Home Forums Bows and Equipment Bamboo Flooring for backing bows?

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    • Reddwarf
        Post count: 31

        What experiences have you guys had with using bamboo flooring as backing material for bows?


        Red Dwarf

      • grumpy
          Post count: 962

          I want to know too. Been thinking about that.

        • horserod
            Post count: 78

            I may be wrong here, but, I believe they use a special process with Bamboo when applied to flooring applications which makes it harder….read: Durable. Horserod

          • Troy Breeding
              Post count: 994

              In my book it would be like spitting into the wind. I’ve used it a boat load of times as core wood, but doubt it would hold up as a backing. The urea glue used to laminate it together isn’t what I’d call ideal for the exterior of a bow.

            • Ralph
                Post count: 2580

                Troy, what about Ipe? For bow, backed or not backed?

                By the way, I will work on this :-)) SPEAK without offending:D

              • coastalbendbows
                  Post count: 120

                  I wouldn’t back a bow with boo flooring or ipe. If I was building a backed bow then it needs to be reg bamboo sinew cloth paper or some other sort of material.

                  Ipe can be used on the belly and it’s a great choice too

                • Reddwarf
                    Post count: 31

                    I guess that I will just have to keep trying to locate a good supplier “natural” bamboo for my bows. Such a shame that Bamboo & Rattan went out of business, their boo was excellent.


                  • Troy Breeding
                      Post count: 994

                      I used edge grain hickory as backings for years before ever trying bamboo.

                      Easier to find and works great, just not as classy.

                    • handirifle
                        Post count: 409

                        +1 on the hickory backing. Great wood, for that purpose, with the grain growing pretty much interlaced, it makes an unbelievably durable backing.

                        Plus easier to work with than bamboo, at least for me.

                      • Troy Breeding
                          Post count: 994

                          Getting the glue side of bamboo flat and ready to glue up is really a pain in the ##@.

                          Hickory can be flattened and ready for use in seconds.

                          Make sure you get either true edge grain or completely flat grain. Bias grain can lift a splinter.


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