Home Forums Bows and Equipment Arrow master or cat quiver

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    • hunter1
        Post count: 5

        I’m thinking of switching from a hip quiver to a side quiver.
        I’v narrowed it down to 3. The arrow master, the gfa by assbel
        and one of the cat quivers. What are the pros and cons about using them, and has anybody ever used them.

      • kestimator
          Post count: 4

          I can’t comment on the GFA or Cat products, having never used them. I like the Arrow Master by Safari Tuff. The quiver adjusts and carries like advertised. It is quiet (the outer material is soft and does not make much noise if dragged against brush) and can be moved easily around your upper torso for negotiating tight quarters.

        • kwikstik
            Post count: 5

            I have a couple of cat quiver minis I really like. Just sling em on your shoulder an take off. Nice and quiet, easy to hang up when you get to your stand or blind.

          • Alexandre Bugnon
              Post count: 681

              I have a mini Catquiver. Although I love the concept, I think the broadheads are better protected from the moisture in an Arrowmaster

            • Todd Smith
                Post count: 167

                Tough call, and they’re all good, but different tools.

                I have an Arrowmaster and like it. It is very versatile and I like the accessory pocket.

                I don’t have a GFA, but I’ve used a similar quiver and I like how light it is.

                I’ve used Cat Quivers and I like them a lot. I have not used the mini though. What I liked about the cat-quivers was their storage capacity.

                Guess you’ll need to pick one and see what works best for you.


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