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For them what’s interested in the growing sportsmen’s outrage against OHV abuse and over-use on public lands, and what BHA and an increasing number of other sportsmen groups are trying to do about it, here’s a link to my latest rant on Huffington Post. There are a couple of previous blogs on the same general topic there as well. I use Huffington simply because more elected officials in DC, from both parties, read it than any other such source.
So far as I can tell we havn’t had such a problem here in OH.
It may be going on in places I havn’t visited yet. If I understand it right any OHV used off your personal property has to be lic. here in OH.
Hopefully your fine words will get attention and action.
Troy – I know from previous discussions here, and in person, that it’s really difficult for folks not from the West to understand the magnitude of the problem. Anyone who owns hunting property can magnify their ATV trespassing, littering, and vandalism problems by several thousand and get some idea of it. The only saitsfaction I get from having motors run me out of all my favorite places in recent years is knowing that hunting success rate among ATV hunters is just a fraction of what it is for folks who hunt traditionally, that is via muscle power. And they will grow weak and ill and die younger from lack of exercise and exhaust fume inhalation. It is real, and it is serious and a big part of the problem is the legal loophole that doesn’t require visible ID plates on ATVs. Put on a helmet with dark face shield and nobody can ID you. That’s the big push now–visible ID plates on the front and back of all OHVs so that the bad guys can be brought to justice. With turkey season opening this weekend I know absolutely that I will have hunts messed up by people sitting down on motors and riding where they shouldn’t be, so it’s much on my mind. Tough enough to get a high-odds shot at a turkey with a longbow. Impossible with jerks running around everywhere on motors, stopping long enough to call, then motoring off to keep doing the same every few hundred yards.
This is from an April 4, 2012 Oregonian article:
Starting in June, the U.S. Forest Service will prohibit travel by passenger cars, ATVs, dirt bikes and four-wheel-drive rigs on targeted roads in a 1.3 million-acre portion of the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest. Only bicycles, hikers and horseback riders will be allowed on the closed roads.
This is one Oregon solution to the problem of “road whores” riding around on ATVs with an arrow nocked.
Used to see Elk and hunt them with success until the 4 wheelers showed up several years ago. They run the Elk deeper, ruin the hunting and run on trails not intended and do it with disregard to the law. There is NO place for a 4 wheeler on public land in areas they are banned from!!! They do it anyway,, along with increasing numbers of road hunters,,,aka “Slobs” that shoot from the road and ruin things for those who like to hunt them fair chase. I own a 4 wheeler and keep it for work,,,hauling rocks and wood on my own place. Deer watch me as I pass them and do not spook because they know they are safe. There are use’s for for ATV’s but NOT on public land!:evil:
If only OHV’s were the only way humanity expressed its collective… shamelessness 🙁
Great article David ! {beautifully written as usual}
Here in AZ/NM Improper Offroad use has become Epidemic! H–L they drive right up/around tanks-wallows-waterholes to check for sign!? I noticed the comments{huffington post} on your article were not positive. I am sure there are folks who drive ORV’s properly -but i see a lot of evidence of the other. I think some of this is the “Runnin and gunnin” attitude fostered by the “Famous” hunters on the “Outhouse Channels”. Too much emphasis on the success of the hunt,instead of the Joys of the process and being in wonderfull wild country! –What’s left of it!
wahoo wrote: Dave your right. Here in ID it’s a mess roads everywhere and all people bitch about are wolfs — go figure
What drives me crazy is the prevalent attitude amongst people who think that being able to ride their ATV anywhere they want is actually some sort of inalienable “right,” no matter what the impact on others, on habitat, and on wildlife.
Unfortunately, in my experience, politicians in DC may as well be on another planet when you try to discuss Western issues with them. They generally seem to have no idea what life is like in the rural West (much less anywhere else outside the narcissistic Beltway). And western politicians at the state level are terrified of upsetting those hunters who have big lobbying groups behind them (like the ATV lobby).
There continue to be outstanding death threats (not an exaggeration) against the FS officials in our valley, for closing two roads in one of our local mountain ranges that were getting torn to hell by ATV abuse. Two roads that were getting hammered, when there still exist a multitude of other roads that are open to ATVs in that area. That was 6 years ago, and those officials still fear for their safety, and the safety of their families.
