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    • kellydockter
        Post count: 67

        would like a little help from all of you on a new longbow. i’m looking at a three piece from Neil or a two piece from Wes – pros/cons – pics – all of it. thank you. KD

      • SteveMcD
          Post count: 870

          Kelly, for as many that respond. You will likely get as many answers. It really boils down to one thing – What do you like most.

        • Treetopflier
            Post count: 146

            Steve — where did you get that great picture of Bigfoot for your avatar! 😯

            Just kidding. We love you here! 😆

            All I can say about these two bows is to expand on what Steve said — shoot them both before you decide, or buy another brand that you can shoot and know you love. For all the justifiable grumping about the high price of Black Widow bows, they do have a “loaner” policy where you can borrow a bow for postage, or order a bow and return it if you don’t like it for postage and $50 (last I heard). Since the trad world today is going increasingly to mail-order for everything, we need as many bow-makers as possible figuring ways to let us try out their ware by mail before ordering one. I’m sure we’d all attend several trad events where we can shoot the various offerings every year, if we could afford the $ and time involves. Some of us are lucky enuf to have a big show, like Klamazoo, real close. For others it’s very rare or never. That’s my best advice … except … when do we get an open season on Bigfoot? 😛 ttf

          • William Warren
              Post count: 1384

              Uh-oh Bigfoot vs Tree Top Alien can’t wait for that one 😯

              That Wes Wallace makes a pretty bow. Never seen the Bearpaw. Shoot them if you have the opportunity.

              I like TTF’s thoughts on trying out bows. Would be great for areas that lack bow shops with lots of bows to try.


            • SteveMcD
                Post count: 870

                Treetopflier wrote: Steve — where did you get that great picture of Bigfoot for your avatar! 😯

                Just kidding. We love you here! 😆

                That’s okay, Duncan. A little smackdown now and then keeps things alive! 😆

                I think Elkheart’s influenece is rubbing off on him!:P

              • Cottonwood
                  Post count: 311

                  I may be looking at a new custom bow this next year, and Bears Paw Bows is at the top of the list simply because I can go to Neil’s shop and try one of his bows. The same with Schafer Silvertip and Tokel bows.

                • SteveMcD
                    Post count: 870

                    We are fortunate today to have so many quality bowyers out there today. It would be hard to go wrong with any of them. Bottom line is.. it is really all about personal preferences. 8)

                  • kellydockter
                      Post count: 67

                      thanks everybody for your input. KD

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