About Kirby Kohler

Kirby Kohler lives in the Driftless Region of southwestern Wisconsin where he is living the dream of growing old while hiking the bluffs in search of morels, turkeys, bucks, and special places.

Aldo Leopold and the Search for a Land Ethic

Chick, chick…chick, chick…chick, chick: the sound carried clearly through the dreary October morning air, closing quickly to within a few yards. With the beat of my heart the only other sound I could hear, the 10-inch aspen in front of me began quivering frantically as a grinding noise echoed through the woods. Focusing [...]

Aldo Leopold and the Search for a Land Ethic2023-04-16T11:35:09-06:00

Friends in Low Places…NOT!

Many years ago legendary bowyer and hunter Dick Robertson wrote an article focused on defining what constitutes traditional bow hunting. No doubt the article ruffled some feathers in the traditional bow hunting community. I was relatively new to traditional bow hunting so I did not understand the importance of the topic and frankly [...]

Friends in Low Places…NOT!2021-01-15T09:13:23-07:00

Halloween Reversal

The air was still, and the oak leaves were fringed with frost. The moon overhead lit up the woods, and the shadows created an eerie feeling that fit the season. I paused for a moment at a fork in the trail. I glanced to the south, and like a good friend that’s always [...]

Halloween Reversal2020-10-19T13:17:47-06:00

A Sagebrush Sasquatch Satire

"He stopped loving her todayyyyyy! They placed a wreath upon his doorrrrr. And soon they'll carry him awayyyyy, he stopped loving herrrr todayyyy." I giggle to myself as I see in my mind's eye Grandpa Bob, the father of my dear friend and hunting companion Mike Graue, chesting out these lyrics to the [...]

A Sagebrush Sasquatch Satire2019-07-05T10:18:26-06:00
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