Home Forums Bows and Equipment Instructional Vid/Quivers

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    • Crystalshrimp
        Post count: 125

        Can anybody recommend a real good Beginner’s video on Flint Knapping. I need all the help I can get. I’m also looking for a sweet Back quiver and wouldnt mind getting some Recommendations on where I can purchase one aswell. Thanks guys

      • Homer
          Post count: 110

          Have you surfed youtube? Seems they have dozens of short videos on just about any topic you can imagine. Google should point you to any dvd’s available. Sounds like a fun hobby. H

        • Brennan Herr
            Post count: 403

            I have been using many quivers and the safari tuff is my favorite…here is the link
            If you get the small one be sure to get the rain cover with it. Good luck with the flint work I have yet to jump into that river but someday I am sure I will.

          • Crystalshrimp
              Post count: 125

              Homer wrote: Have you surfed youtube? Seems they have dozens of short videos on just about any topic you can imagine. Google should point you to any dvd’s available. Sounds like a fun hobby. H

              these guys on youtube are way to advanced for me as of yet. They work entirely to fast. I was hoping somebody out there could recommend something theyve already seen.

            • Polar Bear
                Post count: 91

                Its not a video but a real good tutorial with easy to follow directions w/pictures http://dougmccoy.us/quiver.html

                Hope this helps

              • David Coulter
                  Post count: 2293

                  On the flintknapping, 3Rivers has a bunch of DVDs, but I can’t make a recommendation, since I don’t shape flint.
                  I can vouch for the Safari Tuff back quiver. I’ve been using one for two years and I’m happy with it. I think the rain cover/hood could be better. It’s stiff and sticks up a bit. I might try to sew something more snug out of wool. That said, I still like the quiver a lot.

                • Crystalshrimp
                    Post count: 125

                    dwcphoto wrote: I can vouch for the Safari Tuff back quiver.

                    I’m really liking what I see in these Safari Quivers, its looking good.

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