Home Forums Campfire Forum Arts, crafts, and Beavers…

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    • wildschwein
        Post count: 581

        I just finished my first wall mount today and thought I would share. He ain’t no eight point Whitetail, but should make for an interesting conversation piece. And for those interested in such things, his teeth score 1.75 inches P&Y :wink:.

      • William Warren
          Post count: 1384

          Now that is an interesting mount! Are you going to make a bow handle out of the tail skin? There was a cool article about that in TBM recently.

        • wildschwein
            Post count: 581

            I did give the tail/handle project a try, but I screwed up somewhere and the tail leather went hard as a rock! But there are always more Beavers, so I will hopefully give er another go this Spring.

          • William Warren
              Post count: 1384

              On one of my first selfbows I used some rawhide and sewed it on wet. When it dried it shrank a little which sealed it to the bow. It was hard but not uncomfortable. I imagine some beavertail rawhide would be perfect for a selfbow.
              I’ve heard beaver is good eatin’ did you cook any of it?


            • wildschwein
                Post count: 581

                Yup I ate the heart and the hams. My Grandad gagged but it was one of the best wild meats I have eaten, much better than Rabbit or Woodchuck. I hope to put a few in the freezer next year, if my Wife allows it :wink:.

              • rayborbon
                  Post count: 298

                  Too cool 😀

                • Cottonwood
                    Post count: 311

                    Awesome 8)

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