Home Forums Bows and Equipment taking off nocks

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    • Steve J
        Post count: 59

        I have 6 wood arrows I really like ,except, the nock doesnt snap on my string. It is so loose you need to hold it there. I have some nocks I want to put on,,, but Im wondering if there is a easy to get these other nocks off..??
        I have taken other ones off carving the plastic bit ,by bit ,,but Im betting you guys know a better way

      • Patrick
          Post count: 1148

          When I used aluminum arrows I would heat the nocks with a lighter then grab them with pliars. USUALLY it would break the bond between shaft and nock and they’d pop right off. I don’t think you’d have a problem doing the same with wood arrows as you don’t have to get them very hot. Then again…I’ve NEVER done that with wood arrows, so maybe it’s not such a good idea. 😆

        • Steve J
            Post count: 59

            Thanks Patrick,, the heat part scared me on my cedar arrows. I just whittled them off. The guy who built the arrows put some crappy nocks on some otherwise pretty good arrows.

          • SteveMcD
              Post count: 870

              Why not just build up the serving material on your bowstring to accomodate the nock width?

            • 6arrows
                Post count: 17

                i have used the heat method only i use a propane torch i simply have the torch setting on a table heat the nock up by getting it close to the flame and spinning it and simply pop it off with a pair of pliers

              • Ralph
                  Post count: 2580

                  I agree with 6arrows. Works for me, just be careful. Had a piece of that hot plastic pop off into the web of my hand once and burned really deep. Sucker stuck to me. Got a visible reminder to keep my head where my hands are. Works good if your careful. Some say that you can dip the nock into boiling water and pull them off. Dunno. Since I burned some feathers in the kitchen once, 20 yrs. ago, I still ain’t allowed to take arrows into the kitchen.:lol:

                • Champno6
                    Post count: 9

                    Traditional nocks were not built to snap on the string. Modern snap nocks completely detract from a good set of wood arrows. If you want your nock to hold on the string yet still look like a traditional nock, simply hold the nock in front of a hot tea kettle or dip it in boiling water for a few seconds and simply pinch it a bit. Best way to remove a nock from a wood arrow is with a knife and carefully and slowly cut it off. Be careful not to slice too much into the shaft.

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