About Nathan L. Andersohn

Nathan L. Andersohn resides in Colorado, but hunts regularly in Northern Canada and Alaska.

Antelope and a Decoy

Eight doe antelope streamed by 12 yards from the shooting hole in the ground blind, heading straight to my decoy. I jerked the black face mask down over my face in the sweltering 99-degree heat. The buck had to be close. Losing patience, I lowered my head to peek through a slit in [...]

Antelope and a Decoy2023-07-17T10:15:27-06:00

Arctic Gear For Traditional Bowhunters

The polar bear’s head bobbed in and out of sight as it moved through the slabs of broken ice. I leapt off of the dog sled, threw my mittens to the ground, and wrestled out of my heavy down jacket. Grabbing my bow and quiver, I ran forward in my clunky boots to [...]

Arctic Gear For Traditional Bowhunters2021-12-21T10:31:48-07:00
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