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    • Patrick
        Post count: 1148

        While hunting the last couple times, I’ve called in a Great Horned Owl once, heard a Barred Owl, a Screech Owl, a Red-Tailed Hawk screaming, Pheasants cackling. Watched and listened to a few downy woodpeckers, blue jays. Watched some titmice, black-capped chickadees bathing in the creek I was hunting near, etc.
        I think ya get the idea. I’m an avid “birder”. Birds fascinate me. My cousin and I take birding road trips ocassionally, generally to the Northern Lower Penninsula and UP of Michigan. Wonder if any others here are birders. Just curious.

      • Daniel
          Post count: 247

          We have a wide variety of birds here in our part of the country but the bald eagle is our most visible as they love making their nests along the large river systems.


        • Patrick
            Post count: 1148

            The Bald Eagle’s comeback has been amazing in just the last 10-15 years here in Michigan. I’m sure we don’t have near as many as you do up there, but we have alot them.

            My favorite bird to watch is the Rough-Legged Hawk. They breed in the Artic, but they come down here during the winter. They’ll “hover” over a spot, moving their head around, searching for voles, mice, etc. When they spot one, they’ll fold up their wings and drop.

          • Daniel
              Post count: 247

              For some reason, I really like the blue jay, I remember seing many in my past, makes for good memories.


            • Patrick
                Post count: 1148

                StandingBear wrote: For some reason, I really like the blue jay, I remember seing many in my past, makes for good memories.


                I love using blue jay feathers for the hat I’m wearing in my avatar. They look awesome in it (to me anyway :D)

                Of all the “regulars” living where I do, the Black-Capped Chickadee is my favorite. At my feeder, when I stood still, I could get them to eat out of my hand. They are cool little birds.

              • William Warren
                  Post count: 1384

                  StandingBear wrote: For some reason, I really like the blue jay, I remember seing many in my past, makes for good memories.


                  I like the blue jay too. Nothing like sitting quietly and listening to a troop of jays working the pin oaks. I’m not a regular birder but I have gone out occasionally with the binoculars to specifically observe birds. We have a variety birds here to enjoy. One bird that I have come to love is the Hermit Thrush. They show up in June to raise their young and can be heard morning and evening teaching their young the Thrush song. They will absolutely bust you if you are out still hunting in the early season through mid October. Once they have spotted you its over, you might as well show your self and get it over with so they will leave.

                • Daniel
                    Post count: 247

                    I just thought of mentionning we just saw our first flocks of Pine Grosbeaks, lots of them were red too.


                  • Carbomask
                      Post count: 39

                      well, i wanted to be an ornithologist when i growd up. so, i join you in the birder category. I have a good life list, and most recently enjoyed to see a couple flocks of cranes in a cornfield (unusual), theyre usually flying so high above you can only hear them- rarely spot em.

                      I started a video/photo log of birds, got a pre-dawn GH owl on film, and osprey caught a fish in the pond! my camera is slow, i cant capture the blue jay they never hold still.

                      A stray double crested cormorant wandered in too, it reminded me of loch ness.

                      I saw some really cool jays up in mercer wisconsin last month, scrub jays I think, very “tame”, great flyers, bold.

                      I saw a few trumpeter swans, on a lake up north, while hunting- beautiful (sounding too).

                      And one time I saw a pileated woodpecker, which was enormous.

                      I once caught a goshhawk, that was stunned by flying into someones garage and hitting the window. It took off from my wrist. I felt like marlin perkins, no wait.. steve.

                    • bruc
                        Post count: 476

                        We enjoy watching birds especially in the winter.We have a bird feeder and with black sunflower seeds we attract chickadees,nuthatches, a few variety of woodpeckers, and occasionally jays.Not as many jays,my mother feels they have been affected with the “west nile virus” similar to what has affected crows. If we are fortunate to have a deer we hang the carcass in an oak tree just outside the window. Everything likes that except finches and sparrows. We have even had magpies and a small weasel at the deer ribs.
                        Watching birds at a bird feeder can be as entertaining as a real good movie! Always keep bird book handy. Bruce.

                      • rayborbon
                          Post count: 298

                          I’m always interested in bird species around here. And that doesn’t necessarily mean on the dinner plate (which is where a few end up every year).

                          We have bald eagles, golden eagles, large populations of geese and ducks, blue herons, swans, grouse, and a whole cornucopia of other species.

                          When in the forest most of what I encounter are crows, ravens, grouse. The owls are there but are a rarity for me to lay eyes on.

                          I own a bird book which I often reference for identification.

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