Home Forums Bows and Equipment Bent Limb Tip

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    • Ricky Lee
        Post count: 17

        I have a 55# Bear Grizzly recurve with a slightly twisted top limb.It seems to be shooting fine. Should I be concerned?

      • jpc
          Post count: 170

          Why boyers make straight limbs ? :roll::shock::?:

        • Ricky Lee
            Post count: 17

            Forgot to add, bow is 30 years old.

          • jpc
              Post count: 170

              30 days or 30 years twisted is twisted

              There are ways to straight limbs ( if without carbon )

            • Ricky Lee
                Post count: 17

                I do not think it has carbon. I always use a bow stringer but I used the old type that fit over each end bow tip. I use to always unstring the bow after shooting.

              • jpc
                  Post count: 170

                  30 years old neans no carbon 😆

                • Stephen Graf
                    Post count: 2428

                    I think there was an article in TBM not too far back about fixing a twisted limb. I think it involved running hot water over the limb and then twisting it in the other direction or something.

                    I’ve tried to fix twisted limbs before like this, but never had any lasting success. They always tended to take the twist again. The only way I’ve found to really get the limb to go straight was to sand down the stronger side of the limb.

                    This is not advice, I’m just telling you what I have done. If you string the bow and see which side of the limb follows the string less, then mark that edge. That is the strong side of the limb.

                    Then play with it a little. Apply pressure to the strong side of the limb, forcing it toward the string until the limb is straight. See where along the edge the least pressure is required to straighten the limb.

                    This is where I mark them to sand. Unstring the bow, sand the edge a bit, restring, retest, repeat until limb is straight.

                    Another option is to sand the string nock a little deeper on the weak side of the limb. Just 2 strokes at a time, test, repeat.

                    Then you are left with the task of refinishing. A can of poly usually does the trick.

                  • jpc
                      Post count: 170

                      I know this way to fix twisted limbs ( don’t remember where I learned it )

                      I used this way for olds bows it realy :shock:works

                    • Ricky Lee
                        Post count: 17

                        Thank you for the post. I will give it a try.

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