Home Forums Bows and Equipment APACHE BARR bows

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    • jc
        Post count: 5

        Hi everyone,
        I’m seeking information on “APACHE BARR” bows. I’m seeking information on the manufacture of the bows, etc. The bow had a arrowhead emblem on them. Printed across the emblem was the word “APACHE BARR” I believe the word BARR actually stood for bows, arrows, rods, reels. If anyone has any information on these bows and the manufacture, I would appreciate hearing from you. I did look on a website called “Archery Archives,” which provided pictures of two of their bows, but no information about the manufacturing company or any other archery products they may have made. I would appreciate any help I can get.

        Thank you.


      • droptine59
          Post count: 48

          They only produced bows from 1959 and 1960. Apache Archery Co. of Malibu, California. The bowyers last name was Barr. They made a model called El Tigre (here) and two others that I know of. They were straight limbed with recurve ends, very ornate and having many inlays. Decent shooters. The finish was 1st generation Epoxy and was so thick you need dynamite to remove it for refinish.

        • jc
            Post count: 5

            Hi droptine59,

            Thank you for the information. I’ve seen one or two of these bows for sale on ebay sometime back but I haven’t seen them often. The photos you’ve attached to your reply depict a very beautiful bow. I’m a traditional shooter and I collect mainly Bear Bows, the Kodiak Special in particular, however I have had a great interest in APACHE BARR bows and hopefully I will be able to land one of the beautiful bows in the future. I appreciate the knowledge you shared about the Apache Archery Co., and the bows they produced and I appreciate your quick response to my request. If there is anything that I might be able to help you with in the future, please let me know.

            Thanks again & please have a merry Christmas and a safe holiday season.


          • droptine59
              Post count: 48

              Glad i could help JC, I do have a few Kodiak Specials i may be parting with. Happy holidays to you and yours.

            • Larry McCormick
                Post count: 1

                i have a Barr Apache that i am looking to sell, another owner had taped a quiver to it but i sure the residue can be removed

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