Home Forums Campfire Forum Avatar (The Movie) and Longbows

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    • Patrick
        Post count: 1148

        I took the wife and kids to see Avatar. What a great movie! It was epecially cool that the inhabitants of the planet we were plundering used longbows as their primary weapon.

      • Bloodless
          Post count: 103

          Yes, but do they win the war? 😛 Bloodless

        • Patrick
            Post count: 1148

            There’ll be no spoilers from me. 😀

          • Bloodless
              Post count: 103

              Ah, Patrick. “You’re a wise man. You keep your own council.” Paraphrased from Bryan Dennehey, bush pilot, to “Tyler” aka Farley Mowatt, in Carroll Ballard’s timeless “Never Cry Wolf.” One of the best scenes in one of the best movies ever made, longbow giants notwithstanding. (Where is the balloon face for “sticking tongue out in friendly way”?) Bloodless

            • Patrick
                Post count: 1148

                Bloodless wrote: Ah, Patrick. “You’re a wise man…

                You must be confusing me with…well…take your pick.

              • Ralphs
                  Post count: 22

                  Great movie, wonder if the use of the longbows will spark interest???

                • MontanaFord
                    Post count: 450

                    I took my 7 year old to the movie under the impression from my mother-in-law that it was an OK kid movie. In my opinion, it is NOT a kids movie, due to the violence and language usage, but it was a very well-written movie, none-the-less. It didn’t bother my 7 year old, because at his mother’s, as I’ve found over time, they watch a lot of movies that are NOT kid-friendly (i.e. Predator, Predator vs. Alien, etc.), yet they have no qualms with allowing him to watch. So, as such, a PG-13 rating is nothing for him. The graphics and surreal attention to detail in the movie was astounding. It is definitely one that I would watch again. Just my thoughts.


                  • David Petersen
                      Post count: 2749

                      “Predator” — my favorite cult movie of all time. Its “so bad it’s good” qualities are so rich that I have to think the writer, producer and director were in on the joke all along. Gee, I wish I could make a bow that shoots plum through a big tree like Arnie’s! Must have had a LOT of FoC on that arrow! :lol::D8):roll: dave

                    • Ralph
                        Post count: 2580

                        Hey David, I’m a nearly 65 yr. old kid and I like “Predator”. Others, cult?, “Outlaw Josey Wales”, “Quigley Down Under”, “Jeremiah Johnson”……….. !!! Nothing bad about “kidding” around as long as one can get by with it.

                      • Chris Shelton
                          Post count: 679

                          ralphs wrote: Great movie, wonder if the use of the longbows will spark interest???

                          I have not seen this movie yet, so thanks guys for not spoiling! To remark on the quote above. It was actually the movie series . . . Lord of the Rings, mixed with Gary Paulsons “Brian” book series that prompted me to dive in to the traditional archery world. Dad was finally tired of my mess on the deck, because I kept trying to make a longbow out of some sticks, and the wood shavings were curiously left on the deck as any 13 year old would do! But if the archery looks good in the movie, I think it could definatly spark some interest-hopefully:D


                        • Robrob
                            Post count: 1

                            I saw Avatar in 3D & wow what a great movie.I was swatting stuff in what appeared to be right in front of my face.I thought that their anchor placement was peculiar @ best.:roll:

                          • Ralphs
                              Post count: 22

                              Dave and R2 I love all the movies you mentioned. Jerimiah Johnson is my favorite of all time. Chris the longbows in Avatar are pretty awesome and the way they use them in warfare is powerful. You’ll like the movie!

                            • Holten101
                                Post count: 66

                                Just saw the movie and must say it impressiv to say the least:-)

                                But…man I was disappointed to see feathers on the arrows (or what looked exactly like feathers…barred and all)…..especially since our heroes training set had what looked like semi-transparent scales.

                                They had gone to great lenghts to make the fauna and flora different from earths, they even made all the expected analogies….but birds did not seem to be part of it (and why would they?).

                                Judgeing by the arrowheads however the Narvi (is that how it is spelled?) seems to have discovered the usefullness EFOC independantly from us;-)

                                (yeah I know…the Narvi was too human looking too…but the movi would not work otherwise;-)

                              • Carbomask
                                  Post count: 39

                                  choosing NOT to see this movie for political reasons. too bad for me i guess. i’m being a consciensious objector, as I heard its antiAmerican, pantheistic, anti corporate, anti military, and ethnocentrically villianizing against all non-colored species ? you wouldnt hold that against me though would ya?

                                • Patrick
                                    Post count: 1148

                                    Carbomask wrote: choosing NOT to see this movie for political reasons. too bad for me i guess. i’m being a consciensious objector, as I heard its antiAmerican, pantheistic, anti corporate, anti military, and ethnocentrically villianizing against all non-colored species ? you wouldnt hold that against me though would ya?

