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    • SteveMcD
        Post count: 870

        I was wondering since I practice with my broadheads usually beginning 2 months before the archery season opener, and practice solely with broadheads for the month before the opener. I was talking to a couple of Compound brothers this morning, and I just asked them a general question,if they practiced with their broadheads before the start of the season and they told me NO. I guess the “Flys Like a Field Tip” mentality has got a lot of people sold on that concept. Maybe they should read the lastest Dr. Ashby report on mechanical heads. Oh, well no debate I didn’t preach or say anything, I was just surprised.

      • Mark Turton
          Post count: 759

          Somehow it does not surprise me.


        • Chris Shelton
            Post count: 679

            It doesnt suprise me either, but it sickens me. It is actually a common thing to, alot of compound and trad guys for that matter feel like there broadheads fly just like feild tips and then wonder why they missed, or worse put in a bad shot. I actually like to try and imitate buck fever the best I can to. Now obviously there is really no way to imitate it, but I have found ways to get really close. Such as squirrel hunting, and one that is very much more riskier . . . shooting a 3-d with my camera recording near by-gets some cool video shots, but man it gets my nerves racing!!

          • SteveMcD
              Post count: 870

              Greatreearcher wrote: . . . shooting a 3-d with my camera recording near by-gets some cool video shots, but man it gets my nerves racing!!

              Now that’s cool!8)

            • lssa
                Post count: 38

                i like to shoot with broadheads also.
                im have a couple of old zwickeys i shoot some near and during hunting season just to stay used to them

              • Chris Shelton
                  Post count: 679

                  SteveMcD wrote: Now that’s cool!8)

                  thanks steve, it definalty gets me some great footage, but I don’t do it often, only takes one arrow to go wild! Great practice though!

                • PagosaBow
                    Post count: 61

                    Since I only carry 5 arrow with me when I hunt I take the sixth broad head and make it a practice head. Dont worry about sharping it just shoot it. Takes a little time to change heads when you change arrows but keeps you hunting heads in good shape and you know what each arrow will do.

                  • Hiram
                      Post count: 484

                      Not shooting your rig to test the broadhead flight is like not sighting in your rifle. It must be done as part of the tuning process for the Hunter, compound or not.

                    • Chris Shelton
                        Post count: 679

                        I totally agree with you Hiram, it is very unethical!

                      • Carbomask
                          Post count: 39

                          I am shooting with broadheads actually out of necessity because I have found that 175 grains flies awesome out of my bows on my arras, and I dont have 175 gr practice tips!! ha. So, therefore the past 8 weeks has just been 3 arrows broadheaded, and I can tell you that I am very comfortable with the way they fly. Now, how to re-sharpen.. (perhaps my dremmell tool?).

                        • Todd Smith
                            Post count: 167


                            You can’t beat the KME sharpener for a sharpening system you do by hand.

                            Alaska Bowhunting Supply has a really nice power system too.

                            Or, the old file-stone-strop works well if you’re not sharpening challenged.

                            Dremel tools are tough to sharpen broadheads with…

                            Before you hunt, get ’em sharp!! todd

                          • Jason Wesbrock
                              Post count: 762

                              Once I satisfactorily prove to myself that my broadheads impact with my field points, I don’t see any value in me continuing to shoot them. If my broadheads don’t impact the same as my field points from point-blank out to 60+ yards, then I know I haven’t done my job with respect to proper tuning and keep working until I get it right. No, I don’t shoot animals that far, but generally speaking if you can do well on a field course—one of my preferred practice routines—20 yards on a whitetail is a slam-dunk.

                            • LanceColeman
                                Post count: 17

                                I don’t think I own any field points. All I ever shoot is broadheads.

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