count: 37

                    If I draw a tag ,I will hunt over a water hole as baiting is not allowed. Although if I kill a deer I can hunt over the gut pile and be legal, as long as I don’t move the pile.I am not a good enough stalker to take on a blackie.

                  • Anaconda Pintler
                      Post count: 6

                      If you want a quality hunb you can do yourself a favor and go with Walter’s Wilderness Camp in Carrot River Sask. The number of bears and quality of bears in that area is top notch! Besides it caters to trad guys and was started years ago by Roger Rothaar. I have been there a few times and have taken and seen many nice bears from their camp including this monster:

                    • peter
                        Post count: 3

                        How much does Walter’s Wilderness Camp charge for a weeks black bear hunting?

                      • Anaconda Pintler
                          Post count: 6

                          I am not sure it has been about three or four years since I have been. But I still keep in touch with Walter and Jared they are as good as guides you could want. I think their web is http://www.waltershunt.com I will check if that is not correct I will update it.

                        • cut2cure
                            Post count: 1

                            Awesome bear anaconda. What set up (bow/broadhead)did you use?


                          • Anaconda Pintler
                              Post count: 6

                              That is a Thunderstick 3 longbow and I hate to admit this cuz I am a wood shooter and always have been but I lost a shooting contest with a buddy and those are carbons, Gold Tip I think it was the first and last time I shot them they shot well though, the broadhead was a 160 gr Snuffer, only seemed fitting since Roger Rothaar started the camp 30 years ago!

                            • surveyor527
                                Post count: 10

                                Wow, what a huge bear! And that bow’s gotta be what, eight feet long?
                                I couldn’t help myself – congratulations on a nice bear with a traditional bow. But seriously, next time, either put the bow in your lap or don’t sit 9 feet behind the bear!

                              • Treetopflier
                                  Post count: 146

                                  Somewhere in a back issue of TBM, Dave Peterson writes about effective methods to hunt bears fair chase (no baits or hounds) and in states that don’t allow baiting. Lots of good ideas there, provided mostly be a leading bear biologist and hunter. I’ll be Robin can tell us the issue and name of the article?

                                • Robin Conrads
                                    Post count: 916

                                    Treetopflier wrote: Somewhere in a back issue of TBM, Dave Peterson writes about effective methods to hunt bears fair chase (no baits or hounds) and in states that don’t allow baiting. Lots of good ideas there, provided mostly be a leading bear biologist and hunter. I’ll be Robin can tell us the issue and name of the article? Snuffy

                                    Hey TTF, that was in the Apr/May 05 issue, which is still available in print through the shopping areas on this site.

                                    As a side note, we have a department called Meet The Folks where you can read a bio on all the masthead writers and also see each article they have written for TBM. Just one more way to find old articles by your favorite authors.

                                  • Wileybuster
                                      Post count: 11

                                      I do both spring and fall spot and stalk bear hunts out west every year. Probably one of my favorites hunts to do each year. We have great luck getting in close, on the ground, in their back yard. I have done bait hunts in Idaho and spot and stalk hunts in OR, ID, CO, and AZ. I probably will never shoot another bear over bait myself, but continue to help others do so. I just prefer the spot and stalk. Harder? Yes! But worth it.

                                      Depends on what type of hunt you are looking for and where you want to hunt.

                                      If you want to learn a bit about the old black bear check out “A Shadow in the Forest, Idahos Black Bear” by Rohlman and Beecham. It the published findings of one of the most extensive studies on wild black bear behavior, habits, habitat uses, etc. Very science based, but very informative.

                                    • rayborbon
                                        Post count: 298

                                        I like to hunt black bears all the time here in WA. They live near the blueberry bushes in the fall time. September is the best month. Berries are fully ripe in the high mountains, temperatures bearable, less bugs, more bear activity.

                                        Usually I spot them while glassing from ridges. Between 4000-5600 feet elevation over here on the Cascade Range’s western side. I seem to like to get them where the treeline dwindles and opens up to meadows. Then I try the sneak attack. It’s hard to sneak on a bear sometimes. Especially on a steep and slippery mountain slope. However it is very rewarding to get a bear using such tactics. Getting a big bear out of there might break your spirit though. Unless you have a horse or come prepared to do round trips over several miles. Consider shooting a small one unless you are ready for punishment. Really! I don’t mean this from an arrogant or sarcastic point of view.