                                    Nope, won’t hold it against ya. 😉

                                    I have to say that I was reluctant because of things I heard about it too. Frankly, I don’t like being preached at by Hollywood. It has its good points. It also has its bad points. All, in my opinion.

                                  • Ralphs
                                      Post count: 22

                                      Patrick wrote: [quote=Carbomask]choosing NOT to see this movie for political reasons. too bad for me i guess. i’m being a consciensious objector, as I heard its antiAmerican, pantheistic, anti corporate, anti military, and ethnocentrically villianizing against all non-colored species ? you wouldnt hold that against me though would ya?

                                      Nope, won’t hold it against ya. 😉

                                      I have to say that I was reluctant because of things I heard about it too. Frankly, I don’t like being preached at by Hollywood. It has its good points. It also has its bad points. All, in my opinion.

                                      What’s new about this kind of message out of Hollywood….most movies have some type of “we’re the bad guys” message.

                                    • johnny2
                                        Post count: 135

                                        I’ll bet Patrick is wondering how ol johnny2 feels about the political and social undertones(overtones?)of said movie.:twisted: haha!

                                        Rest easy friend, I won’t open that can of worms. And yes, I did just refer to myself in the the third person online.:D

                                      • William Warren
                                          Post count: 1384

                                          Well when I get around to seeing it I will just have to remind myself that its only a fantasy and ignore the message if any.

                                        • MontanaFord
                                            Post count: 450

                                            open the can!! open the can!!

                                          • Holten101
                                              Post count: 66

                                              No doubt the movie would have worked as well..if not better with more (much more) subtle political/social messages.

                                              I didnt find it as anti-american as some claim it to be (im not blind tho….I know they don refer to the “Royal Marines” when they say “Marines”:-(

                                              Im exited by other aspects of the movie…like the notion that the bow as a weapon should be invented independantly twice (on their and our world). Which makes me wonder how many times it has been invented (if more than once) on earth?


                                            • Patrick
                                                Post count: 1148

                                                johnny2 wrote: I’ll bet Patrick is wondering how ol johnny2 feels about the political and social undertones(overtones?)of said movie.:twisted: haha!

                                                Rest easy friend, I won’t open that can of worms. And yes, I did just refer to myself in the the third person online.:D

                                                Who’s Johnny2? 😆 (Likewise, but you might be surprised at my feelings about it. I don’t fit very well in a box. 😉 )

                                              • johnny2
                                                  Post count: 135

                                                  O.k., Montana Ford is all but chomping at the bit for it and I know Patrick’s thinly veiled attempt to sweep it under the rug is really a cry to be heard:lol: so let it rip Patrick. I wanna know what you really think about the movie. Maybe I’ll even chime in.

                                                  You know you really want to. 😉 Someone needs to do something before Montana Ford pees all over himself!:DLOL

                                                • Patrick
                                                    Post count: 1148

                                                    johnny2 wrote: Someone needs to do something before Montana Ford pees all over himself!:DLOL


                                                    johnny2 wrote: O.k., Montana Ford is all but chomping at the bit for it and I know Patrick’s thinly veiled attempt to sweep it under the rug is really a cry to be heard:lol: so let it rip Patrick. I wanna know what you really think about the movie. Maybe I’ll even chime in.

                                                    Na, I think I’ll abide by a Mark Twain quote:
                                                    “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.” 😉
                                                    (Well, that, plus my hands and arms KILLING me, due to tendinitis. 🙁 ).

                                                  • Patrick
                                                      Post count: 1148

                                                      Watching Leno (VERY rare occurance): Bill Paxton (I think) is talking about Avatar and how, because of the movie, he MADE bows for him and his daughter. His daughter was saying she wants to shoot an animal. He said, well you’ve gotta eat it, so we’ll proabably be eating squirrel soon (loose paraphrase). So, there’s an example of Avatar sparking an interest in longbows.

                                                      On the downside 😯 (from the WeeklyStandard.com):

                                                      “James Cameron, the director of mega-blockbuster Avatar, isn’t worried that some people may not like the film’s political message.
                                                      In a print-only interview in the current Entertainment Weekly, reporter Benjamin Svetkey tells Cameron that somebody has called Avatar the “perfect ecoterrorism recruiting tool.” Here’s Cameron’s response in its entirety:
                                                      “Good, good, I like that one. I consider that a positive review. I believe in ecoterrorism.”
                                                      Maybe Cameron doesn’t know what ecoterrorism is?
                                                      If he does, then the world’s biggest director just endorsed a form of left-wing political violence. And no one bats an eye.
                                                      Ah, Hollywood.”

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