Home Forums Bows and Equipment 80 joule with recurve bow?!

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    • Peter M. Majgaard
        Post count: 2

        In Denmark the minimum energy needed at the bow is 80 joule for hunting deer. Minimum arrow weight is 33 gr. Does anybody know if I could reach that level with a Hoyt Satori?

      • Raymond Coffman
          Post count: 1232


          Welcome to the forum… not sure about Joules as we here in US go by weight the bow pulls. Not by Ft lbs of energy? 35 Lb bow and 500gr plus arrows( with Razor Sharp bhead ) and up,  are usually preferred here….

          I have no experience with the hoyt satori, so can’t say …

          Maybe Steve will comment..

          Scout aka Ray

        • richard roop
            Post count: 526

            Greetings from S.E. Arizona

            This is taxing my math skills to the max so if I’ve got it wrong somebody PLEASE let me know.

            As I understand it, a Joule is 0.7377 foot pounds. 80 of them would be 59.02 foot pounds. Using the numbers for my 60# Super Diablo, with a 500 grain arrow at 190 fps, I’m getting 40.07 foot pounds. Mass in grains X V X V divided by 450437. Or in other words not enough Joules by a bunch ??  Doesn’t seem right ………….. unless I hit a shoulder blade or big bone I tend to blow thru deer sized critters completely.  Either I’ve got something wrong or whoever wrote your game law doesn’t have a clear understanding of archery.  Possibly both.

            Is there a Rocket Scientist in the building ??????

          • richard roop
              Post count: 526

              This has got my brain housing group scrambled. In the words of the Philosopher Fudd  “There’s something screwy going on here”.

              Is it possible that when they say 80 Joules (59.02 foot pounds) that they are referring to the draw weight of the bow and not the energy of the arrow at one foot ????  That would make more sense but that’s a pretty stout stick and not a poundage I would recommend for a beginner or a casual shooter.


              When you say 33 gr. can we assume that’s Grams and not Grains ???  The Metric System is not my strong suit.


              Last but not least, I think that most of us here would really like to hear about archery in Denmark. The rounds that you shoot, the history and the critters you can hunt.

            • Peter M. Majgaard
                Post count: 2

                Thank you for all the replies. Here are a couple of extra facts. Bow hunting in Denmark has worked for many years with a dispensation from the hunting law and only for small game and roe deer. (A European small dear, weighing up to 25 kg.) For smaller game incl. roe deer the E0 has been 40 joule and a minimum arrow weight of 25 gr. Equal to 385 grain. Now the legal species has been increased to include fallow, sika & red deer.(weighing up to 250 kg.) Minimum arrow weight is 33 gr. Which is 509 grains and a E0 of 80 joules. I have talked to a Danish bow shop http://www.baldurs-archery.dk, where Andreas Darum told me that in order to live up to the legal demands, I would have to pull 85-95#. This means that my plan of a Hoyt Satori won’t work as Hoyt only produces them up to 65#. Anyway I am not Arnold Schwarzenegger and would not be comfortable with a 95# bow.

              • aeronut
                  Post count: 404

                  Wow.  That would leave me completely out of hunting.  I have a 60# Great Northern Bushbow that I can’t even string anymore because the Moderna Covid vaccine screwed up my muscles.  I used to shoot up to 72# draw but 85# would still be too much back then.

                  • Kees
                      Post count: 124

                      I am SO glad I didn’t get “the jab!”


                  • Stephen Graf
                      Post count: 2428

                      Hey guys, sorry for the late reply.  Been super busy on the farm.

                      So Joules is a measure of energy.  The question is, is this a requirement of the arrow in flight, or the energy stored in the bow at full draw?

                      I will assume the requirement is for energy stored in a bow.  To measure the energy stored in the bow, you can graph the draw curve.  The area under the draw curve is the energy stored in the bow.  This means that the energy stored is a function of both draw length, and draw weight.  Not only that, it depends on the shape of the curve.  If the bow gets to draw weight in the first few inches and stays there, then you have compound bow level energies.  If it is wilty and increases slowly only to stack up at the end, there will be little area under the curve and the bow will be a dog.

                      Here is an interesting article that explains it with pictures: https://aharchery.com/?page_id=21273.  Their example is for a bow with a 30 inch draw length and a draw weight of 60 lbs.  The energy stored was around 51ftlbs.  80 Joules is equivalent to about 59ftlbs.  This means you would need a bow over 60lbs to meet that requirement.

                      You can’t know the energy stored without knowing the draw length or the shape of the draw curve.

                      Using common sense, this is a stupid requirement for small game.  Anyone with a lick of common sense knows you don’t need a 60lb bow to kill a rabbit or deer.  Maybe the folks in charge need some education on bow hunting?

                      In my experience, there is another way to solve the problem.  Just write the required energy on the side of the bow.  If its written, it must be so.  Right? Hmm…..

                    • Raymond Coffman
                        Post count: 1232


                        Thanks for the info and explanation…

                        I particularly like the part about ” writing it on the bow ” ….perfect solution

                        Scout aka Ray

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