                                        The berry bushes are my bait. The bushes often do not grow tall enough of thick enough for a bear to conceal itself from view. I notice that the bears often do not go far away from the fringes of timber. They seem to like the security unless they are the biggest baddest bear in town. Good terrain seems to contain sprinkles of small tarns (ponds) or creeks for bears to drink from. Think what would a bear want to eat wherever you are at? Then go find that food source. Look for the bear sign. Hair, scratches on trees, footprints, scat, eaten down bushes.

                                        Often times I have spotted a bear from nearly 1-2 miles away in the high country. Just look for the moving blob of black or brown. I have even seen multiple bears in the same meadow on a given day. A sure sign of a good spot. My experience tells me bears are active all day in the fall. However it also tells me I have shot more bears before 10 am than any other time frame.

                                        Good luck on your bear journey.

                                      • rayborbon
                                          Post count: 298

                                          I forgot to mention that I agree with the good taste of bear meat being like sweet beef. If a bear has been eating well (berries for example) he or she should taste well. That is… if the meat is taken care of properly.

                                          There is a big misconception that black bear meat tastes poor. I am sure some bears do taste bad but each bear I have eaten was quite good. If there was any tough portions I would consider making a slow cooked pot roast with carrots, garlic and potatoes for example. Even bear meat from a pot roast put onto a sandwhich is quite delicious.

                                        • Chiloquin
                                            Post count: 56

                                            I can’t wait! The season opens the 1st of August. We can get three here in Jackson County. I saw a huge Cinnamon monday; he is the first on my list. Gonna try calling this year. Nate

                                          • archer38
                                              Post count: 242

                                              I live in Ontario and married into a family of bear guides and outfitters.Unfortunately, they don’t operate anymore but I do know of a few very good places to hunt bears. South Algonquin outfitters will put you a great bear hunt and (not quoting here but) for less than a thousand bucks. Worth checking into.

                                              I live about an hour from them and do it myself every year. Have taken some real good bears and this past year, my first with trad gear.

                                            • lyagooshka
                                                Post count: 600

                                                Archer38: I looked up AO online. The only thing I found is a kayaking place. Do you have contact info or a web site? How far from Toronto are you/they?




                                              • Etter1
                                                  Post count: 831

                                                  I’ve been to canada fifteen times hunting them in Quebec. People can say or feel how they want to about baiting bears, but I grew up doing it. A bear was my first big game animal. Killed him was I was thirteen. They’re the most amazing creatures to watch.

                                                  I hunted them this year in the mountains of N. GA, spot and stalk/still hunting them and it was intense. I should have killed two, but found ways to screw up both times.

                                                  The first time you draw down on a bear at ten yards, is probably the biggest rush you’re ever going to feel in the woods.

                                                  I can’t really recommend an outfitter, because we were friends with ours and only payed to fish. We would bring our own bait in a trailer and do all the baiting/hanging stands, etc.

                                                  If you do decide to go on a baited hunt, it would do you good to go along with the guides and do the work with them. You’ll learn a whole lot doing it that way. I’ve never just set up on a pre-baited site.

                                                  We are going on a lion hunt with these people. They do a great bear hunt too that is bait, hounds, or spot and stalk.


                                                • archer38
                                                    Post count: 242

                                                    lyagooshka wrote: Archer38: I looked up AO online. The only thing I found is a kayaking place. Do you have contact info or a web site? How far from Toronto are you/they?




                                                    There is an Algonquin Outfitters which is actually a canoe/kayak/camping outfitter. You want South Algonquin Outfitters. Maybe try Facebook. They are near a small town called Wilberforce which is about 2 hours North/East of Toronto.I’m about an hour North-West of them. I know a few guys from upstate NY who hunt there every year and have taken some real nice bears.

                                                    I’m fortunate,I guess, that I have a number of great spots to hunt them within about 20 minutes of my house. A couple spots are literally a 2k trail ride behind my house.

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