Home Forums Bows and Equipment Banana Cut Feathers…Anyone else love em?

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    • LimbLover
        Post count: 299

        Does anyone else LOVE to shoot Banana Cut feathers for the noise factor?

        I just fletched up half a dozen carbons with 5″ Orange Banana cuts and my arrows sound like surface to air missles going through the air.

        I’d never hunt with them – too loud for that – but there uber fun for taking to shoots and what not. Unfortunately I do not know of any good places to buy them except at expos.


      • sapcut
          Post count: 159

          Nanners are all I use. But they are not loud. They are also not large, long or high. That is why yours are loud.

        • LimbLover
            Post count: 299

            Do you cut your own then? Mine are pretty high and I’ve never seen anything different than what my Dad and I have purchased in the past.

            Every person I’ve ever seen shoot a stock-cut banana feather all had whistling in their arrows.

          • sapcut
              Post count: 159

              Yes, I cut mine with scissors. Have been for umpteen years now. And when you use good primary turkey feathers that are pretty stiff they make even less noise. So little that the shooter can’t hear anything except the bow.

            • David Petersen
                Post count: 2749

                got some banana photos to show us?

              • sapcut
                  Post count: 159

                  Here’s a few 3″ and 4″ humpback nanners.

                • Fletcher
                    Post count: 177

                    If you get the big ones like the Trueflight Maxi’s, yeah they can pretty loud. In general, the taller a feather is, the noiser it will be. They are thinner, softer and vibrate more in flight causing the noise. Fletchings with a long tip on the back, like a P&Y cut, tend to be noisier for the same reason. A low cut banana cut won’t be any noisier that anything else. I burn, but you can also cut them with a little chopper.

                  • LimbLover
                      Post count: 299

                      Mine are pretty high and yes they are loud but I don’t mind that when I’m not hunting.

                      I’m looking for places to buy them in bulk right now. Tradtech archery is the only place I have seen them.

                    • DAbersold
                        Post count: 111

                        Sapcut – Those home made banana cuts are awesome. I too really like the style, but on my carbons the 5 1/2″ers are just to much feather. I tried to cut a parabolic 5″ feather to a banana cut 4″, but the shape wasn’t quite right. Are you using full length feathers? If so, how many 4″ can you get from each? Thanks

                      • sapcut
                          Post count: 159

                          I get two 4″ or three 3″ out of full feather.
                          They are actually more like a humpback nanner with the highest point just back of the center but it makes absolutely zero difference. I used to use the big 5.5 inch but the difference a smaller feather makes on FOC is significant…as well as cutting the male portion of the nock a little shorter. But that’s another story.

                        • Holten101
                            Post count: 66

                            Sapcut…that sounds like the feathers I use;-). A slightly “distorted” banana cut 4″ long and 1″ high with the high point just behind center.

                            I use 3 and 4 fletch…I can hardly see a difference, but I have convinced my self that 4 stabilize BH’s better;-)

                            As to noise…mine makes less than than anything else I have tried (4-5,5″ shield, para).

                            Only problem…I cant get my woodies to match the flight and precision of my Grizzly sticks:-(((


                          • William Warren
                              Post count: 1384

                              I love the banana cut. Had some orange and some red barred that I used for years. I just got a chopper this winter but I wish I had got the low cut chopper. The high cut does make some noise.

                            • Patrick
                                Post count: 1148

                                They’re better than feather cut bananas, but, personally, I don’t like the looks of them. I just figured a little diversity was needed (not really). 🙂

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