I’ve posted many times on the issue of OHV abuse on public lands. I have no reservations in stating that,”Until they can be effectively managed (like other animals) ATVs and OHVs should not be allowed on public lands”. A small user group should not be allowed to cause the majority of resource damage on public lands; as stated by others it goes back to an attitude of entitlement.
My suggestion to all of you is to continue to contact the public land managing agencies about the ongoing abuse. Its worked pretty well for me to take pictures of ATV damage and send it to the USFS regularly.
In my neck of the woods each spring I find new damage on public land where good old boys with ATVs and jacked up trucks decide to create a new mud pit and tear stuff up or get bored staying on the trail or road so they make a new one. So I take pictures and send it to the local Forest Service Office. Some times even catching the jack asses in the act of tearing stuff up. Keep putting in in their (USFS, BLM, etc.) face, eventually they won’t be able to ignore it. Not that they intentionally ignore the issue, I understand they (agencies) are understaffed and over burdened with other tasks and can’t spend all their time “patrolling”. However, if enough concerned citizens stir the pot at the local levels it might just trickle up the chain of command.
Everyone has posted some good points, taking pictures, contacting AHJ, and writing OP ED’s are all good tactics. The real trick is convincing folks to follow through! When people complain to me about public lands abuse the first thing I ask is what are you going to do about it. Instead of complaining we need to act, write letters to the forest service, Senate/ Congress representatives, certain organizations that use the Tread Lightly campaign. The best defense we have for our public lands is ourselves! If you’re not comfortable contacting the powers that be at the least support groups like Backcountry Hunters and Anglers.
It would be a shame to lose this battle due to folks not wanting to stand up for what they believe in.
Backcountry Joe wrote:
It would be a shame to lose this battle due to folks not wanting to stand up for what they believe in.
Bottom line.
I’ve said it before; ATV’s and GPS’ are the death toll for all wilderness…designated or not. Laziness and fear have kept a majority of people close to roads. With motorized transportation and no fear of getting lost, there is NO PLACE that won’t be accessible by the armchair populace. gfa
Yep, it’s really sad when you gotta look left then right before you cross a wilderness trail. Not only for ATV’s hauling butt but now they make’em with electric motors and you can’t here’em coming!!
There’s a time and place for everything and also a wrong time and place for everything. There’s never a place nor a time for an “Hurray for me and to hell with you” attitude.
Even the creek bed on our archery range is getting beat up in places by 4 wheelers sneaking in when no one is around. Bummer!!!
Responsibility and respect? What has happened?
Another well done article Dave!
Unfortunately this road/trail warrior epedemic can be found in Northern Alberta as well. Lazy oafs on ATVs cruising along farmer’s fields and cutlines with rifles on their racks, scoping anything that moves! And they have the nerve to ask why the hell I’m walking around spooking all the game! Fortunately when the snow comes most of these indiviuals don’t leave the comfort of their trucks, so a person can sneak into the woods and not be disturbed.
i cant get that article load up on my phone! i been in discussion about this before! but it doesnt help when u got yamaha motor company giving out grants for riding clubs to fix and keep up trails and im pretty sure its on state ground! the grants are speard out thourgh the U.S.! i ride atvs here in IL but i go to atv parks and my family farm! and here il it ilegal to ride on public land unless u get a handicap sticker and even then ppl abuse it and ride on it anyway!
Another great article,Dave… Wayne
Help us fight the abuse, join us, Back Country Hunters and Anglers. backcountryhunters.org
There is a problem with them in Minnesota also, the state Deer hunters organization has pushed legal cross country travel. Why because it is to hard to get a deer 300 yards back to the truck. With that came permanent stands of any size on public land. Now we have a baiting problem. Why? Because when you haul it on a machine and not your back there is no place you won’t go. Drive around the state 2 weeks before the season and you see blaze orange clothes hanging on the clothes line airing out. Then watch opening morning as they hop on the ATV and drive it to there stand then complain that they did not get a deer. Wonder why they and there machine smell of exhaust. Now they want to blame the wolf for their unfilled tag. The wolves have always been here. Grandpa got his deer.
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