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    • sinawalli
        Post count: 222

        Am in the market for a new glove, so after reading the article, “Meet John Turner of American Leathers” in TBM, I decided to go with a Big Shot (his recommendation). Anyone else use one?

      • frassettor
          Post count: 27

          That’s all I use! They have to be the most durable glove out there. They are thicker in the fingers which doesn’t allow you to “feel” as much, but it is well worth it. You wont be sorry

        • Bruce Smithhammer
            Post count: 2514

            Been using one exclusively for the last two years. Still going strong, which is longer than any other glove I’ve used. Love ’em.

          • Raymond Coffman
              Post count: 1232

              I just got one and love it ! great glove!

              Real nice people to deal with.

              I sent in my hand tracing and they called me saying it looked like I needed large fingers on a medium glove. yes, that has been my problem. Had to modify other gloves to fit.

              The one they sent me fits perfectly, looks great, shoots great.

              Highly recommend if you shoot a glove—


            • William Warren
                Post count: 1384

                Been looking at these. You guys may have just sold me on it.

              • Alexandre Bugnon
                  Post count: 681

                  I got one for Christmas. It is beautiful and seriously well sewn-in. But, it’s also a lot more leather, and it will take me some time to get used to it, after 8 years using some form of damascus dura-glove, but I think I will have a better release than before once I am used to it. If not, I’ll go back to dura-glove

                • Raymond Coffman
                    Post count: 1232


                    I noticed the same thing when I first tried my new Al glove, probably do to the reinforcing on the fingers –

                    but after shooting it a week [ 60lb bow] it has worn in nicely.


                  • Bruce Smithhammer
                      Post count: 2514

                      Expect it to be on the tight side when you first get it. Elk leather will stretch and form fit nicely with a little time. One of the subtle design features of American Leathers gloves is the slightly angular cut of the wrist strap, which does a smart job of pulling the glove on to your hand as it gets broken in.

                      Also, I recommend giving it a little love with Montana Pitch Blend every now and then.

                    • Alexandre Bugnon
                        Post count: 681

                        I think I should have gotten a L instead of a XL. it is not tight on the fingers when I put it on, and I’m afraid when it does stretch, it will become too big and start warping around my fingers.:(

                      • David Coulter
                          Post count: 2293


                          XL? Big hands must help you reach across the keyboard. I understand Arthur Rubinstein had enormous hands. I use a duraglove and some of these elk gloves look attractive. I am concerned about messing up my form. I have a traditional style glove. It’s very stiff and I can’t shoot worth a dang with it. dwc

                        • Alexandre Bugnon
                            Post count: 681

                            David, I do have longer and wider hands than most, great for piano, and the XL glove fits well on my left hand in overall length but my fingertips are not wide/fat enough for the glove. I’m gonna give it a try since my friend Steve McDonald told me that it’s worthy. If it doesn’t work, I will, as I said, go back to my duraglove. Alex

                          • David Petersen
                              Post count: 2749

                              Alex — Have you tried soaking the fingers of the glove in water and letting them dry? Depending on the thickness and type of leather it can shrink quite a bit. I’ve always had to do this with my gloves at least once a year.

                              Speaking of which, you and David both mention Duraglove. So far my entire shopping list for Kzoo this weekend is leather: cheap basic armguard, tab, and glove. I absolutely will not spend $60 on a short-lived item like a shooting glove. What do you, and anyone else who reads this, recommend for an economy priced good glove? I’ve been real happy with most nylon finger reinforcements, but not happy at all with Skookum, which wears out faster than teenage love. Of course it will have to be one of the vendors who is there. Thanks

                            • Alexandre Bugnon
                                Post count: 681

                                Dave, I will try that. I recommend the duraglove! tips do not wear off. I shoot year round tons of arrows and my glove lasted 4 years. I sweated in it at home 4 Summers and in Colorado twice. Unfortunately it came apart at the seams. It costs 28.99. Alex

                                PS: I’m at airport in Geneva, Switzerland, flying back to NY in one hour. Using up my last wifi credit surfing Tradbow!!:roll:

                              • Raymond Coffman
                                  Post count: 1232


                                  If I was in your predicament — I would call John Turner* at AmLeathers and ask him if he would resew your Glove to fit?

                                  send a hand tracing along. Couldn’t hurt to ask?


