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    • coldpak
        Post count: 60

        Need help!! I relized this morning my bow season maybe cut short due to the cold moring temps. Live in Michigan and have not been able to find clothing that can keep me warm with temps below 32. At the moment i use silk and fleece.

      • jmsmithy
          Post count: 300

          Hey Coldpak

          What I’m about to say can get expensive but here goes!

          King of the Mountain wool clothing, Ulfrotte silk blend base layer with some type of fleece in between….

          I’ve sat in tree stands in Adirondack mountains with temps dropping -20 and been fine…-20 is cold ❗ I don’t give a s€!!t what you’re wearing 😀

          Oh, and don’t forget the Hot Hands ( may not be traditional but frostbite is a tradition I can do without 😀 )

        • paleoman
            Post count: 931

            Wool wool wool!! I second third and fourth that… Me, I wear at least 2 layers that fit a bit loose to trap the warm air. I’ve been pretty comfortable so far with Duofold longjohns, a wool “commando” type sweater, a wool jac-shirt over that and then my larger, heavier wool “battle” coat over that, and of course wool pants and hat/facemask. Pack them in too and dress near your spot or you’ll be paddling in your own sweat. And hopefully you’ll have somewhere to dry it all out if it gets wet. Shoot with all that on too to be sure you won’t catch anything with your bowstring.

          • Roger Norris
              Post count: 91

              Coldpack – It’s not so bad. Once temps are in the 30’s or below, and if I’m sitting, not sneaking, my uniform is as follows:

              Base layer of silk or polypro long johns….thin to thick depending on temp.

              Wool pants

              Wool sweater ( I have them from thin to thick, depending on cold)

              Wool fingerless gloves

              Wool jacket (Asbell or Filson, depending on cold)

              Stormy Kromer hat

              I may throw in one of Teresa Asbells windbreaker vests, or an extra wool vest if weather requires.

              My feet don’t get cold, I wear good wool socks, and don’t wear insulated boots until we hit the teens.

            • wahoo
                Post count: 420

                silk is good base then go to wool as said and layer as needed. I’m not a tree stander but have done it here and I use lots of wool. It seems like a lot of money but buy pieces as you go.

              • lyagooshka
                  Post count: 600

                  coldpack: I am not about to argue with the wool suggestions, but I do want to offer an alternative. In my view, polypros (polypropylene) is an excellent base layer. I was issued mine in army basic and I am still using them (sometimes even for the army 😆 ). Check out http://www.adsinc.com. They make quite a bit of cold weather stuff for the military. You could also check out some military surplus stores or some online auctions. Hope this helps. Be well.



                • jmsmithy
                    Post count: 300

                    Hey CP

                    Should’ve been more clear. Yes I’m a staunch wool guy and in bitter cold I’ll swear by Ulfrotte silk blend BUT the blend is with polypropylene. I also use as a go to base layer as it wicks wonderfully and is comfortable next to the skin ( as are the silks ).

                    Love and wouldn’t give up my KOM/woolens for anything but, even lined, not exactly my first choice next to my skin 😯

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