About Tom Vanasche

Frequent contributor Tom Vanasche is an emergency room physician from Albany, Oregon.

Two Old Goats—Chasing Free-Range Tahr in New Zealand

I first met Phillip about 10 years ago in the Frank Church Wilderness of Idaho. He was packing a rifle and hunting elk, while I had my trusty recurve and was chasing bighorns. We both failed to connect on game, but we developed a lasting friendship. Under the tutelage of fellow traditionalists Mike [...]

Two Old Goats—Chasing Free-Range Tahr in New Zealand2022-12-01T16:31:30-07:00


“To bait or not to bait, that is the question,” my old hunting partner Will Shakespeare used to say. All humor aside, this topic can bring up emotion, argumentative debate, and disrupt friendships. It may be wise to have adult beverages available to calm the discussion, though that could perhaps have the opposite [...]

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