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    • SteveMcD
        Post count: 870

        These are Chundoo (Lodgepole Pine) Shafts. The crown is dyed dark brown (camera flash lighting makes it look a little lighter than they are). Dye was Rit Dye Dark Brown in De-Natured Alcohol and brushed on with a foam brush Feathers are chopped from full length feathers.

        My 3D & Target Arrows for 2012.

        attached file
      • William Warren
          Post count: 1384

          Sweet! I’m a sucker for that color combo.

        • Bruce Smithhammer
            Post count: 2514

            Clean & simple & easy to see. We likes.

          • MCuiksa
              Post count: 51

              Wow, Steve those are incredible. I wish I had the skill and patience to do that. Nice craftsmanship. Mike. 8)

            • David Petersen
                Post count: 2749

                I have the remains of a dozen lodgepole pine hex shafts and they are hard as granite, straight as Billy Graham, and heavy, way heavy. But then, they’re footed to increase FOC and wouldn’t likely be so weighty otherwise. I’ve gone over to Doug fir (Surewood) but will save the pines in case I ever get the chance to hunt bison or Hogzilla. I’d take ’em any day over cedar. IMHO

              • strait-aero
                  Post count: 350

                  Great looking set of arrows,Steve McD! I also have some lodgepole pine shafts and intend to make up some more. I also have some ash that sure are gorgeous with the green stain I used on them. Guess it’s that time of year when we do our arrowssmithing,Steve.:) Wayne

                • turtlebunting
                    Post count: 103

                    is lodgepole better wood then cedar? i want to use a heavier and tougher shaft for deer hunting and i going toget some flu fluffs made up!

                  • strait-aero
                      Post count: 350

                      Jason, if you want a heavier arrow try Douglas Fir or White Ash. Lodgepole(Chundoo)are a good wood but not necessarily heavier unless you put a footing on them and increase your FOC.

                    • SteveMcD
                        Post count: 870

                        Wayne… I’d love to see what your Ash looks like stained!

                        TB… If you you like to shoot an arrow heavier than cedar… Ash, Hickory, Birch, Doug Fir are good choices. All have qualities that are both pro and con. Chundo (Lodgepole Pine is only slightly heavier than cedar, but very straight grained and stonger than cedar. I’d would even say although not as heavy as Doug Fir, they are heartier than Doug Fir.. meaning comparing the two stumping Chundoo will out last Doug Fir.

                        Doug Fir was the preferrred wood of Art Young, when Howard Hill spoke the praises of Cedar. Everyone jumped on that band wagon. However, keep in mind, the old growth cedar of Howard Hill’s time was better quality than the second growth stuff we see today.

                        Doug Fir is my preferred Hunting Arrow for it’s penetrating qualities if I shot a heavier bow, I would use Laminated Birch. But for being in the lower to mid 50’s in poundage, Doug Fir & Chundoo suite me fine.

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