Home Forums Campfire Forum 2009 Utah Muledeer

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    • connerp
        Post count: 12

        Here is a buck that I took last night. I ran up Provo Canyon just a few miles above my house and found this guy on one of the low hills. With the deer hunt ending the next night, and fifteen minutes left of light, I went after him. The arrow took him up front through both shoulders. A Wes Wallace Mentor recurve and a 633 grain gold tip with an eclipse broadhead did the trick. This is my first buck taken with a traditional bow, so I am very pleased with this deer.

        attached file
      • rallcox
          Post count: 12

          Nice buck!!! Congratulations.

        • Daniel
            Post count: 247

            Way to go, congrats. I hear mule deer makes pretty good table fare:D


          • Patrick
              Post count: 1148


            • youngbuck
                Post count: 7

                Great job!

              • DAbersold
                  Post count: 111

                  Congrats, nice buck. I took one about the same size around Price a few years ago. Bow hunting that country is nothing but FUN!

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