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    • Ralph
        Post count: 2580

        Some folks (me) consider this organized. Others (wife) consider it chaos.

        At least I know where I put it… if I get it that far anyway….

        I have more stuff but it’s “hid” in the man cave…

      • David Coulter
          Post count: 2293

          Chaos is good.

        • Stephen Graf
            Post count: 2428

            Pegboard had to have been invented by a man.

            You Texas boys are are something else.  Who but a Texan would think to keep their grass in the house?

          • Ralph
              Post count: 2580

              It’s the only thing green in the panhandle other than the yucca’s… and one dandelion that has survived twice below 0* temperatures.


            • Drew Dittmer
                Post count: 15

                That is definitely organized!

              • William Warren
                  Post count: 1384

                  Yeah, I can’t walk in my man cave right now. Got to do some serious straightening up in there!

                  At least R2 has grass growing in his man cave.

                • grumpy
                    Post count: 962

                    Your wife should be grateful. You should see my “middle room” where I tie flies. I have been buying fly fishing stuff I don’t need for 50 years, someday I might find the stuff I do need.
                    We moved last March, so I have a basement now… I have tried to organise it, but it isn’t big enough. Starting to build bows down there (remember couple years ago I was making bows in the kitchen) Now I don’t have to sweep the floor as much. 🙂
                    I bought a 3 1/2″ planer, and boy does it make sawdust. I have enough to cover the floor of several bars.

                  • OldFlyfisher56
                      Post count: 1

                      I tell all my fishing and hunting buddies – When I’m gone don’t miss the yard sale. My biggest worry is that my wife will sell the stuff for what she thinks I paid for it.

                    • grumpy
                        Post count: 962

                        My granddaughter has already claimed all of my fishing/archery stuff.  Along with my car, wrenches, power tools, computer, dishes, books, furniture, etc.  The only thing she hasn’t claimed is my clothes, and they are too small to fit anybody else.

                      • Dave Wallick
                          Post count: 4

                          That’s a nice display, R2.

                          When you only have a small amount of gear ( .smile. ), that could work.

                          Or, as just happened to me, you could have stuff spread out all over the house/garage/shop and spend five days finding last year’s extra broadheads.

                          Maybe your organization makes sense to me now.  Thanks.

                          Michigan Dave

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