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    • gigglemonk
        Post count: 146

        Ive been getting to know this buck since July. There have been 3 opportunities for a shot. The first time I spent too much contemplating whether or not to shot because hes pretty small.

        The second time, after I decided that size doesnt matter, it was a head on shot and I didnt release.

        The third was a sweet broadside and I cleanly missed. 3 inches under his ribcage.

        Tonight I spotted him from 100ish yards and stalked him as he grazed and moved up canyon with his 2 does. There was enough cover that I practically ran the first 50 yards. Then we all started moving in synch. Id watch them graze and saunter away from me. Thats when Id crouchy crawly slink forward.

        Another 100 yards up canyon was some private property. The owner is not a hunter and is not going to allow hunting on the property anytime soon. I decided to try to cut them off.

        I moved away from the trio and moved quickly up on the ridge keeping myself off the skyline. I came down and posted behind a big juniper fairly confident theyd be here in a few minutes.

        After a minute I looked towards the private property and there was the buck. Maybe 20 yards from the poorly tended fenceline. No does in sight. The adrenaline started coursing, he was 35 yards from me, a bit out of my range. I started belly crawling. The noise didnt seem to upset the buck at all, he was just looking around at the pink moment we get here in Ojai, CA.

        I made it to about 25 yards from him and he was still on my side of the fence. I knelt and peeked behind me for no particular reason. There they were, 2 does, ears alert, staring right at me. They must have seen the whole thing, a ghillie suit, a bow and an arrow all held together by a man sliding on his belly.

        When i looked back at the buck one of the does snorted and stomped. Instantly he floated up and over the private property line.

        Great stalk, no shot, excellent day.

      • Ben M.
          Post count: 460

          Wow…intense…heart pounding just reading this…a truly human experience…

        • archer38
            Post count: 242

            Awsome !! Reading this has me reliving a similar encounter. This summer I was squirreling and spotted a doe and fawn bedded about 80 yards away. It was a bit breezy but the direction was pretty good for a stalk so I decided to see how close I could get. Well, I got to 18 yards, only moving when the breeze made noise enough for me to crawl.I pulled my legs under me and slowly came to full draw from my knees.Just as I anchored, I felt the air shift and hit the back of my ears. She stood up and bolted taking her fawn with her.

            Of course, I had no intention of shooting buyt it was very cool to know I could have made it happen

          • Wexbow
              Post count: 403

              Great story monk but can’t help but wonder would you have been able to retrieve him if he expired on the private land?

            • gigglemonk
                Post count: 146


                I wondered that myself after the encounter. I like to think I would go to the house and ask the landowner if I could search for the buck. If I was rejected I’d contact the nearest ranger, the station was about 3 miles away. Again, I think thats what Id do.

                Luckily, it didnt come to that. I dont think bringing a ranger to a landowner in order to retrieve a buck would be a positive way to introduce a hunter to a nonhunter.

                Anyone else ever been in a similar situation?

                Ill start another thread asking this question.

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