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    • Dan Heinz
        Post count: 1

        I need help. Long time archer, but I usually don’t play on forums much since most of what I have is already covered, but I have a problem. My draw length is long. 33-3/4″ long. I shoot a Wes Wallace recurve that is 50# @ 28″. Translates out to 70# at my draw length. I normally use douglas fir shafts, purple heart footing and nock insert 7/16th inch diameter tapered to give me about 135# spine. I get a good shaft from this that flies well and isn’t too heavy.

        My problem is right now, CVG douglas fir is too expensive for my budget, by far. For example, a 1x12x8 board goes for about $140. I need an equivalent that won’t break the bank as it were. My favorite website for comparing wood is the wood-database, but I seem to be missing something here, or not understanding it. I have bought wood that is supposed to be stiffer according to the numbers, such as European Beech, but it spines out less than the Douglas fir. In fact, every wood I have tried in comparison as a shaft wood has spined out less than what I can use.

        I need help, what can I use? Because I am at the point, I can’t find wood, I can’t do archery.

      • aeronut
          Post count: 404

          I’ve never used Douglas Fir but I have made and shot hundreds of Poplar shafts.  You might take a look at that for comparison.

          I shoot Poplar mostly and if I want a tougher shaft I use Hickory.

        • Stephen Graf
            Post count: 2428

            WoW! you do have a long draw length!

            You said you are using a shaft that is 7/16th in diameter.  That is thicker than the standard, and so that means you can think outside the box.  With an arrow that long, it seems like you could move up to 1/2 inch diameter and gain plenty more spine.  Can you imagine a 1/2 inch diameter arrow?  A thing of beauty!

            As Aero mentioned, poplar makes a good shaft and is an economical fast growing wood.  It might come in lighter than the douglas fir as well.

            The wood database is a wonderful resource, but wood is an organic product and thus doesn’t obey the rules all the time.  I find that the weight is usually higher and the strength is usually less than that advertised in the database.

            I used douglas fir for a long time, but poplar works easier and goes through the doweler more cleanly.  It’s cheaper and more plentiful.  It’s also just as tough, IMO.

          • richard roop
              Post count: 526

              Dan, …………………….. Greetings from S.E. Arizona.

              Have you tried bamboo ??? The Kyudo shooters use it and they draw back past their ear.

              FWIW; Our most cherished icon, Howard Hill was a big fellow and in his books mentioned adapting his shooting style for a shorter arrow. Notably, the bent elbow of the bow-arm.

              Good luck & let us know what works for you.

            • Martin Hoade
                Post count: 3

                And try a few dowels from the hardware/lumber store.   Some of those worked as well as anything else launched from a 55 pound Montana.

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