                                  * I don’t know them but mine was a gift also and when they saw my tracing he called me and after chatting a bit made mine to fit. the only glove so far I have used in some yrs that fits [ without my modifications]and I never heard of these good folks until the Tradbow art.

                                • JodyS
                                    Post count: 114

                                    I have used the Full Shot glove by American Leathers and love it; it is durable, well made, and fits well.

                                  • Alexandre Bugnon
                                      Post count: 681


                                      My American leather is brand new. Thats my dura glove that’s worn out. No repair on this one

                                    • David Coulter
                                        Post count: 2293

                                        I’ll easily second the duraglove. I’m on my second one. I shoot quite a bit, almost always once or twice a day. The first one split a seam on the index finger, but it was still workable. I sewed that seam and put it in my quiver for a back-up. It’s a thinner glove and gives good feel of the string, which might not be good for heavy bow shooters. dwc

                                      • Raymond Coffman
                                          Post count: 1232


                                          Sorry – I thought the Am Leather was too loose. Thought maybe they could tighten up the finger stalls [resew].


                                        • William Warren
                                            Post count: 1384

                                            Well my Big Shot Elk skin glove is on the way. I bought a Duraglove last year and it is a great glove but it needs to be shortened a little to fit me pefectly. If the Big Shot has the same problem it is good to know I can send it back to American Leathers to be modified.

                                            I wnet by their sizing chart for length so hopefully it will fit. Not too worried if it is a little tight I can remedy that.

                                          • sinawalli
                                              Post count: 222

                                              Duncan wrote: Well my Big Shot Elk skin glove is on the way. I bought a Duraglove last year and it is a great glove but it needs to be shortened a little to fit me pefectly. If the Big Shot has the same problem it is good to know I can send it back to American Leathers to be modified.

                                              I wnet by their sizing chart for length so hopefully it will fit. Not too worried if it is a little tight I can remedy that.

                                              Just got word from John at American Leather that my Big Shot is inbound!! Wait and see!:D

                                            • Wexbow
                                                Post count: 403

                                                Keep us posted and give us your opinion once you’ve broken it in.

                                              • William Warren
                                                  Post count: 1384

                                                  OK, I got my Elk skin Big Shot on Friday but the weather has been bad enough to keep me from shooting and I don’t have an indoor place to shoot. Hopefully I’ll get to try it out next week. In the mean time I’ve been wearing it and flexing it to help the break-in process. It was suggested to treat it with Montana Pitch Blend but I did not have any but I do have Obenhaufs and Snow Seal. Treated it with the Snow Seal, figured the other would be too smelly up next to my face. Snow Seal is mostly beeswax and it worked well but it did darken it slightly.

                                                • Greg Ragan
                                                    Post count: 201

                                                    Try the crossover when you get a chance! I just did and I ended up loving it! ….and the service was so great I wrote about it in my blog.

                                                    I ended up buying a backup, one for my hunting bud, and one for my brother. I find the crossover the best for me and my Hill bows and I have tried the Hill, bateman, and a host of others.


                                                  • Alexandre Bugnon
                                                      Post count: 681

                                                      I soaked my glove for 1/2 an hour and let it dry by the radiator overnight, as dave suggested, and this morning it turned out to be the PERFECT size! the finger stalls don’t warp around anymore, which was my main problem. Thanks DP

                                                    • sinawalli
                                                        Post count: 222

                                                        Big Shot update!

                                                        First couple of times shooting with it, I thought:”This is going up for sale”! Very thick, had a hard time with not being able to feel the string. Kinda like trying to pick fly *hit out of pepper with boxing gloves on!! Fast forward to about a month and a bit of shooting with it, and I am really starting to like it! Once you get used to the thickness. Like the nylon inserts, makes for a smooth release IMO. Will definitley be keeping it!:D

                                                      • lyagooshka
                                                          Post count: 600

                                                          I just got the buffalo big shot. I thought the same thing at first. I liked the leather fingers versus the nylon and I ordered a heavier bow, so this was going to a good fit. I just started using it and there will definitely be a break-in period, but I have nothing bad to say. It feels snug on the fingers, it is a nice release, though it will be even nicer when it’s worn-in a bit. All in all, great construction and I definitely think this glove will be around for years. Well worth it. Be well.



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