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    • SteveMcD
        Post count: 870

        Who uses ASAT Camo? Likes? Dislikes?

      • bamboo
          Post count: 22

          i love it steve–cant tell you how many birds run into me!!LOL–my buddy had a grouse fly into him one day!!i flushed it–and it flew 30-40yds and bounced right off him!!!


        • Ireland
            Post count: 108

            SteveMcD wrote: Who uses ASAT Camo? Likes? Dislikes?

            I have used it for five years and love it. No dislikes at all.. I use the Vanish-Pro Leafy 3-D suit with various ASAT hats depending upon the weather.


          • Brennan Herr
              Post count: 403


              I use it and like it bunches…I have a 3d leafy suit that I add my ghilie suit too. I find it works really well fooling animals and people.

            • skifrk
                Post count: 387

                I use it myself and find if i move slow enough it does not seem to alert the animals.

              • Troy Breeding
                  Post count: 994

                  I’ve got a few pieces of it myself. Just be careful using it while sitting in treestands. Birds tend to think you are a limb and want to lite on you. It also really throws squirrels for a loop as well.:D


                • SteveMcD
                    Post count: 870

                    I have heard very good things about it. Such as, “Deer look right through you, like you’re not even there”. I figured this would good for both natural ground blind and still hunting.

                  • Ireland
                      Post count: 108

                      SteveMcD wrote: I have heard very good things about it. Such as, “Deer look right through you, like you’re not even there”. I figured this would good for both natural ground blind and still hunting.


                      The real “test” for me was to hang various camo patterns on the side of my deck and go back to 25-30 yards and observe what happens to the “shape”. I did the same by hanging various outfits on the side of a wooded ditch near my house. I almost couldn’t find the ASAT suit when it was time to go home. I’m extremely happy with mine. Deer and turkey do not see me which I guess is the “real test”…


                    • Bruce Smithhammer
                        Post count: 2514

                        I like it. It’s similar in it’s approach to Predator, VIAS, etc, and I use them all interchangeably. “All Situations All Terrain” is a pretty accurate description, imo.

                      • David Petersen
                          Post count: 2749

                          I like the larger pattern. So many more intricate patterns just blend together at a distance. However, it’s far too light for hunting where and how I hunt. Reminds me of urban camo. A good compromise is the old military camo pattern which also has bigger pattern that resists blending together but is darker. But incrasingly I wear only plaid tops and dark solid color bottoms and haven’t been caught yet. I put all commercial camo in the category of “It works great but is absolutely unnecessary.” Just an opinion …

                        • pewanogo
                            Post count: 35

                            I use it a lot during seasons with leaves on the trees or from the ground and find that it just disapears, especially on a sunny day. Never a look as if some thing isn’t right.. animals just walk past. I have a set made by Day One Camo in Colorado and realy like it a lot.

                          • Amoose
                              Post count: 80

                              If it had more green…

                              I want some CADPAT

                            • strait-aero
                                Post count: 350

                                I like the larger designs…..and really like my leafy outfit, and snow camo when it’s snowy. Wayne:)

                              • Dan Jackowiak
                                  Post count: 106

                                  Its to light for me since they changed it but my old set has a darker shade of tan as the base color. I’ve had elk look at me from 3 feet and could not figure out what I was. And of course the birds land on you.

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