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In addition to advertising in our print publication, we offer the opportunity to advertise right here on TRADBOW.COM! It is important to consider both mediums as they reach different audiences looking for items they need for traditional bowhunting.
Our print publication has been around for over 30 years, providing a way to get your advertisement into the hands of dedicated bowhunters and target archers. We are continuing to expand our reach through all our platforms to bring you the best advertising for your money in our community.
Traditional archery is growing at a rapid pace and we aim to be the premier source of inspiration, motivation, and education for those readers in both print and online platforms.

Contracted advertisers in Traditional Bowhunter® Magazine can get free promotion on our website home page, the Tip of the Week email, and social media posts. Sign up today for more details.
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Email our Advertising Team today! We have a team of product testers waiting to test and review your products!
REGULATIONS: All advertising is subject to Publisher approval, and the Publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising. No fraudulent or misleading advertising, or advertising containing ATVs, GPSs, compound bows, sights, releases, crossbows, or expanding and/or punch-tip broadheads will be accepted.
What’s Coming Up?
Keep up to date on what happens in each issue.
Keep up to date on what happens in each issue.
Every issue has a specific theme throughout. See here what issues cover what main topics.
Feb/Mar: Adventure – Read about hunting the exotic lands of New Zealand, British Columbia, Hawaii, or Africa! This issue highlights some fun adventure hunts.
Apr/May: Spring Bear/Turkey – This is the first big game season of the year and we like to fuel the fire within the readership to get out and hunt in the spring time, too.
Jun/Jul: Summer – Here we cover a lot of antelope and tease a few elk articles in for the coming fall hunts.
Aug/Sep: Far North – Dreaming of hunting Alaska? We publish articles of various hunts in Alaska and Canada to help prepare the readers for an upcoming hunt, or to let them follow along on some wonderful stories.
Oct/Nov: Deer Hunting – Fall is full of deer hunting around the US, and what better time to read up on varying degrees of deer hunting success than in the middle of the rut season?
Dec/Jan: Small Game – Don’t forget that there are small game animals to hunt throughout the year to keep your skills sharp as you continuously prepare for the next big game season to open up.
* Content is subject to change at any time at the discretion of the editorial staff.
To Skin a Cat:
As in, there is more than one way to do so. This column highlights the products and personal opinions of the various authors in each issue. We change up the product(s) we want to discuss each issue.
2021 Topics: To Be Announced
* Content is subject to change at any time at the discretion of the editorial staff.
Contact Advertising
Advertisement Manager Advertisement Representatives
Kerri Doyle Luke Johnson Mark Viehweg David Balowski Jon Doyle
P.O. Box 51060, Boise, ID 83715 (208) 920-3782 (847) 828-4413 (517) 317-4101 (208) 577-7789
(208) 853-0555 •
Classified Ads
Classified ads and their payments are due by the close date of each issue the ad is scheduled to run. Email to confirm each ad and full payment prior to close dates. Close dates are listed in the Media Kit when you request your copy of our current rates.
The price for classifieds is $1.90/word, a minimum of 20 words. If you choose to pre-pay for 6 issues, the discount price is $1.65/word.
New Insertion Orders
New print insertion orders require first payment due no later than the close date of the first issue the ad is going to be published. Close dates are in the Print Media Kit (see above to request your digital copy today). Receive a greater discount for longer-term contracts!
Online insertion orders are pre-paid advertising spaces. Receive a greater discount for longer-term contracts!
You may reach out to anyone on the contact list to start your new contract with us today!
Wholesale Book Orders
Traditional Bowhunter® offers certain publications for you to sell in your shop at wholesale rates!
Books available from TBM:
The Traditional Bowhunter’s Handbook ~by T.J. Conrads
The Double Helix~Don Thomas Jr.
Longbow Country ~by Don Thomas Jr.
Contact for rates.