Home Forums Bows and Equipment BirchBark arrow storage unit!

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    • Ripforce
        Post count: 225

        I have a lot rotted out White Birch trees behind my house, the center will desintegrate and you can find nice cylindric pieces, I had a couple of them that were 10in plus in diameter, too large to make quivers out of so I decided to turn them into arrow storing units! Used pink siding foam in the bottom an lined them with foam from a sleeping bag mattress pad, had some spare polar fleece and some jute twine and here is the finished product! they look cool and hold a lot of arrows!

      • Wexbow
          Post count: 403

          Rip it looks like it grew there to hold your arrows! Nice work 8)

        • 3blades
            Post count: 58

            Cool idea! 8)

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