Home Forums Friends of FOC Arrow Dynamics arrows, which model?

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    • lovellj
        Post count: 13

        Hello all,

        For my elk hunting here in CO I set myself up with a set of Grizzly Stik Alaskans for better FOC. I’m shooting them full length with 372-400gr up front (about 800gr total arrow weight)and I’m pulling 50lbs @ 28″ on my longbow and find they are shooting great and give me about 24% FOC. Due to how expensive the Grizzly Stiks are I am now looking at using Arrow Dynamics in the future (I was not aware of them until now). Can anyone tell me which model I should use for my FOC-designed setup, out of a 50lb bow……the “Traditional” or “Traditional Lite”? I called and asked a gentlman w/ AD but he’s trying to tell me I need to go down on my point weight and I don’t want to do that for obvious reasons. In addition, are there any reasons why I should stay with Grizzly Stik Alaskans?

        Your input is most appreciated. Thanks in advance, John

      • Robin Conrads
          Post count: 916

          Hello John, and welcome to the forum.

          Since your question relates to arrows built along the Ashby guidelines I am moving your thread to the Friends of FOC forum. Hopefully the folks there will be able to help you.

        • Troy Breeding
            Post count: 994

            I’ve shot the ABS Grizzly Sticks and really like them. Yes they are pricey, but well worth the expence.

            I’ve never shot the other shafts, guess it stemmed from a bad first meeting with the company at the ATA show.


          • apfarmer
              Post count: 11


              I have been shooting a new bow (Dalla takedown: 55# @ 28″) with two arrow setups: 1) Alaska Bowhunters Momentum (a bit stiffer that the Alaskans, I think); and 2) AD Traditional. Both are cut to 29.5 inches, and carry a 300 gr point.

              The AB Momentum is on the verge of being too weak with my setup, and the AD Traditional is on the stiff side, although both shoot well. I am leaning toward huniting with the Traditionals and either cutting them a bit longer, or adding more point weight or both. Based on my experieince, the Traditionals should work best for you.

            • lovellj
                Post count: 13


                Thanks…that’s good info. I ended up ordering an AD test pak from 3 Rivers which has the Trad Lite, Trad, and Hammer Lite. It’ll be interesting to see what flies best. So far I’m liking the cedars better as they are a little quieter and, at least with my current thumper set up, my FOC is 26% (not quite sure how it’s higher…but it is). I’m waiting on some 200gr Woody Weights so I can calculate a 200gr broad head on the front and see how that flies. May end up selling the carbons and staying with woods. We’ll see.

              • Stephen Graf
                  Post count: 2428

                  Carbon Impact also sells tapered shafts at a much better price. I think I read in the description that the arrows don’t require special nocks. Which is interesting.

                  In my limited experience with them, I found tapered shafts to be too finicky. Horace Ford says in his book that he tried them all and parallel shafts are the way to go.

                • Troy Breeding
                    Post count: 994


                    Didn’t know Carbon Impact made a tapered shaft. Checked their site and didn’t find anything on them. Can you point me in the right direction?


                  • Stephen Graf
                      Post count: 2428


                      Woops. Not Carbon Impact, but Carbon Tech. They aren’t as cheap as I thought either. 3Rivers sells them by the half dozen. About the same price as grizzlies I think…

                      but still interesting. Maybe no seam troubles like the grizzly sticks…


                    • Troy Breeding
                        Post count: 994

                        Kinda thought Carbon Tech was who you were talkng about. Just wanted to make sure. Never pass up the chance to look at a new shaft had Carbon Impact started making them.


                      • Stephen Graf
                          Post count: 2428


                          -Not to hijack the intent of this thread, but…

                          What do you think of the Carbon Tech whitetails? Have you used them? What color are they? Are they tough? Can you get brass inserts in them?


                        • Troy Breeding
                            Post count: 994


                            I’ve never tried the CT shafts. Like you I found them to be rather expensive and held off trying them.


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