Home Forums Friends of FOC Arrow Build Help?

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    • mnrabbit_hunter
        Post count: 2

        So I decided that this winter I wanted to play around with EFOC and UEFOC. Now I’m new to archery in general but like to play around with stuff and this seems like a worthy rabbit hole to go down.


        I have on the way:

        Maxima red arrow shafts (250 spine) 3

        the insert/outsert adapter offered on tuffhead; stainless steel, 200g total

        and a pack of 225g field points, I will get more field points in different weights shortly.


        I shoot a recurve that shoots 54@29 and I draw about 27.75 or so.


        My questions are pretty basic: when tuning these arrow I will need to cut from the front if I’m not mistaken (they are full length)? If this is the case can I hit melt the adapters on for ease of removal?  And recutting? Or can I cut from the back?

        Does anyone have experience with these arrows and any tips? I’d like to have a shootable arrow in the end if at all possible and hopefully not screw all of them up. This will be my first arrow build at all and I have some guidance but it’s more on the equipment needed to do this side of things as compared to a ton of experience. Appreciate all the help!



      • smiley1
          Post count: 102

          The company recommends only cutting from the front of the arrow. When you are bare shafting wrap the insert in a very small amount of plastic wrap so it fits snugly into the arrow…that way it can be easily removed if you need to cut shaft to a smaller length. Make sure you are shooting into a soft medium so the arrow can be easily removed without losing the field point & insert in the target. I’ve been bare shafting this way over 12 years and have only lost a few inserts in the target. Once I had it figured out I haven’t lost an insert or field point. Go slow and remember consistent shooting form will give you consistent results.  There’s a lot of great information on proper tuning of a high FOC arrow on this site if you do a search. Good Luck, Steve

        • mnrabbit_hunter
            Post count: 2

            Thanks for the reply, that tip with the plastic wrap is gold! I think I know the process of tuning, I’m goin to take it pretty slow due to time constraints/hunting season but have been reading as much as I can about the subject.

          • Raymond Coffman
              Post count: 1232

              Mnrabbit hunter

              If you don’t already have it – pick up a copy of The Traditional Bowhunters Handbook by Tj Conrads. A lot of great info and covers the essentials of tuning.

              Scout aka Ray

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