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As of today, I no longer own a bow with training wheels.
That’s right, just as the title says. Here is the deal, as I found a custom longbow 60# with deflex-reflex today in the classifieds of another forum board. His loss my gain, I say but anyways, I told my daughter in law that the next bow I bought I would then give my modern compound to my son.
So as of today, I can say I am totally a Traditional Bowhunter.
Here is a picture of what will be coming to my house.
Congratulations on your self-promotion, Cottonwood! I hope that longbow shoots as pretty as she looks. But was it necessary for you to have such a negative influence on your son in the deal? :P:lol: But maybe he’s still of training-wheel age? :shock::lol: It’s all good. Enjoy, dave
Dave I will get my son hooked on the passion of the traditional ways, sooner or later. But he really took a liking to that modern wheeled bow. He has seen me make groups with the Bear Kodiak that he never thought a traditional bow could do 🙄
Now lets see what he does when someday he will get one of my traditional bows, when I gagiate up to a Bama Custom Bow 😆
Awesome Jon.
I actually got my Dad hooked on it. It took me 2 months but now he shoots every day and calls me every day to talk about it. For the first time we deer hunted together last year as I was never interested in hunting until that point.
Its amazing what traditional archery/bowhunting can do for families.
I can only hope my 2 week old little girl will want to shoot bows with her Daddy and Grandpa someday.
Well I finally posted up on that other bow makers forum board that I won’t mention here, but they do have a Traditional room over there that I will still visit.
Now its time to get out and shoot some more arrows.
Good for you, but it’s a 60# bow, not a #60 bow. Unless of course you bought a number sixty bow.:lol:
George D. Stout wrote: Good for you, but it’s a 60# bow, not a #60 bow. Unless of course you bought a number sixty bow.:lol:
No its a typo now corrected :roll:, but this one is going to get sold.
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