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    • David Petersen
        Post count: 2749

        When I go out for my evening hunts, my wife long ago quit saying “Good luck.” Nowadays she says “Have fun.” Eureka! She has the essence of true hunting figured out better than most of today’s hunters!

      • MCuiksa
          Post count: 51

          When you come back in does she say “Why you home so soon?” :P:P

          Sorry Dave, couldn’t pass it up. 😆

        • David Petersen
            Post count: 2749

            Nope, Mike, though she might well be thinking it! 😀
            In fact she’s an angel for fixing great late dinners for a month each fall, even now with a broken wrist (her, not me).

          • Steve Sr.
              Post count: 344

              Yeah…..season is when I miss having a wife most.

              I don’t have anyone to take care of Dewey. 😆


              God Bless all of you and your wives!

              Steve Sr.

            • wildschwein
                Post count: 581

                No missus to make me late night suppers either, she is to busy hunting! Whats worse she usually brings home more meat too! Almost enough to give a fella a complex or sumthin :roll:.

              • Raymond Coffman
                  Post count: 1227

                  Steve Sr —
                  Good looking Pooch ! If it is legal to use a dog to blood trail wounded game in IN — Dewey could fix some “bad” days for friends, allowing your canine companion some days in the field during the deer season.

                • james gilmer
                    Post count: 131

                    Ah yes one of the many reasons i love my Jayne so much, I walk down the steep ridge behind the house, see the farm house lights and know a hot dinner and conversation around my evenings hunt will be foremost. How did i ever get it so good?

                  • jmsmithy
                      Post count: 300

                      Amen JG!

                      When I come home I have all three of them (wife two sons (assuming one of the two boys not already with me – other guy is a fly fisherman, so I have year round smiles on my face 😀 ) waiting for the stories. She gets it, understands it’s a huge part of who I am and, I’m very proud to say, when we met over 20 years ago she was a not quite liberal BUT, NYC educated broadcast journalist (college major as well)…who…few years later, had her NJ hunting licenses!
                      Even did her final thesis on whitetail deer hunting from a pro perspective…
                      Her only rule – I have to call when I get out of the woods – back to the truck.
                      Now that’s a reason to come home with a smile, no matter what is (or isn’t) in the back of the truck. 😀

                    • WICanner
                        Post count: 136

                        Ditto on the supportive hunting wife. We have it soooo good.

                        Definitely should be a topic for one of those “Life is Good” or “Happiness is a” T-shirts. I’d buy one.

                        My license plate before I married my wife Sonya was BUKFVR. Now it’s SONY4ME. 😀

                      • Backcountry Joe
                          Post count: 39

                          I’m lucky enough to have a wife that gives her full support when it comes to hunting and fishing. I wouldn’t have half the adventures if she wasn;t behind me telling me to go.

                          I was talking to friend the other day and his wife packs in cold beer and steaks every other day if not every day at his elk camp. I have plans for this year but might hunt with him next year!

                        • Nate Bailey
                            Post count: 101

                            David Petersen wrote: When I go out for my evening hunts, my wife long ago quit saying “Good luck.” Nowadays she says “Have fun.” Eureka! She has the essence of true hunting figured out better than most of today’s hunters!

                            Them Petersens are wise:wink:

                          • MCuiksa
                              Post count: 51

                              Sounds like I missed a requirement on another thread where I listed my opinion on requirements for “Traditional”. I add to that list a supportive wife!! I too am lucky enough to have one for almost 24 years now!! She’s a saint, just ask anyone who knows ME!! 😆

                              She actually set me up with a bear hunt last fall and convinced me that we’re at a point in our life where we should enjoy life and quit worrying about the little things. Our daughter is raised and our commitments are met. So, she set me up with my elk hunt this fall (my first)!!

                              At the bottom of my posts is a Proverbs verse..that’s a standing joke between us on those rare occasions where we don’t see eye-to-eye. She has a great sense of humor and I’m actually thinking of putting that verse on a T-shirt to wear when a disagreement does happen! Mike.

                            • kjlarson
                                Post count: 26

                                I realize I am five months behind on this thread but I did a search on “have fun” to make sure I wasn’t rehashing something recent. My wife will fondly say “have fun” as I say good by in the wee hour when I leave for my adventure.

