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    • Grant Gilmour
        Post count: 10

        Hi Guys and Gal’s,

        Just wondering if anybody has some tips on how heavy an arrow I can shoot from my 50lb longbow or my 52lb recurve.

        Heading home to NZ for a trout hog and stag filled summer.

        I’ve got 5,000 achre ranch/ farm to camp,fish and hunt, solo.

        Thinking 15/28 yd max shots, just wondering how heavy I can go, to drive the point home.

        Actually looking forward to camping without a single thing that wants to do me harm, although may get a nasty bite on my thumb if I try to pick up the trout largemouth bass style.

        I’m sorting out either Grizzly’s or RMSGear cutthroats, both fly very well but I do like the larger bodyed Grizzly.

        Thanks in advance for any help or tips.


      • David Coulter
          Post count: 2293

          Hi Kiwi,

          Check out the List Your FOC… thread a few down in this column. There’s some good info in there.

          Here’s mine. I have a couple inches of shaft left over, so just maybe you could start here, depending on your draw length. If not, go up a spine and tear into it. Enjoy! dwc

          Leon Stewart, LS Slammer Special R/D longbow

          62″, 46# @ 28

          Don’t know my draw length.

          Beman Bowhunter 400 shafts

          30′ long

          50 gr. brass insert

          75 gr steel adapter

          225 gr Tuffhead

          4 x 3 parabolic or AA style cut

          Total weight 635 gr.

          FOC is 27.9 according to Joe’s (and Alaskabowhunting.com ) calculator

        • Col Mike
            Post count: 911


            To heck with that FOC stuff mate plenty of info further down in the thread on that—what about this 5,000 acre ranch and when can we come visit?:D:D

            Seriously I shoot a 47# r/d long bow–elkheart by java man archery–750gr arrows with 500gr up front.

            But my original ? still stands.

            Semper Fi


          • Ptaylor
              Post count: 579


              I shoot a 700 grain arrow out of a 55lb longbow. Since I started using a clicker on my bow, my accuracy has improved dramatically. Sometimes I can group my arrows inside the kill zone of a deer at 35 yards, some times not. The arrow weight doesn’t affect my accuracy, my form did though. BUT I’d never take that long of a shot anyway. I keep my shots inside 15 yards.

              Have fun on your adventure!


            • Vintage Archer
                Post count: 276


                Heavy arrows are what the Doctor (Dr. Ed Ashby ) ordered for hunting. A 50 lb bow is a real common weight for a hunting bow and by todays standards not light but comfortable and manageable.

                It is common for those that profess that a heavy arrow lends to increased penetration to shoot arrows approaching and passing 700 grains from 50 lb bows

                If you are starting from scratch one goal is to have your total arrow weight approach or exceed 650 grains in order to breech bone if bone is encountered. There are other goals as mentioned above such as trying to get a large percentage of the arrow weight in the front of the arrow commonly referred to FOC.

                Arrow design and tuning is one of the mot important things we do as archers. Some think it is a pain in the a–and do not spend the effort needed. There are others that make the effort to properly tune their arrow and are rewarded. Believe it or not there are some of us that actually have fun with it .

                Kiwi hope your quest for a heavy arrow turns out fruitful and enjoyable:D:D


                I would love to join Col Mike and I am sure others for a Tradbow hunt on that ranch.:D

              • Grant Gilmour
                  Post count: 10

                  My friend would be interested in having well behaved hunters on his property.. The last time I was there t stalked a mob of pigs, at least 25/30 in one group.

                  I was sitting and watching a small valley just before I got on to the pigs, I heard that unmistakeable sound of antlers and saw movement at an old fence line.along came two big hinds and two giant ( to me ) stags, kept the fence and trotted along about 60/70 yards away. I hadn’t touched a bow at that stage so i just sat and watched.

                  I then wandered down to the stream and cast a dry fly at a cruising brown and ended up with 7 lb of smoked trout for dinner for the owner, farm hand and myself.

                  I think Garth will like the idea of trad hunters coming to his slice of heaven, he is not a big fan of guns, but fair chase trad archery….

                  Thanks for the arrow weight advise, I’m screwing in some weights tomorrow, and cranking up the double lung pass thru shots.

                • mfc
                    Post count: 14

                    Kiwigrant54 wrote: Hi Guys and Gal’s,

                    Just wondering if anybody has some tips on how heavy an arrow I can shoot from my 50lb longbow or my 52lb recurve.

                    Heading home to NZ for a trout hog and stag filled summer.

                    I’ve got 5,000 achre ranch/ farm to camp,fish and hunt, solo.

                    Thinking 15/28 yd max shots, just wondering how heavy I can go, to drive the point home.

                    Actually looking forward to camping without a single thing that wants to do me harm, although may get a nasty bite on my thumb if I try to pick up the trout largemouth bass style.

                    I’m sorting out either Grizzly’s or RMSGear cutthroats, both fly very well but I do like the larger bodyed Grizzly.

                    Thanks in advance for any help or tips.

                    KiwiGrant ….do I recall that you have one slightly toxic spider….. Not to mention those big killer parrots lmao ( the ones that will eat you’re pack and bow within 5 mins ??

                    I’d be safer on the Gold Coast lol

                    Regard mark

                  • Abel
                      Post count: 29

                      Look at the FOC thread, lots of good stuff in there. I’m shooting a 55lb Samich Sage and I’m shooting over 800grns, like 135-140fps. Hardwoods that are about 20% FOC, they start dropping off hard after 30yds, but they still hit hard that far out.

                    • grumpy
                        Post count: 962

                        Need somebody to tie flies while you are there? 😉

                      • wojo14
                          Post count: 325

                          I have been playing with different arrows out of my Elkheart.

                          I am drawing 53# out of the bow.

                          One of my arrows is 605g 27%EFOC

                          Another is 699g 28%EFOC

                          Out to 20 yards I can not really notice a difference. I typically do not shoot past 20yards. I do notice a difference past 20 though.

                          I would hunt with both, I guess it just depends on what I was going after…8)

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