                                I know that she is sincere about it but I think she compares my hunt to her clearance deal at Macy’s. Too bad they don’t have a daily limit.

                                I usually remind her that the hunt does not exactly fall into the fun category. It is a passion that provides satisfaction and happiness through excersion, sweat, unknown, patience, you know all the words…

                                It is more common to hear her say “did you leave a map of where you are going?” and “be careful”, now. I don’t exactly wish her a good hunt but do say “I love you”.

                              • SteveMcD
                                  Post count: 870

                                  My wife already knows, nothing but being in the woods makes me happier. Although, I bet she has learned over the years from listening to my son’s, I am a wanderer and a daredevil, no stream is too wide or to deep to cross, and no mountain too high. So.. she only asks, “where are you going?”.

                                  The coming home with just a smile is already a given!

                                  Steve Sr. – I love that dog!

                                • strait-aero
                                    Post count: 350

                                    Even on foul weather days, my wife will say, “You know you want to get out there and hunt even though the weather is’nt perfect”…..and she’s usually right. She knows I get something out of being out in nature that I’m not going to get by staying couped up in the house. I come back alittle bit better for the excursion. And I get the usual question of, “How was it?”:)

                                  • CareyE
                                      Post count: 111

                                      I thank God every night for bringing my wife into my life. Many of my friends wives aren’t as understanding. She knows my bowhunting make me a better man in so many ways.

                                    • William Warren
                                        Post count: 1384

                                        My wife put up with me for years so I’ve lightened up on her the last few years. Code for I have not been hunting as much. She probably is ready for me to go back to my old habits except not the one where nobody, not even she knew where to find me. Around here you have to walk like the leaves and cover your trail like a Tuscarora to keep others out of your stands. In later years I realized I needed to leave a map or something for her and in a pinch our Jack Russell put on my trail could find me. Alas, the Jacks trailing days are done but there is hope for my full size Chihuahua. 14 pounds of pure feistyness and a heck of a nose on him.

                                        Steve, Dewey says he will take care of you if you let him chase some rabbits! 😀

                                      • Mark Turton
                                          Post count: 759

                                          Steve, nothing brightens a frosty morning like beagles singing.

                                          28 years married (I think) and two years before that and she still does not understand the difference between hunting and killing, bless her, so cant understand how I can come home empty handed and happy although I always feel guilty if I cant get a retrieve for the dog.

                                          Still she did insist I went goose hunting last week.


                                        • wapiti792
                                            Post count: 20

                                            The winter before my wife and I were to be married after a 5 year courtship I started out the door on a snowy,windy January afternoon to go hunt whitetails. After I kissed her goodbye and told the future in-laws goodbye and walked out my mother-in-law said to my wife “You know if you marry him he is never going to change.” My wife grinned and said “I know. I wouldn’t change him for anything.” Now she takes a trip with me into the backcountry for a week at a time to act as my sherpa during elk season, and looks after our two little ones when the holy month (November) is here for whitetails. I outkicked my coverage gents…

                                          • Bruce Smithhammer
                                              Post count: 2514

                                              Ha! That’s awesome, Wapiti. Well done.

                                            • SDMFer
                                                Post count: 54

                                                An old thread, but I wanted to share this because I thought you all may appreciate it. Last weekend (6-9) I got married to an extremely understanding you woman. We’ve been together for 8 years prior and she’s had to endure 5 years of spending September pretty much (cats keep her company)alone. We had a mutal friend, and hunting partner, act as the officiant of our wedding. We had written the ceremony and vows ourselves, but gave some creative leeway to the officiant if he thought he could word things better than we had written them for him. So, as part of or vows which were pretty much straight out of the standard text of wedding vows (richer/poorer, sickness/health,etc.) he threw in that I would take her even if she remained a Penguins fan. Which was hard to swallow since I have a pretty strong (border line hatred) dislike for the Pittsburgh Penguins, but I said I do. For her vows he threw in that along with all the standards, that she remain understanding of my absence in September and all Septembers to come. Lucky for me she said I do. Now all I have to do is get used to wearing this ring thats been bugging me for almost a week now.

                                              • Robin Conrads
                                                  Post count: 916

                                                  Congratulations! Great story. The best thing to bring into a marriage is a sense of humor. 😀

                                                • Mark Turton
                                                    Post count: 759

                                                    I second that, congratulations.

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